68 research outputs found

    The Ursinus Weekly, April 19, 1937

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    Clouse elected head of college YMCA • Craigie and Scherfel given operetta leads • Tea dance and play feature open house • Curtain Club old reliables to play Roundabout May 15 • Four boys, two girls to be awarded open scholarships • Brotherhood elects Robinson; banquet planned for May 11 • Pageantry students visit New York City art centers • Shaky Europe foundations postpone war, says Malin • Ursinus grad speaks to co-eds on short story writing career • Artistry par excellence is byword of Roberta\u27s mystic magic benefit • Curtain Club member of local drama league; Sibbald v-pres. • Black to speak on poetry • Socialist tells Y. audience economic system must change • 13 co-eds finish 14 debates; 13 more admitted to W.D. club • Rev. Witmer \u2730, elected head of Lancaster alumni at banquet • IRC takes 4 new members • Grizzlies split with Swarthmore, Lehigh • Chess team drops 2 meets • Curtis tops volleyballershttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1928/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, October 11, 1937

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    Tomlinson, Plunkett again to head \u2738 weekend • Sunnybrook\u27s Leroy Wilson to play this Saturday in gymnasium • Seniors to publish Ruby in honor of Witmer • Mikado, Sweetheart to be staged by Philip • Willauer passes bar exams first time up • Grizzlies trampled 15-0 in rain by Red Devils • Faculty club hears Wilcox at year\u27s first meeting • Four itinerant students to recount summer trips • Rotary Club and church hear Dr. McClure • Early co-ed life theme at WSGA mass meeting • To enforce arbitration or not, that is the question • Franchot tone played part now held by Rollin Lawrence • Faculty chess devotees to present championship cup • Mac\u27s bears to face Lions in fray Saturday • Hockeyites drop first to Swarthmore, 3-0 • Brodbeck doesn\u27t play, but leads anyway • Pastrymen paste Dickinson to continue streak • Kellett\u27s frosh gridsters to open at Farm School • McClures formally receive eighty members of faculty and wives • Serious note struck in aim of French Club meeting • Entire vespers devoted to singinghttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1877/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, May 3, 1937

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    300 sub-freshmen see Ursinus at open house • Present room drawing system to be scrapped • May 21 is set as tentative date for annual May hop • McClure announces Rev. J. H. Brumbaugh as 67th commencement exercises speaker • WSGA electees take office in annual co-ed ceremony • Class day program is set ; rehearsals to start soon • College to use off-campus men\u27s dormitory next year • Musical organizations present classical and modern program • Vespers has music theme • Ruby to appear May 15; Dr. McClure\u27s opening address included in annual • Ursinus moves up scholastic ladder, according to freshmen psych exams • Frosh co-eds pick posies to honor senior sisters • Frosh enrollment doubles last year\u27s of same date • Bears tie Bucknell in called encounter • High school trackmen lower 3 field markshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1930/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, April 26, 1937

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    It\u27s fun to be fooled is password of 500 • Richard H. Yahraes elected Lantern head for 1937-38 • Bodley gets Varsity Club presidency; McClure, Harman and Ben Ogden speak • Albright takes bears\u27 league opener, 15-6 • Pancoast and Trout head student open house comm. • Ursinus brings wedded bliss, says alumnus, famous writer • Penn professor defines lyric poetry for English groupers • Russia no longer communistic, Dr. Scholz tells Y. audience • WSGA members elected • 20 attend peace meeting • Worster is play manager • Girls learn how to \u27make-up\u27; pageant committees are picked • Eshbach beats record in trial track meet • Rain restrains racketeers • Shelley\u27s orators finish season of 18 argumentshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1929/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, February 28, 1938

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    Negro problem to be Dr. Hill\u27s topic • 7-role comedy picked as junior play • College to confer two honorary degrees • Soph hop promises novelties, surprises • Blind students entertain at YW-YM meeting • New catalog may be obtained tomorrow at dean\u27s office • Take 1 out of 3 in court week • Ursinus has largest group at Pocono conference • Ursinus girls to model at AAUW style show • Coed team gains draw with Beaver, 21-21 • Leopards outpoint bears in wrestling, 20-6 • Penn medical school professor to address pre-meds • Widow of ex-language prof. dies at Los Angeles Monday • Coed debaters affirm arbitration in meet with Drexel Techhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1892/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, September 27, 1937

