7 research outputs found

    Wnt, Hedgehog and Junctional Armadillo/β-Catenin Establish Planar Polarity in the Drosophila Embryo

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    To generate specialized structures, cells must obtain positional and directional information. In multi-cellular organisms, cells use the non-canonical Wnt or planar cell polarity (PCP) signaling pathway to establish directionality within a cell. In vertebrates, several Wnt molecules have been proposed as permissible polarity signals, but none has been shown to provide a directional cue. While PCP signaling components are conserved from human to fly, no PCP ligands have been reported in Drosophila. Here we report that in the epidermis of the Drosophila embryo two signaling molecules, Hedgehog (Hh) and Wingless (Wg or Wnt1), provide directional cues that induce the proper orientation of Actin-rich structures in the larval cuticle. We further find that proper polarity in the late embryo also involves the asymmetric distribution and phosphorylation of Armadillo (Arm or β-catenin) at the membrane and that interference with this Arm phosphorylation leads to polarity defects. Our results suggest new roles for Hh and Wg as instructive polarizing cues that help establish directionality within a cell sheet, and a new polarity-signaling role for the membrane fraction of the oncoprotein Arm

    Sonographische Kontrolle des Außenbandapparates am oberen Sprunggelenk bei der frischen Bandruptur und chronischen Bandinstabilität [ = Sonographic studies of the lateral ligament of the proximal ankle joint in recent ligament rupture and chronic ligamental instability]

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    For diagnosis of instability in case of ruptures of the lateral ankle joint ligaments a special ultrasound examination technique was established. In 41 patients with acute ruptures and 8 patients with chronic instabilities a prospective preoperative sonographic instability-testing was performed and compared to intraoperative result. A sensitivity of 0.96 for injuries of the lig. fib. tal. ant. and 0.79 for the lig. fib. calc. proves the exactness of this method. This technique is easy to perform and the result can be documented. This examination is accepted by the patients

    Goal Attainment Scaling: Its Use in Evaluating Pediatric Therapy Programs

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    Goal attainment scaling is becoming an increasingly popular technique for evaluating the functional goal attainment of children receiving pediatric therapy services. This article reports on the experiences of the authors in conducting formal program evaluations using this individualized measurement approach. Goal attainment scaling is described, its utility is assessed, and issues in its use are identified. The article considers the pros and cons of the technique, highlights the key decisions required to use goal attainment scaling effectively, and provides standard criteria and procedures for its use in pediatric settings