79 research outputs found

    A new class of frequently hypercyclic operators

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    We study a hypercyclicity property of linear dynamical systems: a bounded linear operator T acting on a separable infinite-dimensional Banach space X is said to be hypercyclic if there exists a vector x in X such that {T^{n}x : n>0} is dense in X, and frequently hypercyclic if there exists x in X such that for any non empty open subset U of X, the set {n>0 ; T^n x \in U} has positive lower density. We prove that if T is a bounded operator on X which has "sufficiently many" eigenvectors associated to eigenvalues of modulus 1 in the sense that these eigenvectors are perfectly spanning, then T is automatically frequently hypercyclic.Comment: 22 pages. To appear in Indiana Univ. Math.

    An example of a minimal action of the free semi-group \F^{+}_{2} on the Hilbert space

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    The Invariant Subset Problem on the Hilbert space is to know whether there exists a bounded linear operator TT on a separable infinite-dimensional Hilbert space HH such that the orbit {Tnx;Β nβ‰₯0}\{T^{n}x;\ n\ge 0\} of every non-zero vector x∈Hx\in H under the action of TT is dense in HH. We show that there exists a bounded linear operator TT on a complex separable infinite-dimensional Hilbert space HH and a unitary operator VV on HH, such that the following property holds true: for every non-zero vector x∈Hx\in H, either xx or VxVx has a dense orbit under the action of TT. As a consequence, we obtain in particular that there exists a minimal action of the free semi-group with two generators \F^{+}_{2} on a complex separable infinite-dimensional Hilbert space HH.Comment: 10

    A general approach to Read's type constructions of operators without non-trivial invariant closed subspaces

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    We present a general method for constructing operators without non-trivial invariant closed subsets on a large class of non-reflexive Banach spaces. In particular, our approach unifies and generalizes several constructions due to Read of operators without non-trivial invariant subspaces on the spaces β„“1\ell_{1}, c0c_{0} or βŠ•β„“2J\oplus_{\ell_{2}}J, and without non-trivial invariant subsets on β„“1\ell_{1}. We also investigate how far our methods can be extended to the Hilbertian setting, and construct an operator on a quasireflexive dual Banach space which has no non-trivial wβˆ—w^{*}-closed invariant subspace.Comment: Minor modification
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