97 research outputs found
Mathematical onsets concerning the determination of the optimum limit of the profitability on enterprises
Our paper presents an original method named The Optimum Limit of the Profitability (O.L.P.), for the characterization of the optimum physical output for one enterprise. On our research paper for the definition of this concept we have started with the exploration of the mathematical models which can mark out the correlation between the components of The Optimum Limit of the Profitability. Then we have pursued the maximization of the acquired incomes, in special given conditions, given by the value of the optimum sales, concurrent with the minimization of the expenditures afferent them. After some analysis and simulations we conclude that the mathematical models offered by the linear analysis would answer at all requirements of our research. The determination of The Optimum Limit of the Profitability by the linear programming method suppose the prosecution of the budget of the entire activity for one year divided in less periods of time (trimester divided in months ). Then, we present the steps succeeded for the elicitation of the The Optimum Limit of the Profitability using the mathematical models offered by the linear programming and the usefulness of this for the output of enterprise.output, incomes, costs, profitability, limit of the profitability, The Optimum Limit of the Profitability
Approaches on the Operational Performance of Production Systems
The performance concept originated from the concept of firm management. The performance management of the firm involves improving its value-cost relationship, which means that the firm will be able to build a product or service, in terms of achieving cost and profitability targets, and compare the results with strategic forecasts. In addition, performance management also requires the firm's ability to develop a dynamic and continuous progress. In such conditions, its performance evaluation is not an objective in itself, but a means used by the organization to achieve progress. The paper will address issues which relate to improving performance and all the instruments used for this purpose.management, competitiveness, operational performance, performance management, production systems.
EU-Förderungen - Investitionsanreize fĂŒr österreichische Unternehmen in RumĂ€nien
Die vorliegende Masterarbeit â âEU Förderungen â Investitionsanreize fĂŒr österreichische
Unternehmen in RumĂ€nienâ prĂ€sentiert die aktuelle Lage des Förderwesens auf dem
rumÀnischen Markt.
Ausgehend davon, dass in RumÀnien noch sehr viel Verbesserungs- und
Modernisierungspotenzial existiert und dank des aktuellen Kontexts des ârumĂ€nischen
Förderparadiesâ wird eine Befragung mit auslĂ€ndischen Firmen durchgefĂŒhrt, die
Interesse an Expansion oder Investition in RumÀnien haben.
Die Masterarbeit prÀsentiert die EU Subventionen bzw. die EU Strukturfonds die im
Rahmen der Struktur â und KohĂ€sionspolitik 2007 -2013, in RumĂ€nien vergeben werden.
Der Grundgedanke der KohÀsionspolitik ist einen Gleichgewicht zwischen den reicheren
und Àrmeren Regionen Europas zu schaffen, auf dieser Art und Weise soll die europÀische
wirtschaftliche Integration ausgeglichen werden.
Die erwÀhnte KohÀsionspolitik der EU verfolgt drei Hauptziele: Konvergenz, regionale
WettbewerbsfÀhigkeit und BeschÀftigung und territoriale Zusammenarbeit.
In diesem Sinne werden im Rahmen der KohÀsionspolitik ca.19,7 Mrd. EUR an RumÀnien
vergeben. Davon werden ca. 23 % fĂŒr Projekte im Verkehr und Infrastruktur Bereich
vergeben, ca. 20 % werden fĂŒr die Regionalentwicklung und Mitarbeiterqualifizierung
vergeben. FĂŒr die Wirtschaftsförderung stehen ungefĂ€hr 13% dieses Budgets zur
VerfĂŒgung und diese werden mittels des Programms "Verbesserung/Steigerung der
WettbewerbsfÀhigkeit" (POS CCE) vergeben.
Die Fördermittel verteilen sich in RumÀnien auf sieben operationellen Programmen (OP)
im Rahmen des Konvergenz Ziels. Weil das BIP RumÀniens geringer als 75% des
Durchschnitts BIP der EU ist, fallen alle Regionen RumÀniens unter diesem Ziel. Die
wichtigsten Instrumente der KohÀsionspolitik, die im Rahmen des dritten Kapitels
vorgestellt und erklÀrt werden, sind
Mathematical onsets concerning the determination of the optimum limit of the profitability on enterprises
Our paper presents an original method named The Optimum Limit of the Profitability (O.L.P.), for the characterization of the optimum physical output for one enterprise. On our research paper for the definition of this concept we have started with the exploration of the mathematical models which can mark out the correlation between the components of The Optimum Limit of the Profitability. Then we have pursued the maximization of the acquired incomes, in special given conditions, given by the value of the optimum sales, concurrent with the minimization of the expenditures afferent them.
After some analysis and simulations we conclude that the mathematical models offered by the linear analysis would answer at all requirements of our research. The determination of The Optimum Limit of the Profitability by the linear programming method suppose the prosecution of the budget of the entire activity for one year divided in less periods of time (trimester divided in months ).
Then, we present the steps succeeded for the elicitation of the The Optimum Limit of the Profitability using the mathematical models offered by the linear programming and the usefulness of this for the output of enterprise
Mathematical onsets concerning the determination of the optimum limit of the profitability on enterprises
Our paper presents an original method named The Optimum Limit of the Profitability (O.L.P.), for the characterization of the optimum physical output for one enterprise. On our research paper for the definition of this concept we have started with the exploration of the mathematical models which can mark out the correlation between the components of The Optimum Limit of the Profitability. Then we have pursued the maximization of the acquired incomes, in special given conditions, given by the value of the optimum sales, concurrent with the minimization of the expenditures afferent them.
After some analysis and simulations we conclude that the mathematical models offered by the linear analysis would answer at all requirements of our research. The determination of The Optimum Limit of the Profitability by the linear programming method suppose the prosecution of the budget of the entire activity for one year divided in less periods of time (trimester divided in months ).
Then, we present the steps succeeded for the elicitation of the The Optimum Limit of the Profitability using the mathematical models offered by the linear programming and the usefulness of this for the output of enterprise
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