5,354 research outputs found

    Pohlmeyer reduction of AdS_5 x S^5 superstring sigma model

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    Motivated by a desire to find a useful 2d Lorentz-invariant reformulation of the AdS_5 x S^5 superstring world-sheet theory in terms of physical degrees of freedom we construct the Pohlmeyer-reduced version of the corresponding sigma model. The Pohlmeyer reduction procedure involves several steps. Starting with a coset space string sigma model in the conformal gauge and writing the classical equations in terms of currents one can fix the residual conformal diffeomorphism symmetry and kappa-symmetry and introduce a new set of variables (related locally to currents but non-locally to the original string coordinate fields) so that the Virasoro constraints are automatically satisfied. The resulting gauge-fixed equations can be obtained from a Lagrangian of a non-abelian Toda type: a gauged WZW model with an integrable potential coupled also to a set of 2d fermionic fields. A gauge-fixed form of the Pohlmeyer-reduced theory can be found by integrating out the 2d gauge field of the gauged WZW model. Its small-fluctuation spectrum contains 8 bosonic and 8 fermionic degrees of freedom with equal masses. We conjecture that the reduced model has world-sheet supersymmetry and is ultraviolet-finite. We show that in the special case of the AdS_2 x S^2 superstring model the reduced theory is indeed supersymmetric: it is equivalent to the N=2 supersymmetric extension of the sine-Gordon model.Comment: 56 pages. v2: section 6.4 expanded with comments on mass spectrum and the corresponding S-matrix; v3,v4: minor corrections and clarifications adde

    On conformal higher spins in curved background

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    We address the question of how to represent an interacting action for the tower of conformal higher spin fields in a form covariant with respect to a background metric. We use a background metric to define a star product which plays a central role in the definition of the corresponding gauge transformations. By an analogy with the kinetic term in the 4-derivative Weyl gravity action expanded near an on-shell background one expects that the kinetic term in such an action should be gauge-invariant in a Bach-flat metric. We demonstrate this fact to first order in expansion in powers of the curvature of the background metric. This generalizes the result of arXiv:1404.7452 for spin 3 case to all conformal higher spins. We also comment on a possibility of extending this claim to terms quadratic in the curvature and discuss the appearance of background-dependent mixing terms in the quadratic part of the conformal higher spin action.Comment: 24 pages. v2,v3: minor corrections and remarks adde

    Dynamics of Coupled Maps with a Conservation Law

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    A particularly simple model belonging to a wide class of coupled maps which obey a local conservation law is studied. The phase structure of the system and the types of the phase transitions are determined. It is argued that the structure of the phase diagram is robust with respect to mild violations of the conservation law. Critical exponents possibly determining a new universality class are calculated for a set of independent order parameters. Numerical evidence is produced suggesting that the singularity in the density of Lyapunov exponents at λ=0\lambda=0 is a reflection of the singularity in the density of Fourier modes (a ``Van Hove'' singularity) and disappears if the conservation law is broken. Applicability of the Lyapunov dimension to the description of spatiotemporal chaos in a system with a conservation law is discussed.Comment: To be published in CHAOS #7 (31 page, 16 figures

    From BRST to light-cone description of higher spin gauge fields

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    In this short note we show, at the level of action principles, how the light-cone action of higher spin gauge fields can easily be obtained from the BRST formulation through the elimination of quartets. We analyze how the algebra of cohomology classes is affected by such a reduction. By applying the reduction to the Poincare generators, we give an alternative way of analyzing the physical spectrum of the Fronsdal type actions, with or without trace condition.Comment: 13 pages Latex file, Proceedings of the Workshop "Quantum Field Theory and Hamiltonian Systems'', Caciulata, Romania, 16 - 21 Oct, 2004; more references added, acknowledgments correcte

    BRST-anti-BRST Symmetric Conversion of Second-Class Constraints

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    A general method of the BRST--anti-BRST symmetric conversion of second-class constraints is presented. It yields a pair of commuting and nilpotent BRST-type charges that can be naturally regarded as BRST and anti-BRST ones. Interchanging the BRST and anti-BRST generators corresponds to a symmetry between the original second-class constraints and the conversion variables, which enter the formalism on equal footing.Comment: 12 pages, misprints correcte