17 research outputs found

    Calcium Flux in Neutrophils Synchronizes β2 Integrin Adhesive and Signaling Events that Guide Inflammatory Recruitment

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    Intracellular calcium flux is an early step in the signaling cascade that bridges ligation of selectin and chemokine receptors to activation of adhesive and motile functions during recruitment on inflamed endothelium. Calcium flux was imaged in real time and provided a means of correlating signaling events in neutrophils rolling on E-selectin and stimulated by chemokine in a microfluidic chamber. Integrin dependent neutrophil arrest was triggered by E-selectin tethering and ligation of IL-8 seconds before a rapid rise in intracellular calcium, which was followed by the onset of pseudopod formation. Calcium flux on rolling neutrophils increased in a shear dependent manner, and served to link integrin adhesion and signaling of cytoskeletally driven cell polarization. Abolishing calcium influx through membrane expressed store operated calcium channels inhibited activation of high affinity β2 integrin and subsequent cell arrest. We conclude that calcium influx at the plasma membrane integrates chemotactic and adhesive signals, and functions to synchronize signaling of neutrophil arrest and migration in a shear stress dependent manner

    A synchronized substrate-gating mechanism revealed by cubic-core structure of the bovine branched-chain α-ketoacid dehydrogenase complex

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    The dihydrolipoamide acyltransferase (E2b) component of the branched-chain α-ketoacid dehydrogenase complex forms a cubic scaffold that catalyzes acyltransfer from S-acyldihydrolipoamide to CoA to produce acyl-CoA. We have determined the first crystal structures of a mammalian (bovine) E2b core domain with and without a bound CoA or acyl-CoA. These structures reveal both hydrophobic and the previously unreported ionic interactions between two-fold-related trimers that build up the cubic core. The entrance of the dihydrolipoamide-binding site in a 30-Å long active-site channel is closed in the apo and acyl-CoA-bound structures. CoA binding to one entrance of the channel promotes a conformational change in the channel, resulting in the opening of the opposite dihydrolipoamide gate. Binding experiments show that the affinity of the E2b core for dihydrolipoamide is markedly increased in the presence of CoA. The result buttresses the model that CoA binding is responsible for the opening of the dihydrolipoamide gate. We suggest that this gating mechanism synchronizes the binding of the two substrates to the active-site channel, which serves as a feed-forward switch to coordinate the E2b-catalyzed acyltransfer reaction

    Aquatic Oömycetology: A New Field of Futuristic Research

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