33 research outputs found

    Kvaliteta konzumnih jaja u odnosu na boju ljuske

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    The present study evaluated the quality of table eggs in relation to shell colour. The study was conducted on 60 table eggs with shells coloured white, green, blue and brown (15 eggs per colour) obtained from laying hens from the same backyard farm. The following external quality traits of table eggs were measured: egg weight, percentage of dirty and cracked eggs, egg width and length, egg shape index, eggshell colour, eggshell weight and percentage, and eggshell thickness. The following internal quality indicators of table eggs were determined: albumen weight and percentage, albumen pH value, albumen width, length and height, Haugh index, albumen index, yolk weight and percentage, yolk pH value, yolk width and height, yolk index and yolk colour. Green eggs had the lowest weight, as well as the lowest width and length. White eggs had the highest eggshell dirtiness scores and egg shape index, while brown eggs had the highest eggshell thickness and weight. Green and brown eggs had the highest albumen index and Haugh index. In addition, green eggs had the lowest yolk width and the highest yolk index. White eggs had the highest albumen and yolk width, the greatest albumen length and the lowest albumen height. Yolks of white and blue eggs had a higher sensory colour score, as well as lower L* and b* values compared to the yolks of green and brown eggs. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that green and brown table eggs are of better overall quality compared to white and blue table eggs.Cilj je istraživanja ovoga rada bio istražiti kvalitetu konzumnih jaja u odnosu na boju ljuske. Istraživanje je provedeno na 60 konzumnih jaja različite boje ljuske (bijela, zelena, plava i smeđa) podrijetlom s istog privatnog gospodarstva (15 jaja po grupi). Od vanjskih parametara kvaliteta konzumnih jaja ispitivani su: masa, postotak s oÅ”tećenjem ljuske, postotak prljavih, dužina i Å”irina, indeks oblika, boja ljuske, masa i postotak ljuske i debljina ljuske. Od unutarnjih parametara kvaliteta konzumnih jaja ispitivani su: masa i postotak bjelanjka, pH bjelanjka, Å”irina, dužina i visina bjelanjka, Hugov indeks, indeks bjelanjka, masa i postotak žutanjka, pH žutanjka, Å”irina i visina žutanjka, indeks žutanjka i boja žutanjka. Zelena jaja su imala najmanju masu, kao i najmanju dužinu i Å”irinu. Bijela jaja su imala najveći stupanj zaprljanosti ljuske i najveći indeks oblika, dok su smeđa jaja imala najveću debljinu i masu ljuske. Zelena i smeđa jaja su imala najveći indek bjelanjka i Hugov indeks. Pored toga, zelena jaja su imala i najmanju Å”irinu žumanjka i najveći indeks žutanjka. Kod bijelih jaja utvrđena je najveća Å”irina žutanjka i bjelanjka, najveća dužina bjelanjka, a najmanja visina bjelanjka. Bijela i plava jaja su imala veću senzornu ocjenu za boju žumanjka, kao i manju L* i b* vrijednost instrumentalno određene boje žumanjka u usporedbi sa zelenim i smeđim jajima. Na osnovi rezultata ovog istraživanja može se zaključiti da su konzumna jaja sa zelenom i smeđom bojom ljuske bolje kvalitete u odnosu na jaja s bijelom i plavom bojom ljuske

    Viruses in shellfish ā€” food safety risks

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    Shellfish production in the EU has declined in recent decades, which is not the case with global aquaculture production of shellfish. The trend towards a healthy lifestyle and diet is becoming increasingly topical and often involves the consumption of uncooked shellfish. Unfortunately, sh ellfish can often be contaminated with various pathogens, especially virus-es, which can endanger human health. Among the outbreaks of shellfish-borne viruses, the most notable are those caused by Norovirus (NoV) and hepatitis A virus (HAV). However, other viruses belonging to the Herpeviridae, Picornaviridae, Adenoviridae, Astroviridae, and Reoviridae can mainly cause intestinal disease in humans after consumption of contami-nated shellfish. The listed viruses have been detected in shellfish worldwide and they are mostly the consequence of sewage-contaminated water. Numerous preventive and control measures are recommended to solve this problem

