13 research outputs found

    Commuting matrices and Atiyah's Real K-theory

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    We describe the C2C_2-equivariant homotopy type of the space of commuting n-tuples in the stable unitary group in terms of Real K-theory. The result is used to give a complete calculation of the homotopy groups of the space of commuting n-tuples in the stable orthogonal group, as well as of the coefficient ring for commutative orthogonal K-theory.Comment: Minor changes. To appear in Journal of Topolog

    Classifying spaces for commutativity of low-dimensional Lie groups

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    For each of the groups G=O(2),SU(2),U(2)G = O(2), SU(2), U(2), we compute the integral and F2\mathbb{F}_2-cohomology rings of BcomGB_\text{com} G (the classifying space for commutativity of GG), the action of the Steenrod algebra on the mod 2 cohomology, the homotopy type of EcomGE_\text{com} G (the homotopy fiber of the inclusion BcomG→BGB_\text{com} G \to BG), and some low-dimensional homotopy groups of BcomGB_\text{com} G.Comment: A shortened version, without the appendices, has been accepted in Math. Proc. Camb. Philos. So

    Commutative K-theory

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    The bar construction BG of a topological group G has a subcomplex BcomG ⊂ BG assembled from spaces of commuting elements in G. If G = U;O (the infinite unitary / orthogonal groups) then BcomU and BcomO are E∞-ring spaces. The corresponding cohomology theory is called commutative K-theory. In this work we study properties of the spaces BcomG and of infinite loop spaces built from them, with an emphasis on the cases G = U,O. The content of this thesis is organised as follows: In Chapter 1 we consider a family of self-maps of BcomG and apply these to study the question when the inclusion map BcomG ⊂ BG admits a section up to homotopy. In Chapter 2 we show that BcomU is a model for the E∞-ring space underlying the ku-group ring of &amp;Copf;P∞. Thus we provide a complete description of complex commutative K-theory. We also study the space BcomO. Our results include a computation of the torsionfree part of the homotopy groups of BcomO and a long exact sequence relating real commutative K-theory to singular mod-2 homology. Chapter 3 is self-contained. We prove a result about the acyclicity of the "comparison map" M∞ → ΩBM in the group-completion theorem and apply this to compare the infinite loop space associated to a commutative &amp;Iopf;-monoid with the Quillen plus-construction. Chapter 4 is concerned with a previously known filtration of Ω0∞S∞ by certain infinite loop spaces {hocolim&amp;Iopf;B(q, Σ_)}q≥2. For each term in this filtration we construct another filtration on the spectrum level, whose subquotients we describe. Our set-up is more general, but the space hocolim&amp;Iopf;B(q, Σ_) will serve as our main example. Appendix A is an excerpt from the author's Oxford transfer thesis. There we gave a construction of an infinite loop space associated to certain subspaces B(q, Γg,1) ⊂ BΓg;1, where Γg;1 is the mapping class group of a genus g surface with one boundary component.</p

    The spectrum for commutative complex K-theory

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