14,935 research outputs found

    Quantum Fluctuations in Dipolar Bose Gases

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    We investigate the influence of quantum fluctuations upon dipolar Bose gases by means of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes theory. Thereby, we make use of the local density approximation to evaluate the dipolar exchange interaction between the condensate and the excited particles. This allows to obtain the Bogoliubov spectrum analytically in the limit of large particle numbers. After discussing the condensate depletion and the ground-state energy correction, we derive quantum corrected equations of motion for harmonically trapped dipolar Bose gases by using superfluid hydrodynamics. These equations are subsequently applied to analyze the equilibrium configuration, the low-lying oscillation frequencies, and the time-of-flight dynamics. We find that both atomic magnetic and molecular electric dipolar systems offer promising scenarios for detecting beyond mean-field effects.Comment: Published in PR

    Frequency and damping of hydrodynamic modes in a trapped Bose-condensed gas

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    Recently it was shown that the Landau-Khalatnikov two-fluid hydrodynamics describes the collision-dominated region of a trapped Bose condensate interacting with a thermal cloud. We use these equations to discuss the low frequency hydrodynamic collective modes in a trapped Bose gas at finite temperatures. We derive a variational expressions based on these equations for both the frequency and damping of collective modes. A new feature is our use of frequency-dependent transport coefficients, which produce a natural cutoff by eliminating the collisionless low-density tail of the thermal cloud. Above the superfluid transition, our expression for the damping in trapped inhomogeneous gases is analogous to the result first obtained by Landau and Lifshitz for uniform classical fluids. We also use the moment method to discuss the crossover from the collisionless to the hydrodynamic region. Recent data for the monopole-quadrupole mode in the hydrodynamic region of a trapped gas of metastable 4^4He is discussed. We also present calculations for the damping of the analogous m=0m=0 monopole-quadrupole condensate mode in the superfluid phase.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Human subjective response to steering wheel vibration caused by diesel engine idle

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    This study investigated the human subjective response to steering wheel vibration of the type caused by a four-cylinder diesel engine idle in passenger cars. Vibrotactile perception was assessed using sinusoidal amplitude-modulated vibratory stimuli of constant energy level (r.m.s. acceleration, 0.41 m/s(2)) having a carrier frequency of 26 Hz (i.e. engine firing frequency) and modulation frequency of 6.5 Hz (half-order engine harmonic). Evaluations of seven levels of modulation depth parameter m (0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0) were performed in order to define the growth function of human perceived disturbance as a function of amplitude modulation depth. Two semantic descriptors were used (unpleasantness and roughness) and two test methods (the Thurstone paired-comparison method and the Borg CR-10 direct evaluation scale) for a total of four tests. Each test was performed using an independent group of 25 individuals. The results suggest that there is a critical value of modulation depth m = 0.2 below which human subjects do not perceive differences in amplitude modulation and above which the stimulus-response relationship increases monotonically with a power function. The Stevens power exponents suggest that the perceived unpleasantness is non-linearly dependent on modulation depth m with an exponent greater than 1 and that the perceived roughness is dependent with an exponent close to unity

    First and Second Sound Modes of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Harmonic Trap

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    We have calculated the first and second sound modes of a dilute interacting Bose gas in a spherical trap for temperatures (0.6<T/Tc<1.20.6<T/T_{c}<1.2) and for systems with 10410^4 to 10810^8 particles. The second sound modes (which exist only below TcT_{c}) generally have a stronger temperature dependence than the first sound modes. The puzzling temperature variations of the sound modes near TcT_{c} recently observed at JILA in systems with 10310^3 particles match surprisingly well with those of the first and second sound modes of much larger systems.Comment: a shorten version, more discussions are given on the nature of the second sound. A long footnote on the recent work of Zaremba, Griffin, and Nikuni (cond-mat/9705134) is added, the spectrum of the (\ell=1, n_2=0) mode is included in fig.

    Combined liver-kidney transplantation: Analysis of patients with preformed lymphocytotoxic antibody

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    In this report, we address combined liver-kidney transplantation, with particular attention to the apparent phenomenon of protection of kidney allografts to antibody mediated destruction by liver allografts. Four patients were found to have positive crossmatch before the liver phase of the combined transplant (pre-OT/KT samples). These positive crossmatches were due entirely to anti-HLA class I antibodies, as demonstrated by their removal by immunoabsorption on pololed platelets. In three of these patients, post-OT/pre-KT samples showed a conversion to a negative crossmatch (in the fourth patient this was not done). A kidney allograft, harveted from the same donor, was then placed into the recipient, and in patients no. 3, 7, and 12, good initial function was noted. In one of these patients was there evidence of hyperacute rejection. Post-OT/KT samples were collected in patients no. 3, 7, and 8, and then analyzed for the reappearance of donor specific lymphocytotoxic antibodies in the posttransplant period (data on patient no. 12 was not available at time of preparation). Lymphocytotoxic antibodies with donor specificity could not be detected in any of the samples during the first week posttransplant. The decrease in %PRA and conversion of a positive to negative crossmatch following liver transplantation was correlated to the HLA specificty of the antibody found in the pretransplant serum and the HLA type of the tranplanted organs. In the two instances where an HLA specificity could be determined by panel analysis, transplantation with donor organs bearing these HLA specificities led to a specific disppearance of these antibodies during the postransplant phase


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    The purpose of this study was to test the merits of an integrated perspective derived from the job characteristics and social information processing models of task design. We conducted a complex laboratory study, manipulating objective properties of a task, social information, and changes in both. Results suggested strong support for the integrated perspective. Implications for future theory and research are discussed