4 research outputs found

    Semi-solid processing method for cast iron

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    Abstract A device for the fabrication of ingots from cast iron of globular non-dendritic structure of the primary phase was designed and made, using the principle of overflow on the Slope Cooling Plate, known as the SCP method. Trials were made on hypoeutectic grey cast iron and high-chromium cast iron. Even during the first trials the intended effect has been achieved, which means that a fragmentation and globularization of the primary austenite was obtained. A simultaneous effect of the applied SCP technique on the shape of graphite in grey cast iron was observed

    Metoda przetwarzania żeliwa w stanie półstałym

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    A device for the fabrication of ingots from cast iron of globular non-dendritic structure of the primary phase was designed and made, using the principle of overflow on the Slope Cooling Plate, known as the SCP method. Trials were made on hypoeutectic grey cast iron and high-chromium cast iron. Even during the first trials the intended effect has been achieved, which means that a fragmentation and globularization of the primary austenite was obtained. A simultaneous effect of the applied SCP technique on the shape of graphite in grey cast iron was observed.Zaprojektowano i skonstruowano urządzenie do wytwarzania wlewków z żeliwa o globularnej - niedendrytycznej strukturze fazy pierwotnej. W tym celu wykorzystano zasadę przepływu po płycie pochyłej, tj. metodę SCP (Slope Cooling Plate). Wykonano próby z zastosowaniem żeliwa szarego podeutektycznego i żeliwa wysokochromowego. Już w trakcie pierwszych prób osiągnięto zamierzony efekt, co oznacza, że doprowadzono do fragmentaryzacji i globularyzacji austenitu pierwotnego. Zaobserwowano równoczesny wpływ zastosowanej techniki SCP na postać grafitu w żeliwie szarym

    The Potential of Evolutionary Methods in Architectural Design

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    In this paper we examine the potential of combining 2D shape packing algorithms and evolutionary methods in the design process. We investigate the ways such algorithms can be used in architectural design and how they may influence it. In the first part of this paper we introduce the theoretical framework of packing algorithms and genetic algorithms as well as the traditional design process and the nature of design problems. In the second part of the paper we introduce a software prototype that tests these algorithms in two contexts: the preliminary design of a shading façade pattern and the design of commercial housing layouts. The aim for both experiments was to generate optimal configurations based on user-defined criteria without resorting to exhaustive search. Several lessons were learned that point to the potential of evolutionary methods in architecture as well as the limitations of such methods. We conclude the paper with recommendations for further developing this research project

    Renewable energy technical systems installed in the autonomous house

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    W pracy przedstawiono charakterystykę domu autonomicznego wraz z zainstalowanymi systemami technicznymi odnawialnych źródeł energii. Przedstawiono analizę wyników uzysku z instalacji słonecznej z okresu 6-ciu miesięcy i zużycia energii, pod kątem autonomiczności badanego obiektu. W wyniku analizy statystycznej przeprowadzonych badań wykazano autonomiczność badanego obiektu.The paper presents a characteristic of an autonomous house together with its renewable energy technical systems. The analysis of the test results has been given with regard to solar energy recovery for 6 months and energy consumption in view of self – sufficiency of the investigated house. Based on the statistical analysis of the results the fact that the building is autonomous has been confirmed