28 research outputs found

    A new framework for efficient password-based authenticated key exchange

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    Protocols for password-based authenticated key exchange (PAKE) allow two users who share only a short, low-entropy password to agree on a cryptographically strong session key. The challenge in designing such protocols is that they must be immune to off-line dictionary attacks in which an eavesdropping adversary exhaustively enumerates the dictionary of likely passwords in an attempt to match a password to the set of observed transcripts. To date, few general frameworks for constructing PAKE protocols in the standard model are known. Here, we abstract and generalize a protocol by Jiang and Gong to give a new methodology for realizing PAKE without random oracles, in the common reference string model. In addition to giving a new approach to the problem, the resulting construction offers several advantages over prior work. We also describe an extension of our protocol that is secure within the universal composability (UC) framework and, when instantiated using El Gamal encryption, is more efficient than a previous protocol of Canetti et al.

    Differentially Private Nonparametric Hypothesis Testing

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    Hypothesis tests are a crucial statistical tool for data mining and are the workhorse of scientific research in many fields. Here we study differentially private tests of independence between a categorical and a continuous variable. We take as our starting point traditional nonparametric tests, which require no distributional assumption (e.g., normality) about the data distribution. We present private analogues of the Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney, and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests, as well as the parametric one-sample t-test. These tests use novel test statistics developed specifically for the private setting. We compare our tests to prior work, both on parametric and nonparametric tests. We find that in all cases our new nonparametric tests achieve large improvements in statistical power, even when the assumptions of parametric tests are met

    Externally Verifiable Oblivious RAM

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    We present the idea of externally verifiable oblivious RAM (ORAM). Our goal is to allow a client and server carrying out an ORAM protocol to have disputes adjudicated by a third party, allowing for the enforcement of penalties against an unreliable or malicious server. We give a security definition that guarantees protection not only against a malicious server but also against a client making false accusations. We then give modifications of the Path ORAM and Ring ORAM protocols that meet this security definition. These protocols both have the same asymptotic runtimes as the semi-honest original versions and require the external verifier to be involved only when the client or server deviates from the protocol. Finally, we implement externally verified ORAM, along with an automated cryptocurrency contract to use as the external verifier

    Fair Computation with Rational Players

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    We consider the problem of fair multiparty computation, where fairness means (informally) that all parties should learn the correct output. A seminal result of Cleve (STOC 1986) shows that fairness is, in general, impossible to achieve if a majority of the parties is malicious. Here, we treat all parties as rational and seek to understand what can be done. Asharov et al. (Eurocrypt 2011) showed impossibility of rational fair computation in the two-party setting, for a particular function and a particular choice of utilities. We observe, however, that in their setting the parties have no strict incentive to compute the function even in an ideal world where fairness is guaranteed. Revisiting the problem, we show that rational fair computation is possible, for arbitrary functions, as long as the parties have a strict incentive to compute the function in an ideal world where fairness is guaranteed. Our results extend to more general utility functions that do not directly correspond to fairness, as well as to the multi-party setting. Our work thus shows a new setting in which game-theoretic considerations can be used to circumvent a cryptographic impossibility result

    CompGC: Efficient Offline/Online Semi-honest Two-party Computation

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    We introduce a new technique, component-based garbled circuits, for increasing the efficiency of secure two-party computation in the offline/online semi-honest setting. We observe that real-world functions are generally constructed in a modular way, comprising many standard components such as arithmetic operations and other common tasks. Our technique allows circuits for these common tasks to be garbled and shared during an offline phase; once the function to compute is specified, these pre-shared components can be chained together to create a larger garbled circuit. We stress that we do not assume that the function is known during the offline phase --- only that it uses some common, predictable components. We give an implementation, CompGC, of this technique and measure the efficiency gains for various examples. We find that our technique results in roughly an order of magnitude performance improvement over standard garbled circuit-based secure two-party computation

    New notions and mechanisms for statistical privacy

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    Many large databases of personal information currently exist in the hands of corporations, nonprofits, and governments. The data in these databases could be used to answer any number of important questions, aiding in everything from basic research to day-to-day corporate decision-making. These questions must be answered while respecting the privacy of the individuals whose data are being used. However, even defining privacy in this setting can be difficult. The standard definition in the field is differential privacy. During the years since its introduction, a wide variety of query algorithms have been found that can achieve meaningful utility while at the same time protecting the privacy of individuals. However, differential privacy is a very strong definition, and in some settings it can seem too strong. Given the difficulties involved in getting differentially private output to all desirable queries, many have looked for ways to weaken differential privacy without losing its meaningful privacy guarantees. Here we discuss two such weakenings. The first is computational differential privacy, originally defined by Mironov et al. We find the promise of this weakening to be limited. We show two results that severely curtail the potential for computationally private mechanisms to add any utility over those that achieve standard differential privacy when working in the standard setting with all data held by a single entity. We then propose our own weakening, coupled-worlds privacy. This definition is meant to capture the cases where reasonable bounds can be placed on the adversary's certainty about the data (or, equivalently, the adversary's auxiliary information). We discuss the motivation for the definition, its relationship to other definitions in the literature, and its useful properties. Coupled-worlds privacy is actually a framework with which specific definitions can be instantiated, and we discuss a particular instantiation, distributional differential privacy, which we believe is of particular interest. Having introduced this definition, we then seek new distributionally differentially private query algorithms that can release useful information without the need to add noise, as is necessary when satisfying differential privacy. We show that one can release a variety of query output with distributional differential privacy, including histograms, sums, and least-squares regression lines

    A New Framework for Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange

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    Protocols for password-based authenticated key exchange (PAKE) allow two users who share only a short, low-entropy password to agree on a cryptographically strong session key. The challenge in designing such protocols is that they must be immune to off-line dictionary attacks in which an eavesdropping adversary exhaustively enumerates the dictionary of likely passwords in an attempt to match a password to the set of observed transcripts. To date, few general frameworks for constructing PAKE protocols in the standard model are known. Here, we abstract and generalize a protocol by Jiang and Gong to give a new methodology for realizing PAKE without random oracles, in the common reference string model. In addition to giving a new approach to the problem, the resulting construction offers several advantages over prior work. We also describe an extension of our protocol that is secure within the universal composability~(UC) framework and, when instantiated using El Gamal encryption, is more efficient than a previous protocol of Canetti et al