7 research outputs found

    Bilan et perspectives de la Recherche en Agriculture Bio-dynamique

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    L’Agriculture Biodynamique (BD) a été l’objet de nombreux efforts de recherches durant les dernières décennies, bien qu’une partie de la communauté scientifique regarde les méthodes biodynamiques avec scepticisme et les considère comme dogmatiques. Néanmoins, comme cela est montré dans cet article de synthèse, une part non négligeable des résultats présentés dans des revues scientifiques à comité de lecture et issus d’expérimentations contrôlées de plein champ, ou d’étude de cas, montrent des effets des préparations biodynamiques sur le rendement, la qualité du sol et la biodiversité. De plus, les préparations biodynamiques ont un impact environnemental positif en termes d’utilisation et d’efficacité énergétique. Cependant, le mode d’action mécanique des préparations biodynamique est toujours en cours d’investigation en sciences naturelles. Par ailleurs, les méthodes d’évaluations de la qualité basées sur des approches globales (holistiques) sont de plus en plus étudiées et reconnues. L’agriculture BD s’efforce également, comme cela est montré dans plusieurs publications, d’influencer positivement le paysage culturel. La synthèse des données montre le besoin de poursuivre les recherches dans le domaine de la qualité des aliments, de la sécurité alimentaire, des performances environnementales (par ex. l’empreinte écologique), et sur l’influences des pratiques BD sur les animaux d’élevage


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    Introduction, production and marketing in alternative (underutilized, neglected, disregarded, rare) crops is a very complex system, but very helpful for producers and consumers. Based on eighteen years of Slovenian experiences since establishment of certification of organic agriculture, research on under-utilized field crops and publisi materials we can conclude that many additional activities are needed to establishing an effective production system and market for underutilized field crops. Primari, high by efficient organic production must follow professional knowledge of production, guidelines for organic production and post harvest technology including food processing. Special attention must be paid to production of introduced species in the region. For example, our research project on four oil crops grown under dry conditions, including greenhouse experiments is a contribution to how to include less sensitive crops into rotation systems because of climate changes. Activities such as expansion of the knowledge on organic products, and especially about nutritional and health value of crops are very important. Organizing projects why and how to use this kind of food in the kindergartens, schools, old people’s homes and hospitals shows promising results, especially when the culinary presentation includes explanation of beneficial effects on human health. On the other side the useful research is obligatory; for example an explanation how to prepare tasty and highly essential amino-acid valued bread made from grain amaranth and whole meal spelt. Also the models for decission support are developed, but due to the lack of data, their use is not often in accordance with the needs in practice.Uvođenje, proizvodnja i prodaja alternativnih (zapostavljenih) usjeva je vrlo složen, ali i vrlo koristan proces za proizvođača i za potrošača. Na temelju osamnaestogodišnjeg slovenskog iskustva od pokretanja i certificiranja ekološke poljoprivrede, istraživanja malo korištenih poljskih usjeva i publiciranih radova možemo zaključiti da su potrebne još mnoge dodatne aktivnosti kako bi se uspostavio efikasan proizvodni sistem i tržište za nedovoljno korištene poljske usjeve. Visoko učinkovita ekološka proizvodnja treba se temeljiti na stručnom znanju o tehnologiji proizvodnje, stručnim uputama, te tehnologijama spremanja i prerade uroda nakon žetve. Posebnu pažnju traži proizvodni sistem za svaku novouvedenu vrstu usjeva u određenom uzgojnom području. Npr. naš projekt istraživanja uzgoja četiriju uljarica u uvjetima suše, uključujući pokuse u stakleniku, prilog je uključivanju u proizvodnju manje osjetljivih usjeva – vezano uz klimatske promjene. Od posebne je važnosti širenje znanja o ekološkoj proizvodnji, posebno o nutritivnoj i zdravstvenoj vrijednosti takvih proizvoda. Projekti s ciljem uključivanja ekoloških proizvoda u dječje vrtiće, škole, staračke domove i bolnice dali su obećavajuće rezultate, posebno ako su kulinarske prezentacije bile praćene isticanjem pozitivnog učinka na zdravlje. S druge strane neophodna su korisna istraživanja, npr. kako načiniti hranidbeno visokovrijedan (bogat esencijalnim aminokiselinama) i ukusan kruh od štira i cjelovitog brašna krupnika (T. spelta). Također, razvijen je model podrške u donošenju odluke, no zbog nedostatka podataka, njegovo korištenje nije u skladu s potrebama u praksi


