4 research outputs found

    Monogamy of highly symmetric states

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    We study the question of how highly entangled two particles can be when also entangled in a similar way with other particles on the complete graph for the case of Werner, isotropic and Brauer states. In order to do so we solve optimization problems motivated by many-body physics, computational complexity and quantum cryptography. We formalize our question as a semi-definite program and then solve this optimization problem analytically, using tools from representation theory. In particular, we determine the exact maximum values of the projection to the maximally entangled state and antisymmetric Werner state possible, solving long-standing open problems. We find these optimal values by use of SDP duality and representation theory of the symmetric and orthogonal groups, and the Brauer algebra.Comment: Submitted to QIP202

    Gelfand-Tsetlin basis for partially transposed permutations, with applications to quantum information

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    We study representation theory of the partially transposed permutation matrix algebra, a matrix representation of the diagrammatic walled Brauer algebra. This algebra plays a prominent role in mixed Schur-Weyl duality that appears in various contexts in quantum information. Our main technical result is an explicit formula for the action of the walled Brauer algebra generators in the Gelfand-Tsetlin basis. It generalizes the well-known Gelfand-Tsetlin basis for the symmetric group (also known as Young's orthogonal form or Young-Yamanouchi basis). We provide two applications of our result to quantum information. First, we show how to simplify semidefinite optimization problems over unitary-equivariant quantum channels by performing a symmetry reduction. Second, we derive an efficient quantum circuit for implementing the optimal port-based quantum teleportation protocol, exponentially improving the known trivial construction. As a consequence, this also exponentially improves the known lower bound for the amount of entanglement needed to implement unitaries non-locally. Both applications require a generalization of quantum Schur transform to tensors of mixed unitary symmetry. We develop an efficient quantum circuit for this mixed quantum Schur transform and provide a matrix product state representation of its basis vectors. For constant local dimension, this yields an efficient classical algorithm for computing any entry of the mixed quantum Schur transform unitary

    Iterative quantum amplitude estimation

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    We introduce a variant of Quantum Amplitude Estimation (QAE), called Iterative QAE (IQAE), which does not rely on Quantum Phase Estimation (QPE) but is only based on Grover’s Algorithm, which reduces the required number of qubits and gates. We provide a rigorous analysis of IQAE and prove that it achieves a quadratic speedup up to a double-logarithmic factor compared to classical Monte Carlo simulation with provably small constant overhead. Furthermore, we show with an empirical study that our algorithm outperforms other known QAE variants without QPE, some even by orders of magnitude, i.e., our algorithm requires significantly fewer samples to achieve the same estimation accuracy and confidence level