147 research outputs found

    Characteristics of galls formed by Lipara pullitarsis Doskočil & Chvála, 1971 (Diptera, Chloropidae) on common reed (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. Ex Steud, 1841)

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    We studied galls formed by Lipara pullitarsis in the apical part of common reed stems, paying particular attention to the number and length of internodes that formed the basal part of each gall. L. similis galls were used only as a reference for the study of L. pullitarsis galls, as they were characterised by a uniform structural pattern and a shape similar to some galls produced by L. pullitarsis. L. pullitarsis galls vary in shape. The species is found in conspicuous galls that are narrow at the base and have a wider apical part. It can also be found inside rod-shaped galls similar to those formed by L. similis. The shape of an L. pullitarsis gall is determined by the number and length of internodes that form its basal part, with the length of internodes III, IV and V being of the greatest significance

    Impact Of Social Capital On Individual Well-Being In Poland. Proxy-Based Approach

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    In this paper we attempt to quantify the impact of social capital on individual well-being. We follow the Putnam (1995) approach and select five key social capital components to construct a synthetic index for social capital using a multivariate probit model. Social capital is considered as one of the three crucial individual endowments: physical capital, human capital and social capital. The impact of the synthetically constructed social capital index on individual’s well-being is estimated using a Mincer type earning equation. The results show that social capital explains up to 20% of income variation both at individual and household level. However, human capital and physical capital remain the critical determinants of individual income.social capital, income, well-being, local community, household


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    Paon bez wątpienia zasługuje na miano pierwszej kawiarni artystycznej Młodej Polski. Został on założony w 1869 roku przez Ferdynanda Turlińskiego, byłego właściciela restauracji i hotelu Pod Różą. Lokal mieścił się przy ulicy Szpitalnej 38 i działał pod nazwą "Teatralna", vis à vis Teatru Miejskiego (tj. dzisiejszego Teatru im. Juliusza Słowackiego). Na Teatralną składały się restauracja na piętrze, kawiarnia z bilardem na parterze i salki do gry w karty


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    Jama Michalika

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    Znajdująca się po dziś dzień w Kamienicy Bełzowskiej przy ulicy Floriańskiej 45 Jama Michalika1 jest drugą, obok Paonu, najsłynniejszą artystyczną kawiarnią Młodej Polski. Założył ją w 1895 roku Jan Apolinary Michalik, cukiernik przybyły po praktyce ze Lwowa. Lokal nazywał się wówczas "Cukiernia Lwowska". Spotykali się tu pisarze, malarze i aktorzy. Miejsce zostało przechrzczone na "Jamę", ponieważ nie posiadało okien. Według relacji Antoniego Waśkowskiego na początku był to lokal odwiedzany głównie przez artystów związanych z krakowską Szkołą Sztuk Pięknych (od 1900 roku - Akademią Sztuk Pięknych). Z czasem zaczęli pojawiać się literaci i artyści teatru. Szybko okazało się, że ciastka, mimo swych wysublimowanych nazw (np. Goplana, Marzenie), nie zrobiły furory, więc cukiernia przerodziła się w kawiarnię. Wtedy Michalik zatrudnił kelnerów (w cukierni pracowali tylko chłopcy). Jednak prawdziwą reklamą lokalu stali się artyści

    Cigarette smoking by young people attending health promoting schools : selected causes and structure

