6 research outputs found

    Microbiomes do undestand the potential of diversity, biotechnology and fungal infections

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    Orientador: Prof. Dra. Vania Aparecida VicenteCoorientador: Dra. Ani Beatriz Jackisch MatsuuraTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Bioprocessos e Biotecnologia. Defesa : Curitiba, 20/12/22Inclui referênciasResumo: Os microrganismos representam o maior repertório de diversidade química e molecular na natureza, suportando processos ecológicos como ciclos biogeoquímicos e cadeias alimentares e mantendo relações importantes entre microrganismos e outros organismos. A diversidade microbiana é importante para o funcionamento do ecossistema, como processos ecológicos como decomposição de matéria orgânica, ciclagem de nutrientes, agregação do solo e controle de patógenos. O conhecimento da ecologia natural de fungos clinicamente importantes é essencial para entender a epidemiologia e elucidar as rotas de transmissão e os mecanismos patogênicos. Portanto, pesquisas guiadas por abordagens metagenômicas e genômicas levarão a uma melhor compreensão da biodiversidade dessas linhagens de origem clínica e ambiental, representando uma ferramenta fundamental para elucidar filogenias de genes de virulência. Assim, este trabalho visa identificar a biodiversidade de fungos de interesse clínico e biotecnológico por meio da investigação de sua ocorrência ambiental e dos nichos específicos dessas espécies por meio de metagenômica e análise genômica. Os diferentes tópicos abordados para responder ao objetivo principal são apresentados em capítulos de forma a organizar a história do estudo. Capítulo I é uma introdução geral e projeto de tese. O capítulo 2 é uma revisão da literatura sobre microbioma e análise genômica para acessar a composição fúngica, no capítulo 3 é apresentada uma revisão de escopo sobre o potencial de mineração de biomoléculas em conjuntos de dados metagenômicos. O Capítulo 4 fornece triagem para risco microbiano em cavernas cársticas, e o Capítulo 5 é uma avaliação metagenômica da diversidade de leveduras negras no bioma Amazônia. O Capítulo 6 apresenta um estudo genômico de Exophiala cancerea, e o Capítulo 7 é uma discussão geral e considerações finais. Os resultados apresentados neste estudo mostram o poder das tecnologias de sequenciamento para estudos de composição fúngica.Abstract: Microorganisms represent the largest repertoire of chemical and molecular diversity in nature, supporting ecological processes such as biogeochemical cycles and food chains and maintaining important relationships between microorganisms and other organisms. Microbial diversity is important for ecosystem functioning, as ecological processes such as decomposition of organic matter, nutrient cycling, soil aggregation, and pathogen control. Knowledge of the natural ecology of clinically important fungi is essential to understanding the epidemiology and elucidating transmission routes and pathogenic mechanisms. Therefore, research guided by metagenomic, and genomic approaches will lead to a better understanding of the biodiversity of these lineages of clinical and environmental origin, representing a fundamental tool to elucidate virulence gene phylogenies. Thus, this work aims to identify the biodiversity of fungi of clinical and biotechnological interest through the investigation of their environmental occurrence and the specific niches of these species through metagenomics and genomic analysis. The different topics addressed to respond to the main objective are presented in chapters in order to organize the history of the study. Chapter I is a general introduction and thesis design. The Chapter 2 is a Literature review of microbiome and genomic analysis for access fungal composition, in Chapter 3 is presented a scoping review about the potential for mining for biomolecules in metagenomic datasets. The Chapter 4 provides screened for microbial risk in karst caves, and Chapter 5 is a metagenomics evaluation of black yeast diversity in Amazonia biome. Chapter 6 presents a genomic study of Exophiala cancerea, and Chapter 7 is a general discussion and a final consideration. The results presented in this study show the power of sequencing technologies for fungal composition studies