    Effects of RYR1 gene mutation on the health, welfare, carcass and meat quality in slaughter pigs

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    This study assessed the effects of RYR1 mutation on the health, welfare, and carcass and meat quality in slaughter pigs. Any signs of pneumonia, pleurisy, pericarditis, and liver milk spots were recorded as present or absent. At exsanguination, blood samples were collected and RYR1 genotype, blood lactate and glucose concentrations were determined. The following carcass quality traits were measured: live, hot and cold carcass weights, backfat thickness, loin muscle thickness, lean meat content and skin lesion score. pH and temperature of M. longissimus dorsi and M. semimembranosus were measured 45 minutes postmortem. Nn pigs were more affected by pneumonia, had higher blood lactate and glucose concentrations and more developed rigor mortis than NN pigs. NN pigs had lower daily weight gain, produced lighter carcasses, more fat and less meat than Nn pigs. Meat obtained from Nn pigs was of a lower quality class than meat obtained from NN pigs, as shown by the lower pH and higher temperatures measured 45 minutes post mortem in both muscles and higher prevalence of pale, soft and exudative meat. In conclusion, the presence of a mutant n allele in pigs positively affected carcass quality traits, but had a deleterious effect on health, welfare and meat quality

    Some risk factors that affect contamination of mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from the Bay of Kotor, Montenegro

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    Pollution and contamination of the Bay of Kotor ecosystem arise from both anthropogenic sources and natural weathering. In recent decades, a need has arisen for regular control of marine organisms, which are used in human nutrition, because the entire bay is constantly and increasingly exposed to negative anthropogenic impact. Molluscs, including mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis), can be involved in foodborne disease. They are filter feeding organisms, able to retain and concentrate in their bodies the bacteria, parasites, viruses and biotoxins of marine algae present in their external environment. A structured field study was undertaken in the Bay of Kotor, Montenegro, in order to investigate plausible influence of environmental factors, like rainfall and temperature, on the variability of Escherichia coli and norovirus (NoV). This study focuses on human-derived pathogens that are abundant in sewagerelated sources. We proved the negative correlation between outside temperature and the number of E. coli and the presents of Norovirus in Bay of Kotor mussel. We used this data from the sampling site to discuss options to better manage the risk of contamination of shellfish. From the aspect of food safety, an upgrade of monitoring plans in the future could lead to obtaining safer products

    Factors influencing mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) nutritional quality

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    Mussels display interesting nutritional characteristics as they are a rich source of proteins, carbohydrates and minerals and provide an almost unlimited variety of fatty acids with beneficial roles in human health. The quality characteristics of Mytilus galloprovincialis mussels harvested at seasonal intervals reflect the different environmental conditions met by the animals during their growth. Their chemical composition is strictly dependent on the phytoplankton resources available and, therefore, on the season of harvest. Parameters such as water temperature, food availability and the gametogenesis cycle can influence the meat yields and the biochemical composition of the mussels, conditioning their commercial quality and organoleptic characteristics. In order to determine the nutritional value of blue mussels, it is of great relevance to identify their biochemical composition as well as the most favourable season and geographical location for mussel-harvesting. That data could be useful to indicate the periods of the year more suitable for the marketing and consumption of mussels

    Influence of two different culture media on biofilm formation by Listeria monocytogenes isolated from a small-scale meat processing facility

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    In this study, 20 Listeria monocytogenes isolates detected in a food processing environment and food products were tested for biofilm-forming ability in two different culture media: Tryptone Soya Broth and Luria Bertani Broth. Statistical analysis of the data obtained was performed with the MINITAB software package, version 16.0. The two-sample t-test and confidence interval were used for data analysis. Significant differences between the isolates were observed in the ability to form biofilms