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    Introduction, production and marketing in alternative (underutilized, neglected, disregarded, rare) crops is a very complex system, but very helpful for producers and consumers. Based on eighteen years of Slovenian experiences since establishment of certification of organic agriculture, research on under-utilized field crops and publisi materials we can conclude that many additional activities are needed to establishing an effective production system and market for underutilized field crops. Primari, high by efficient organic production must follow professional knowledge of production, guidelines for organic production and post harvest technology including food processing. Special attention must be paid to production of introduced species in the region. For example, our research project on four oil crops grown under dry conditions, including greenhouse experiments is a contribution to how to include less sensitive crops into rotation systems because of climate changes. Activities such as expansion of the knowledge on organic products, and especially about nutritional and health value of crops are very important. Organizing projects why and how to use this kind of food in the kindergartens, schools, old people’s homes and hospitals shows promising results, especially when the culinary presentation includes explanation of beneficial effects on human health. On the other side the useful research is obligatory; for example an explanation how to prepare tasty and highly essential amino-acid valued bread made from grain amaranth and whole meal spelt. Also the models for decission support are developed, but due to the lack of data, their use is not often in accordance with the needs in practice.Uvođenje, proizvodnja i prodaja alternativnih (zapostavljenih) usjeva je vrlo složen, ali i vrlo koristan proces za proizvođača i za potrošača. Na temelju osamnaestogodišnjeg slovenskog iskustva od pokretanja i certificiranja ekološke poljoprivrede, istraživanja malo korištenih poljskih usjeva i publiciranih radova možemo zaključiti da su potrebne još mnoge dodatne aktivnosti kako bi se uspostavio efikasan proizvodni sistem i tržište za nedovoljno korištene poljske usjeve. Visoko učinkovita ekološka proizvodnja treba se temeljiti na stručnom znanju o tehnologiji proizvodnje, stručnim uputama, te tehnologijama spremanja i prerade uroda nakon žetve. Posebnu pažnju traži proizvodni sistem za svaku novouvedenu vrstu usjeva u određenom uzgojnom području. Npr. naš projekt istraživanja uzgoja četiriju uljarica u uvjetima suše, uključujući pokuse u stakleniku, prilog je uključivanju u proizvodnju manje osjetljivih usjeva – vezano uz klimatske promjene. Od posebne je važnosti širenje znanja o ekološkoj proizvodnji, posebno o nutritivnoj i zdravstvenoj vrijednosti takvih proizvoda. Projekti s ciljem uključivanja ekoloških proizvoda u dječje vrtiće, škole, staračke domove i bolnice dali su obećavajuće rezultate, posebno ako su kulinarske prezentacije bile praćene isticanjem pozitivnog učinka na zdravlje. S druge strane neophodna su korisna istraživanja, npr. kako načiniti hranidbeno visokovrijedan (bogat esencijalnim aminokiselinama) i ukusan kruh od štira i cjelovitog brašna krupnika (T. spelta). Također, razvijen je model podrške u donošenju odluke, no zbog nedostatka podataka, njegovo korištenje nije u skladu s potrebama u praksi

    Overexpression of Grain Amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus) AhERF or AhDOF Transcription Factors in Arabidopsis thaliana Increases Water Deficit- and Salt-Stress Tolerance, Respectively, via Contrasting Stress-Amelioration Mechanisms

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