5 research outputs found

    Clinical and neurophysiological spectrum of polyneuropathies in children

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    Peripheral neuropathy is a disorder of the peripheral nerves and results from a disturbance of structure and/or function of the peripheral sensory, motor and/or autonomic neurons. The possible aetiology of peripheral neuropathies is diverse, but inflammatory and hereditary diseases of the peripheral nerves predominate in childhood. The aim of this study was to determine the clinical and electrophysiological profile of large nerve fibre neuropathy detected by nerve conduction studies (NCS) in children over a 10-year period at the Childrenā€™s Clinical University Hospital in Latvia. Based on NCS findings, 165 children between 2008 and 2018 were diagnosed with polyneuropathy. In our study, the majority of children had peripheral neuropathy due to acquired causes, mostly due to diabetes mellitus; roughly one in five of the patients had hereditary neuropathy. Almost half of the patients had motor deficits, which were more prevalent in toxic and inflammatory neuropathies. A little less than a third of patients complained of pain as well as presenting with autonomic dysfunction symptoms. The NCS demonstrated a demyelinating neuropathy in 52 cases (31%), an axonal neuropathy in 34 cases (21%), and mixed polyneuropathy in 79 cases (48%). Our study investigated the clinical and electrophysiological characteristics of polyneuropathies diagnosed with NCS in children. Most of the polyneuropathies in our study were hereditary and diabetic neuropathies with combined (myelin and axon) damage to nerve fibres. Almost all clinical symptoms of polyneuropathy were present in all aetiological groups.Peer reviewe

    Clinical and neurophysiological spectrum of polyneuropathies in children

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    Peripheral neuropathy is a disorder of the peripheral nerves and results from a disturbance of structure and/or function of the peripheral sensory, motor and/or autonomic neurons. The possible aetiology of peripheral neuropathies is diverse, but inflammatory and hereditary diseases of the peripheral nerves predominate in childhood. The aim of this study was to determine the clinical and electrophysiological profile of large nerve fibre neuropathy detected by nerve conduction studies (NCS) in children over a 10-year period at the Childrenā€™s Clinical University Hospital in Latvia. Based on NCS findings, 165 children between 2008 and 2018 were diagnosed with polyneuropathy. In our study, the majority of children had peripheral neuropathy due to acquired causes, mostly due to diabetes mellitus; roughly one in five of the patients had hereditary neuropathy. Almost half of the patients had motor deficits, which were more prevalent in toxic and inflammatory neuropathies. A little less than a third of patients complained of pain as well as presenting with autonomic dysfunction symptoms. The NCS demonstrated a demyelinating neuropathy in 52 cases (31%), an axonal neuropathy in 34 cases (21%), and mixed polyneuropathy in 79 cases (48%). Our study investigated the clinical and electrophysiological characteristics of polyneuropathies diagnosed with NCS in children. Most of the polyneuropathies in our study were hereditary and diabetic neuropathies with combined (myelin and axon) damage to nerve fibres. Almost all clinical symptoms of polyneuropathy were present in all aetiological groups

    Risk factors for development of personal protective equipment induced headache : e-survey of medical staff in Baltic states

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    Funding Information: The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship, and publication of this article. We would like to thank all the medical personnel who participated in this study. Publisher Copyright: Ā© 2022, The Author(s).Background: The COVID-19 pandemic led to an unprecedented increase in the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) among medical personnel. The goal of this study was to determine the risk factors and frequency of PPE-induced headache during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: From January 25 to March 1, 2021, an anonymous online survey was undertaken in the Baltic states. Results: In total, 2132 individuals participated. 52.3% experienced a PPE-induced headache. Usual onset time was between 2ā€“3Ā h, lasting up to 1Ā h after PPE removal. The most common localization was in temporal and frontal regions. Headache usually occurred 2 to 3Ā days per week with an average pain score of 5.04 Ā± 1.80 points. Higher risk was associated with discomfort/pressure OR = 11.55, heat stress OR = 2.228, skin conditions OR = 1.784, long PPE use (duration 10-12Ā h) OR = 2,18, headache history prior PPE use OR = 1.207. Out of 52.3% respondents with PPE-induced headache, 45.5% developed de novo headache, whereas 54.5% had headache history. Statistically significant differences of PPE-induced headache between respective groups included severity (4.73 vs 5.29), duration (ā‰„ 6Ā h 6.7% vs 8.2%), accompanying symptoms (nausea (19.3% vs 25.7%), photophobia (19.1% vs 25.7%), phonophobia (15.8% vs 23.5%), osmophobia (5.3% vs 12.0%)) and painkiller use (43.0% vs 61.7%). Conclusions: Over half of the medical personnel reported headache while using PPE. The risk was higher in individuals with headache history, increased duration of PPE use and discomfort while using PPE. Predisposed individuals reported PPE-induced headache which persisted longer, was more intense and debilitating than in the respondents with de novo headache.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Connection between critical thinking disposition and paranormal beliefs among Riga Stradins University students