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    Wilkinson puppeteers from London to appear in Bomberger on Friday • Ravenous students devour 700 dogs • Pa. clubwomen hold annual meeting here • Irwin selected head of regional Y council • Activities council picks dance dates • Pres. McClure to attend Muhlenberg inauguration • Band stock hits new high as 12 new members swell ranks • First vespers attracts 93; Dr. Barnard speaks outdoors • Frank Tornetta \u2738, elected to head day study denizens • Tryouts to be held tonight for Night over Taos • Ditzel and Mertz announce editorial and business staffs for 1938 Ruby • Five new ministerial students join Brotherhood of St. Paul • Alumni marriages during the past summer • Soccer success hinges on veterans says Baker, deploring lack of frosh • McAvoy-Stevens line shows strength, but Bisons sweep ends to win 21-0 • Bears to open home season with Delaware U. Saturday • Twenty cub grid hopefuls report to coach Kellett • Five dorms to try to stop Brodbeck steamrollerhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1875/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, April 12, 1937

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    Two Byron sisters to practice black art before benefit audience in gym, Apr. 24 • Brandt elected head of WSGA • Two Weekly men attend INA meet • Local peace meeting to hear Malin, Wells • Enterprise freedom stressed by Boswell • Attendance record set at junior prom • Juniors give unusual and sinister drama • Tablet honoring former professor unveiled in the academy of music • Seniors to compete in annual Paisley prize essay contest • Y.M. officers nominated; to be elected tomorrow • Women discuss cooperative groups at Clamer meeting • Lancaster alumni to hold banquet, dinner April 16 • Orchestra, Glee Club to hold open house concert • Pan-Americanism to be subject of speakers at IRC meeting • Williams and Byron argue in last debate of season • Prof. Herring to address French Club at meeting • Brotherhood of St. Paul to elect officers Tuesday night • Du Pont pictures shown at Hall Chemical meeting • English Club to meet • Sewing machine demonstration given before Pageantry Club • Baseball banned under 1887 edict • Intramural program featured by students and professional bouts • Bear \u2737 track team to depend on frosh • Tutelage of Leroy N. Mills received by grid players • Harman and Ogden to address Varsity clubbers on April 20 • Frosh defeat juniors to win girls\u27 interclass court crownhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1927/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, January 31, 1938

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    This is a satire issue of the Ursinus Weekly newspaper, entitled The Ersinus Weaklie.https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1888/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, November 1, 1937

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    Graterford Pen to be toured by Y\u27s • Student councils to present maestro Johnny Williams, Gottschall announces • Seniors to present American comedy December 4 • Editorial: Plea for better cheering • Three sporting events, dance, and receptions feature Old Timer\u27s Day • Alumni head declines office in letter • Students hear Robert Frost at Haverford • Sorority to sponsor art exhibit of watercolors • Ursinus Woman\u27s Club has executive meeting • Frosh set frosh precedent with hayride plans • Father of Pancoast to speak at group meeting • Group to see Shubert show at Forrest Theatre • Sororities to rush this week • Drexel Dragons hand bears second league defeat • Penn blasted 4-0, hockey team wins again • Temple stopped by undefeated soccermen • F. and M. won only 1 of last 7 meets • Wallick wins this week! You can win next week!! • Alumna writer to speak to club • Meet in dormitory under new system • Lees and Benscoter are IRC speakershttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1880/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, February 21, 1938

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    Ursinus to be Michigan at government conf. • All-Ursinus conference to be revived by Y\u27s • T.K.A., debaters start busy forensic season • Illness keeps Curtain Club from Penn cultural olympics • Lantern date is announced, two committees appointed • Next year\u27s enrollment is 10 % completed to date • 142 men taken to Lorelei; has cherry tree theme • Hoosier schoolmaster is Friday night film • Courtmen split games, stay put • Forfeit forces another loss for grapplers • Number 1 win scored by frosh, over Albright • Snellians walk away with Moravian, 51-7 • Hockeyites and hikers receive awards from co-ed athletic association • Maples, Glenwood, South take first dorm games • Brandt rates friendship above activitieshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1891/thumbnail.jp
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