3,621 research outputs found

    Influence of retardation effects on 2D magnetoplasmon spectrum

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    Within dissipationless limit the magnetic field dependence of magnetoplasmon spectrum for unbounded 2DEG system found to intersect the cyclotron resonance line, and, then approaches the frequency given by light dispersion relation. Recent experiments done for macroscopic disc-shape 2DEG systems confirm theory expectations.Comment: 2 pages,2 figure

    Test of nuclear level density inputs for Hauser-Feshbach model calculations

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    The energy spectra of neutrons, protons, and alpha-particles have been measured from the d+59Co and 3He+58Fe reactions leading to the same compound nucleus, 61$Ni. The experimental cross sections have been compared to Hauser-Feshbach model calculations using different input level density models. None of them have been found to agree with experiment. It manifests the serious problem with available level density parameterizations especially those based on neutron resonance spacings and density of discrete levels. New level densities and corresponding Fermi-gas parameters have been obtained for reaction product nuclei such as 60Ni,60Co, and 57Fe

    Diffusion and defect reactions between donors, C, and vacancies in Ge. II. Atomistic calculations of related complexes

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    Electronic structure calculations are used to study the stability, concentration, and migration of vacancy-donor (phosphorus, arsenic, and antimony) complexes in germanium, in the presence of carbon. The association of carbon with mobile vacancy-donor pairs can lead to energetically favorable and relatively immobile complexes. It is predicted that the complexes formed between lattice vacancies, carbon, and antimony substitutional atoms are more stable and less mobile compared to complexes composed of vacancies, carbon, and phosphorus or arsenic atoms. Then, with the use of mass action analysis, the relative concentrations of the most important complexes are calculated, which depend also on their relative stability not just their absolute stability. Overall, the theoretical predictions are consistent with experimental results, which determined that the diffusion of vacancy-donor defects is retarded in the presence of carbon, especially in samples with a high concentration of carbon. In addition, the calculations provide information on the structure and the equilibrium concentration of the most important complexes and details of their association energies

    Coupled phonon-ripplon modes in a single wire of electrons on the liquid-helium surface

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    The coupled phonon-ripplon modes of the quasi-one-dimensional electron chain on the liquid helium sutface are studied. It is shown that the electron-ripplon coupling leads to the splitting of the collective modes of the wire with the appearance of low-frequency modes and high-frequency optical modes starting from threshold frequencies. The effective masses of an electron plus the associated dimple for low frequency modes are estimated and the values of the threshold frequencies are calculated. The results obtained can be used in experimental attempts to observe the phase transition of the electron wire into a quasi-ordered phase.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, Physical Review (in press

    The effect of pressure on statics, dynamics and stability of multielectron bubbles

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    The effect of pressure and negative pressure on the modes of oscillation of a multi-electron bubble in liquid helium is calculated. Already at low pressures of the order of 10-100 mbar, these effects are found to significantly modify the frequencies of oscillation of the bubble. Stabilization of the bubble is shown to occur in the presence of a small negative pressure, which expands the bubble radius. Above a threshold negative pressure, the bubble is unstable.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Melting of the classical bilayer Wigner crystal: influence of the lattice symmetry

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    The melting transition of the five different lattices of a bilayer crystal is studied using the Monte-Carlo technique. We found the surprising result that the square lattice has a substantial larger melting temperature as compared to the other lattice structures, which is a consequence of the specific topology of the temperature induced defects. A new melting criterion is formulated which we show to be universal for bilayers as well as for single layer crystals.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures (postscript files). Accepted in Physical Review Letter

    Exchange Frequencies in the 2d Wigner crystal

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    Using Path Integral Monte Carlo we have calculated exchange frequencies as electrons undergo ring exchanges in a ``clean'' 2d Wigner crystal as a function of density. The results show agreement with WKB calculations at very low density, but show a more rapid increase with density near melting. Remarkably, the exchange Hamiltonian closely resembles the measured exchanges in 2d He. Using the resulting multi-spin exchange model we find the spin Hamiltonian for r_s \leq 175 \pm 10 is a frustrated antiferromagnetic; its likely ground state is a spin liquid. For lower density the ground state will be ferromagnetic

    Harmonic Solid Theory of Photoluminescence in the High Field Two-Dimensional Wigner Crystal

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    Motivated by recent experiments on radiative recombination of two-dimensional electrons in acceptor doped GaAs-AlGaAs heterojunctions as well as the success of a harmonic solid model in describing tunneling between two-dimensional electron systems, we calculate within the harmonic approximation and the time dependent perturbation theory the line shape of the photoluminescence spectrum corresponding to the recombination of an electron with a hole bound to an acceptor atom. The recombination process is modeled as a sudden perturbation of the Hamiltonian for the in-plane degrees of freedom of the electron. We include in the perturbation, in addition to changes in the equilibrium positions of electrons, changes in the curvatures of the harmonically approximated potential. The computed spectra have line shapes similar to that seen in a recent experiment. The spectral width, however, is roughly a factor of 3 smaller than that seen in experiment if one assumes a perfect Wigner crystal for the initial state state of the system, whereas a simple random disorder model yields a width a factor of 3 too large. We speculate on the possible mechanisms that may lead to better quantitative agreement with experiment.Comment: 22 pages, RevTex, 8 figures. Submitted to the Physical Review

    Transition Between Ground State and Metastable States in Classical 2D Atoms

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    Structural and static properties of a classical two-dimensional (2D) system consisting of a finite number of charged particles which are laterally confined by a parabolic potential are investigated by Monte Carlo (MC) simulations and the Newton optimization technique. This system is the classical analog of the well-known quantum dot problem. The energies and configurations of the ground and all metastable states are obtained. In order to investigate the barriers and the transitions between the ground and all metastable states we first locate the saddle points between them, then by walking downhill from the saddle point to the different minima, we find the path in configurational space from the ground state to the metastable states, from which the geometric properties of the energy landscape are obtained. The sensitivity of the ground-state configuration on the functional form of the inter-particle interaction and on the confinement potential is also investigated

    Enhanced stability of the square lattice of a classical bilayer Wigner crystal

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    The stability and melting transition of a single layer and a bilayer crystal consisting of charged particles interacting through a Coulomb or a screened Coulomb potential is studied using the Monte-Carlo technique. A new melting criterion is formulated which we show to be universal for bilayer as well as for single layer crystals in the case of (screened) Coulomb, Lennard--Jones and 1/r^{12} repulsive inter-particle interactions. The melting temperature for the five different lattice structures of the bilayer Wigner crystal is obtained, and a phase diagram is constructed as a function of the interlayer distance. We found the surprising result that the square lattice has a substantial larger melting temperature as compared to the other lattice structures. This is a consequence of the specific topology of the defects which are created with increasing temperature and which have a larger energy as compared to the defects in e.g. a hexagonal lattice.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review
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