    The common foodborne viruses: A review

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    Transmission pathways of foodborne viruses include contamination of food by infected food handlers, by contamination of food during the production process and by consumption of products of animal origin harbouring a zoonotic virus. Viral foodborne illnesses, which have become a significant cause of all reported foodborne illnesses in recent years and considered as an emerging risk in veterinary public health. Microbiological genomics studies discovered that Noroviruses and hepatitis A viruses were primarily associated with food-handler transmission and sewage-contaminated foods. In contrast, hepatitis E was associated with consumption of raw or undercooked meat of pig or wild animals. In order to facilitate source attribution and identify risk prevention measures, Routine harmonized surveillance of viral outbreaks, and surveillance of virus occurrence in food commodities, in combination with systematic strain typing, and joint expertise from veterinary, food, and clinical microbiologists would be recommended

    Levels and accumulation of selected heavy metals in the One Health approach

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    Meat and meat products are main sources of human nutrients, including protein, minerals, vitamins, and fats. One of the main potential risks of meat consumption, to public health, is the accumulation of heavy metals. Their concentrations in the environment are increasing with the rapid development of human civilization as well as the exploitation of geological resources. Because they are so prevalent in the environment, heavy metals can infiltrate the food chain. Food contamination consequently has the potential to negatively impact consumer health. Heavy metals, including lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and mercury (Hg), that are frequently present in food have toxicological reference values, and their primary dietary sources are known. Their levels in all kinds of food, including meat, are assessed by comparing them with the maximum permissible limits set by the European Union. European Commission Regulation EC 2023/915 sets maximum levels (MLs) of heavy metals allowed in traded meats from domesticated bovine animals, sheep, pigs, and poultry, but also from less frequently eaten meats from wild animals, including cephalopods and bivalve mollusks

    Horse carcass and meat quality ā€” current knowledge and research gaps

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    Horsemeat can be considered a good alternative for conventional meats due to its potential dietetic and health benefits linked with its specific nutritional composition. The aim of this review was to provide information on the carcass and meat quality of horses, as well as methā€‘ ods for their examination based on currently available scientific literature in order to expand knowledge in this field and determine the direction of future research. The most important horse carcass quality indicators are the carcass conformation and carcass fat cover, while the most important horsemeat quality traits are pH, colour, waterā€‘holding capacity and texture. However, more research is needed to establish a classification system for horse carcasses as well as threshold values for colour and waterā€‘holding capacity traits that might be used for horsemeat classification into quality classes

    Identifying Physiological Stress Biomarkers for Prediction of Pork Quality Variation

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    Simple Summary Prediction of technological and sensory pork quality-during a pigs life or quickly after slaughter-is increasingly required by the pork industry in order to classify carcasses or primary cuts of carcasses for different production lines. Therefore, there is increasing demand for the development of accurate, reliable, time-efficient, non-invasive, real-time tools for predicting pork and carcass quality characteristics. Based on this, the aim of this study was to assess the potential use of various physiological stress biomarkers as indicators of carcass and meat quality traits in slaughter pigs subjected to the standard marketing conditions and to minimal stressful preslaughter handling. According to the results of this investigation, lactate dehydrogenase can be considered as a useful predictor of pork quality, while cortisol, alanine amino transferase, and albumin could be useful in prediction of carcass quality. Abstract This study assessed the potential use of various physiological stress biomarkers as indicators of carcass and meat quality traits in 240 pigs subjected to the standard marketing conditions and minimal stressful antemortem handling using Pearson correlations. The most important pork quality traits (pH and temperature, water holding capacity, and color) had limited correlations with stress metabolites (lactate, glucose), stress hormones (cortisol, adrenocorticotropic hormone), stress enzymes (creatine kinase, aspartate amino transferase, alanine amino transferase), electrolytes (sodium, chloride), and acute-phase proteins (haptoglobin, C-reactive protein, albumin), indicating poor reliability in predicting pork quality. Albumin level was moderately positively correlated with live weight, hot carcass weight, cold carcass weight, and back fat thickness. Alanine amino transferase level was moderately positively correlated with live weight, hot carcass weight, and cold carcass weight. Cortisol level was moderately positively correlated with live weight, hot carcass weight, cold carcass weight, and back fat thickness, and moderately negatively correlated with the lean carcass content. Increased lactate dehydrogenase level was moderately correlated with decreased drip and cooking loss. In conclusion, lactate dehydrogenase could help pork producers predict pork quality variation, while cortisol, alanine amino transferase, and albumin could be useful in prediction of carcass quality