136 research outputs found

    Howard, William Stewart McPhee (1903-1983) [encyclopaedia entry]

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    2 page(s

    Monsignor James Meany, the catholic weekly and 2SM

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    By the new millennium, Monsignor James Meany (1879-1953) had made his way onto the list of possibilities for what was colloquially known as a 'missing persons' volume of the Australian Dictionary of Biography (ADB). In 2001 I was invited to write the 750-word entry on Meany, described as 'founder 2SM "Catholic Weekly"', for what was now entitled the ADB Supplement. The Irish-born Meany was bestknown for four things: Diocesan Inspector of Schools in Sydney; parish priest of St Mark's, Drummoyne; founder and first managing director of Australia's only Catholic radio station, 2SM; and chairman of the Catholic Weekly. My research on Meany and 2SM would provide a foundation for my chapter on religious broadcasting in Changing Stations: The Story of Australian Commercial Radio, a particularly challenging chapter to undertake as there had been little sustained or published work on the history of religious broadcasting (particularly commercial broadcasting) in Australia. In this article I present an overview of Meany's involvement with the press and radio from the 1920s to the 1950s.14 page(s

    The Battle of Melbourne : the rise and fall of the 'Star'

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    3 page(s

    Best Books of the Year

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    1 page(s

    Flawed portrait of a celebrated son

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    Review of 'Who Wants to Be a Billionaire? The James Packer Story' by Paul Barry, Allen & Unwin, 409pp, $49.99

    A world away from ACP

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    Commercial radio [encyclopaedia entry]

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