330 research outputs found
Thermal equilibrium and efficient evaporation of an ultracold atom-molecule mixture
We derive the equilibrium conditions for a thermal atom-molecule mixture near
a Feshbach resonance. Under the assumption of low collisional loss,
thermodynamical properties are calculated and compared to the measurements of a
recent experiment on fermionic lithium experiment. We discuss and evaluate
possible collision mechanisms which can lead to atom-molecule conversion.
Finally, we propose a novel evaporative cooling scheme to efficiently cool the
molecules toward Bose-Einstein condensation
Creation of ultracold Sr2 molecules in the electronic ground state
We report on the creation of ultracold 84Sr2 molecules in the electronic
ground state. The molecules are formed from atom pairs on sites of an optical
lattice using stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP). We achieve a
transfer efficiency of 30% and obtain 4x10^4 molecules with full control over
the external and internal quantum state. STIRAP is performed near the narrow
1S0-3P1 intercombination transition, using a vibrational level of the 0u
potential as intermediate state. In preparation of our molecule association
scheme, we have determined the binding energies of the last vibrational levels
of the 0u, 1u excited-state, and the 1\Sigma_g^+ ground-state potentials. Our
work overcomes the previous limitation of STIRAP schemes to systems with
Feshbach resonances, thereby establishing a route that is applicable to many
systems beyond bi-alkalis.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, 3 table
Two interacting particles at the metal-insulator transition
To investigate the influence of electronic interaction on the metal-insulator
transition (MIT), we consider the Aubry-Andr\'{e} (or Harper) model which
describes a quasiperiodic one-dimensional quantum system of non-interacting
electrons and exhibits an MIT. For a two-particle system, we study the effect
of a Hubbard interaction on the transition by means of the transfer-matrix
method and finite-size scaling. In agreement with previous studies we find that
the interaction localizes some states in the otherwise metallic phase of the
system. Nevertheless, the MIT remains unaffected by the interaction. For a
long-range interaction, many more states become localized for sufficiently
large interaction strength and the MIT appears to shift towards smaller
quasiperiodic potential strength.Comment: 26 RevTeX 3.0 pages with 10 EPS-figures include
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