    The origin of human pathogenicity and biological interactions in Chaetothyriales

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    Fungi in the order Chaetothyriales are renowned for their ability to cause human infections. Nevertheless, they are not regarded as primary pathogens, but rather as opportunists with a natural habitat in the environment. Extremotolerance is a major trend in the order, but quite diferent from black yeasts in Capnodiales which focus on endurance, an important additional parameter is advancing toxin management. In the ancestral ecology of rock colonization, the association with metabolite-producing lichens is signifcant. Ant-association, dealing with pheromones and repellents, is another mainstay in the order. The phylogenetically derived family, Herpotrichiellaceae, shows dual ecology in monoaromatic hydrocarbon assimilation and the ability to cause disease in humans and cold-blooded vertebrates. In this study, data on ecology, phylogeny, and genomics were collected and analyzed in order to support this hypothesis on the evolutionary route of the species of Chaetothyriales. Comparing the ribosomal tree with that of enzymes involved in toluene degradation, a signifcant expansion of cytochromes is observed and the toluene catabolism is found to be complete in some of the Herpotrichiellaceae. This might enhance human systemic infection. However, since most species have to be traumatically inoculated in order to cause disease, their invasive potential is categorized as opportunism. Only in chromoblastomycosis, true pathogenicity might be surmised. The criterion would be the possible escape of agents of vertebrate disease from the host, enabling dispersal of adapted genotypes to subsequent generations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudo do risco microbiológico da aranha caranguejeira da espécie Avicularia avicularia mantida como animal de estimação

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    Atualmente um grande número de animais de estimação silvestres tem inundado a sociedade moderna. Muitos destes animais são de outros países e podem causar um desequilíbrio ambiental quando soltos em solo brasileiro. Um dos animais silvestres mais procurados são as aranhas caranguejeiras devido o pequeno espaço que ocupam e pouco conhecimento técnico na sua manutenção. A caranguejeira Avicularia avicularia é uma aranha amazônica, dócil e de fácil manipulação, no entanto, pouco se sabe sobre os riscos microbiológicos que estas aranhas representam de fato. Este projeto tem o objetivo de determinar a microbiota presente nesta espécie de aranha e desta maneira, determinar se este animal alberga microrganismos patogênicos ao homem.CNP

    Human adaptation and diversification in the Microsporum canis complex

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    Abstract The Microsporum canis complex consists of one zoophilic species, M. canis, and two anthropophilic species, M. audouinii and M. ferrugineum. These species are the most widespread zoonotic pathogens causing dermatophytosis in cats and humans worldwide. To clarify the evolutionary relationship between the three species and explore the potential host shift process, this study used phylogenetic analysis, population structure analysis, multispecies coalescent analyses, determination of MAT idiomorph distribution, sexual crosses, and macromorphology and physicochemical features to address the above questions. The complex of Microsporum canis, M. audouinii and M. ferrugineum comprises 12 genotypes. MAT1-1 was present only in M. canis, while the anthropophilic entities contained MAT1-2. The pseudocleistothecia were yielded by the mating behaviour of M. canis and M. audouinii. Growth rates and lipase, keratinolysis and urea hydrolytic capacities of zoophilic M. canis isolates were all higher than those of anthropophilic strains; DNase activity of M. ferrugineum exceeded that of M. canis. The optimum growth temperature was 28 °C, but 22 °C favoured the development of macroconidia. Molecular data, physicochemical properties and phenotypes suggest the adaptation of zoophilic M. canis to anthropophilic M. ferrugineum, with M. audouinii in an intermediate position

    The origin of human pathogenicity and biological interactions in Chaetothyriales

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    Fungi in the order Chaetothyriales are renowned for their ability to cause human infections. Nevertheless, they are not regarded as primary pathogens, but rather as opportunists with a natural habitat in the environment. Extremotolerance is a major trend in the order, but quite different from black yeasts in Capnodiales which focus on endurance, an important additional parameter is advancing toxin management. In the ancestral ecology of rock colonization, the association with metabolite-producing lichens is significant. Ant-association, dealing with pheromones and repellents, is another mainstay in the order. The phylogenetically derived family, Herpotrichiellaceae, shows dual ecology in monoaromatic hydrocarbon assimilation and the ability to cause disease in humans and cold-blooded vertebrates. In this study, data on ecology, phylogeny, and genomics were collected and analyzed in order to support this hypothesis on the evolutionary route of the species of Chaetothyriales. Comparing the ribosomal tree with that of enzymes involved in toluene degradation, a significant expansion of cytochromes is observed and the toluene catabolism is found to be complete in some of the Herpotrichiellaceae. This might enhance human systemic infection. However, since most species have to be traumatically inoculated in order to cause disease, their invasive potential is categorized as opportunism. Only in chromoblastomycosis, true pathogenicity might be surmised. The criterion would be the possible escape of agents of vertebrate disease from the host, enabling dispersal of adapted genotypes to subsequent generations.s