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    Cel pracy. Palenie papierosów wśród młodzieży staje się coraz poważniejszym problemem. Rozwiązanie problemów związanych z paleniem papierosów może przynieść stała przebudowa wzorców postępowania, systematyczna zmiana obyczajów i wzorców kulturowych, wpisana w edukacyjne programy antynikotynowe Szkół Promujących Zdrowie. Celem tego badania była ocena struktury palenia papierosów, czynników demograficznych i środowiskowych determinujących palenie papierosów przez młodych ludzi w szkołach promujących zdrowie. Materiał i metody. Badanie przeprowadzono w pięciu szkołach promujących zdrowie w Tarnowie i okolicach (gimnazjum, liceum). W badaniu wzięło udział 663 uczniów w wieku 13-18 lat. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone dwa razy wśród tych samych osób: kiedy uczestnicy rozpoczęli naukę i pod koniec edukacji. Uczniowie wypełnili autorski kwestionariusz ankiety, w którym pytania zostały oparte na raporcie HBSC. Wyniki. W pierwszym badaniu palenie papierosów zadeklarowało 32,0% uczniów (chłopcy - S=1,15; SD=0,36; dziewczęta - S=1,12, SD=0,32). W drugim badaniu palenie zadeklarowało 37,3% uczniów (chłopcy - S=1,3, SD=0,36; dziewczęta - S=1,18; SD=0,39). Chłopcy kiedykolwiek palili znacznie częściej niż dziewczęta (pierwsze badanie - p=0,0131, drugie badanie - p=0,0028). Na wsi mieszkało statystycznie istotnie więcej osób palących papierosy (28,5%) w porównaniu do osób mieszkających na obszarach miejskich (19,9%) (p=0,006). Wnioski. Badanym szkołom promującym zdrowie nie udało się opóźnić i zapobiec inicjacji tytoniowej wśród młodzieży. Skutecznej profilaktyki nie sposób było realizować również bez wsparcia rodziców.Aim. Smoking among young people is becoming an increasingly serious problem. The solution to the problems related to smoking can be brought about by the constant reconstruction of behavior patterns, a systematic change of customs and cultural patterns, included in the educational anti-smoking programs of Health Promoting Schools. The aim was to evaluate the structure of cigarette smoking, the demographic and environmental factors that determine smoking among young people. Material and methods. The study was conducted in five Health Promoting Schools in Tarnów (Junior High School, High School). 663 students from five schools participated in the study, age 13-18. The study has been conducted two Times among the same sample: when the participants started school and in the end of education. The students completed an author's questionnaire based on the HBSC report. Cigarette smoking was declared by 32.0% of the students in the first study (boys - S=1,15; SD=0,36; girls - S=1,12, SD=0,32). In the second study, cigarette smoking was declared by 37.3% (boys - S=1,3, SD=0,36; girls - S=1,18; SD=0,39). Boys have ever smoked significantly more often than girls (1st study - p=0.0131, 2nd study - p=0.0028). There were statistically significantly more people living in rural areas and smoking cigarettes (28.5%) compared to people living in urban areas (19.9%) (p=0.006). During school education, both boys and girls increased the number of cigarettes smoked and the frequency of smoking. Conclusions The health promoting schools surveyed failed to delay and prevent tobacco initiation among adolescents. Effective prophylaxis cannot be implemented also without the support of parents

    Gnomeo, Gnomeo, perché parli dialetto, Gnomeo? Uso del dialetto nei film d’animazione

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    Il dialetto, oltre a essere sistematicamente sfruttato nei film nazionali e, dagli anni ’70, anche nel doppiaggio di quelli stranieri, ben presto approda nei film a disegni animati, assolvendovi tre principali funzioni: imitativa, quando il dialetto della versione doppiata ricalca una varietà diatopica sfruttata nell’originale; creativa, quando il dialetto viene usato dal personaggio nonostante nell’originale esso non sfoggi alcuna varietà diatopica; connotativa, quando si assiste alla ricostruzione del personaggio attraverso la lingua, e il dialetto connota tratti caratteriali stereotipici che conferiscono al protagonista una sorta di nuova identità

    Passive auxiliaries in Italian FL didactics

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    This article attempts to examine the passive auxiliaries in modern Italian and how they are presented to the Italian language learners. A growing body of research has been throwing light on the fact that the passive auxiliaries are not only the canonical essere and venire, but also andare, which is open to a twofold interpretation («modal passive» and «loss passive»), as well as rimanere, restare, trovarsi, vedersi and finire. In view of this, the analysis of syllabi of Italian L2 and of Italian grammar books has been carried out. The analysis of seven syllabi has confirmed the tendency to introduce the passive voice at B2 level. As far as auxiliaries are concerned, the syllabi refer explicitly to five: essere, venire, andare, restare andrimanere. The second analysis, carried out on sixteen grammar textbooks for Italian language learning, has shown some weakness regarding the teaching of passive auxiliaries, such as a) lack of any semantic differentiation between use of essere and venire; b) a certain selectivity in presenting aspects of the remainder of auxiliaries (andare, rimanere, vedersi, trovarsi and finire are rarely presented in their entirety); c) various theoretical disagreements in the presentation of the rules that guide the use of passive auxiliaries.This article attempts to examine the passive auxiliaries in modern Italian and how they are presented to the Italian language learners. A growing body of research has been throwing light on the fact that the passive auxiliaries are not only the canonical essere and venire, but also andare, which is open to a twofold interpretation («modal passive» and «loss passive»), as well as rimanere, restare, trovarsi, vedersi and finire. In view of this, the analysis of syllabi of Italian L2 and of Italian grammar books has been carried out. The analysis of seven syllabi has confirmed the tendency to introduce the passive voice at B2 level. As far as auxiliaries are concerned, the syllabi refer explicitly to five: essere, venire, andare, restare andrimanere. The second analysis, carried out on sixteen grammar textbooks for Italian language learning, has shown some weakness regarding the teaching of passive auxiliaries, such as a) lack of any semantic differentiation between use of essere and venire; b) a certain selectivity in presenting aspects of the remainder of auxiliaries (andare, rimanere, vedersi, trovarsi and finire are rarely presented in their entirety); c) various theoretical disagreements in the presentation of the rules that guide the use of passive auxiliaries


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