4 research outputs found

    Let's talk about grief:Protocol of a study on the recognition and psychoeducation of prolonged grief disorder in outpatients with common mental disorders

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    Background: Recognition that the loss of a loved one may result in prolonged grief disorder (PGD) has gained broad attention recently. PGD may disturb daily functioning to such a degree that mental health treatment is required. Because PGD symptoms often resemble symptoms of common mental disorders (CMD) such as anxiety, depressive, and post-traumatic stress disorder, clinicians may not consider a PGD diagnosis. Moreover, cultural varieties in expression of PGD may complicate recognition. This study explores the prevalence of PGD among both natives and refugees with anxiety, depressive, or trauma- and/or stressor-related disorders as well as clinicians' awareness and knowledge of PGD symptoms. In addition, a psychoeducation module on PGD symptoms is developed through patient expert collaboration. Methods: Prevalence of PGD symptoms is investigated among 50 participants who are referred to outpatient clinics for anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress, using the Traumatic Grief Inventory—Self Report Plus (TGI-SR+) and the Bereavement and Grief—Cultural Formulation Interview (BG-CFI). Clinicians will be interviewed on knowledge (gaps) with respect to PGD symptoms. Finally, focus groups with patient experts are held to develop a psychoeducation module tailored to the patients' needs, norms and values. Results: This study will show prevalence of PGD among patients who are referred for anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress, awareness and knowledge of clinicians on PGD symptoms, and will offer patient expert informed psychoeducation. Discussion: Research on prevalence and recognition of PGD is vital. Study results of the prevalence of PGD will be compared to previous studies. Recognition of PGD as distinct disorder from CMDs requires clinicians' awareness of symptoms related to the loss of a loved one. Thereby, clinicians need to take cultural aspects related to death, bereavement and mourning into consideration. Ethics and dissemination: The study protocol will be carried out in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations. Exploratory research to assess the prevalence of PGD in patients suffering from CMDs will facilitate adequate diagnosis by increasing clinician's awareness of PGD symptoms. Tailored PGD psychoeducation, co-created by culturally diverse patient experts and clinicians will be made publicly available

    Reduced capacity of antibodies from patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) group O to neutralize primary isolates of HIV-1 group M viruses

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    Neutralizing antibody patterns in sera of persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) groups M and a to their homologous and heterologous primary isolates were determined in a peripheral blood mononuclear cell-based neutralization assay and correlated with their ability to bind to V3 loop synthetic peptides. Most HIV-1 group M sera (9/16) neutralized HIV-1 group a viruses, whereas fewer group a sera (3/13) only weakly neutralized HIV-1 group M viruses. Group M sera neutralizing HIV-1 group a viruses neutralized other HIV-1 group M viruses with titers of 1:10-1:1280. V3 loop binding capacity of sera did not reflect their neutralizing capacity of the homologous isolate. Despite the reduced neutralizing capacity of group a-infected patients ' sera to group M viruses, some group M- infected patients ' sera neutralized both HIV-1 group M and a isolates, suggesting that they share some conserved neutralizing epitopes. Nucleic acid sequence analysis of the envelope gene of hu-man immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) isolates has thus far distinguished at least 8 subtypes, A-H [1-3], which to-gether are referred to as HIV-1 group M (for major). However, the relevance of these genetic subtypes in terms of neutraliza