15 research outputs found

    From massive gravity to modified general relativity II

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    We continue our investigation of massive gravity in the massless limit of vanishing graviton mass. From gauge invariance we derive the most general coupling between scalar matter and gravity. We get further couplings beside the standard coupling to the energy-momentum tensor. On the classical level this leads to a further modification of general relativity.Comment: 12 pages, no figur

    Massive gravity from descent equations

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    Both massless and massive gravity are derived from descent equations (Wess-Zumino consistency conditions). The massive theory is a continuous deformation of the massless one.Comment: 8 pages, no figur

    The Interaction of Quantum Gravity with Matter

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    The interaction of (linearized) gravitation with matter is studied in the causal approach up to the second order of perturbation theory. We consider the generic case and prove that gravitation is universal in the sense that the existence of the interaction with gravitation does not put new constraints on the Lagrangian for lower spin fields. We use the formalism of quantum off-shell fields which makes our computation more straightforward and simpler.Comment: 25 page

    The Standard Model and its Generalizations in Epstein-Glaser Approach to Renormalization Theory II: the Fermion Sector and the Axial Anomaly

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    We complete our study of non-Abelian gauge theories in the framework of Epstein-Glaser approach to renormalization theory including in the model an arbitrary number of Dirac Fermions. We consider the consistency of the model up to the third order of the perturbation theory. In the second order we obtain pure group theoretical relations expressing a representation property of the numerical coefficients appearing in the left and right handed components of the interaction Lagrangian. In the third order of the perturbation theory we obtain the the condition of cancellation of the axial anomaly.Comment: 38 pages, LATEX 2e, extensive rewritting, some errors eliminate

    Perturbative Gravity in the Causal Approach

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    Quantum theory of the gravitation in the causal approach is studied up to the second order of perturbation theory. We prove gauge invariance and renormalizability in the second order of perturbation theory for the pure gravity system (massless and massive). Then we investigate the interaction of massless gravity with matter (described by scalars and spinors) and massless Yang-Mills fields. We obtain a difference with respect to the classical field theory due to the fact that in quantum field theory one cannot enforce the divergenceless property on the vector potential and this spoils the divergenceless property of the usual energy-momentum tensor. To correct this one needs a supplementary ghost term in the interaction Lagrangian.Comment: 50 pages, no figures, some changes in the last sectio

    Massive gravity as a quantum gauge theory

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    We present a new point of view on the quantization of the massive gravitational field, namely we use exclusively the quantum framework of the second quantization. The Hilbert space of the many-gravitons system is a Fock space F+(Hgraviton){\cal F}^{+}({\sf H}_{\rm graviton}) where the one-particle Hilbert space Hgraviton{\sf H}_{graviton} carries the direct sum of two unitary irreducible representations of the Poincar\'e group corresponding to two particles of mass m>0m > 0 and spins 2 and 0, respectively. This Hilbert space is canonically isomorphic to a space of the type Ker(Q)/Im(Q)Ker(Q)/Im(Q) where QQ is a gauge charge defined in an extension of the Hilbert space Hgraviton{\cal H}_{\rm graviton} generated by the gravitational field hμνh_{\mu\nu} and some ghosts fields uμ,u~μu_{\mu}, \tilde{u}_{\mu} (which are vector Fermi fields) and vμv_{\mu} (which are vector field Bose fields.) Then we study the self interaction of massive gravity in the causal framework. We obtain a solution which goes smoothly to the zero-mass solution of linear quantum gravity up to a term depending on the bosonic ghost field. This solution depends on two real constants as it should be; these constants are related to the gravitational constant and the cosmological constant. In the second order of the perturbation theory we do not need a Higgs field, in sharp contrast to Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 35 pages, no figur

    Massive Vector Mesons and Gauge Theory

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    We show that the requirements of renormalizability and physical consistency imposed on perturbative interactions of massive vector mesons fix the theory essentially uniquely. In particular physical consistency demands the presence of at least one additional physical degree of freedom which was not part of the originally required physical particle content. In its simplest realization (probably the only one) these are scalar fields as envisaged by Higgs but in the present formulation without the ``symmetry-breaking Higgs condensate''. The final result agrees precisely with the usual quantization of a classical gauge theory by means of the Higgs mechanism. Our method proves an old conjecture of Cornwall, Levin and Tiktopoulos stating that the renormalization and consistency requirements of spin=1 particles lead to the gauge theory structure (i.e. a kind of inverse of 't Hooft's famous renormalizability proof in quantized gauge theories) which was based on the on-shell unitarity of the SS-matrix. We also speculate on a possible future ghostfree formulation which avoids ''field coordinates'' altogether and is expected to reconcile the on-shell S-matrix point of view with the off-shell field theory structure.Comment: 53 pages, version to appear in J. Phys.

    Renormalized Quantum Yang-Mills Fields in Curved Spacetime

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    We present a proof that quantum Yang-Mills theory can be consistently defined as a renormalized, perturbative quantum field theory on an arbitrary globally hyperbolic curved, Lorentzian spacetime. To this end, we construct the non-commutative algebra of observables, in the sense of formal power series, as well as a space of corresponding quantum states. The algebra contains all gauge invariant, renormalized, interacting quantum field operators (polynomials in the field strength and its derivatives), and all their relations such as commutation relations or operator product expansion. It can be viewed as a deformation quantization of the Poisson algebra of classical Yang-Mills theory equipped with the Peierls bracket. The algebra is constructed as the cohomology of an auxiliary algebra describing a gauge fixed theory with ghosts and anti-fields. A key technical difficulty is to establish a suitable hierarchy of Ward identities at the renormalized level that ensure conservation of the interacting BRST-current, and that the interacting BRST-charge is nilpotent. The algebra of physical interacting field observables is obtained as the cohomology of this charge. As a consequence of our constructions, we can prove that the operator product expansion closes on the space of gauge invariant operators. Similarly, the renormalization group flow is proved not to leave the space of gauge invariant operators.Comment: Latex 144pp, no figures, review style presentation; v2: equations corrected, details in proof of Ward-identity added, discussion of state space, refs. added; v3: typos corrected, details added in renormalization section, one subsection removed; v4 BRST-invariant state, typos corrected, background field discussion clarified, hyperref feature adde