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    MedicÄ«naVeselÄ«bas aprÅ«peMedicineHealth CareKritiskā domāŔana tiek atzÄ«ta par vienu no pamatprasÄ«bām izglÄ«tÄ«bas sistēmā un spēcÄ«gu instrumentu, kam ir pozitÄ«va asociācija ar indivÄ«da studiju un profesionālo darbÄ«bu. Ideālam kritiskam domātājam piemÄ«t gan kritiskās domāŔanas iemaņas, gan kritiskās domāŔanas dispozÄ«cija, kas ir pŠ°stāvÄ«ga iŠµkŔējā mŠ¾tivācijŠ° izzināt pŠ°tiesÄ«bu, turēt Š°tvērtu prātu, Š°ktÄ«vi iŠµsaistÄ«ties izziņŠ°s procesŠ¾s, spēju Š°tzÄ«t sŠ°vus aizspriedumus, bÅ«t labi infrŠ¾mētam. JŠ° cilvēkam ir lŠ°bi attÄ«stÄ«tas kritiskās domāŔanas iemaņas, taču trÅ«kst mŠ¾tivācijas tās pielietŠ¾t, viņŔ nav labs kritisks domātājs. PētÄ«jumi liecina, augstāka kritiskās domāŔanas dispozÄ«cijas izteiktÄ«ba piemÄ«t studentiem, kuru studijas saistÄ«tas ar dabaszinātnēm, cēloņsakarÄ«bu izpraÅ”anu, cilvēka Ä·ermeņa mehānismu pētÄ«Å”anu, piemēram, medicÄ«nu, psiholoÄ£iju. TicÄ«ba paranormālajam, neskatoties uz zinātnes un tehnoloÄ£iju progresÄ“Å”anu, joprojām ir sastopama vismaz pusei populācijas. TicÄ«ba paranormālajam ir sastopama visās kultÅ«rās un sociālās grupās, dažādu profesiju pārstāvjiem, ieskaitot zinātniekus. Par ā€œparanormāloā€ sauc parādÄ«bu, notikumu vai fenomenu, kas neiet kopā ar mÅ«sdienu zinātnes atzÄ«tiem likumiem, piemēram ticÄ«ba spŠ¾kiem, Š°stroloÄ£ijai, NLO, psihokinēzei, tŠµlŠµpātijai. Pastāv uzskats, ka kritiskās domāŔanas dispozÄ«cija un ticÄ«ba paranormālajam ir pretēji domāŔanas veidi, un, attÄ«stoties vienam, tiek izstumts zemapziņā otrs. Pētnieciskajā darbā tika izmantota MŠ¾dificētā paranormālo pārliŠµcÄ«bu skalŠ° un Kritiskās domāŔanas dispozÄ«cijas skala. No iegÅ«tiem datiem tika noteikts Å”o domāŔanas veidu Ä«patsvars atkarÄ«bā no studiju programmas, studiju gada. Kritiskās domāŔanas dispozÄ«cijas novērtÄ“Å”anai tika saskaitÄ«tas to punktu summas. Tika aprēķinātas paranormālo pārliecÄ«bu apakÅ”skalu vidējās vērtÄ«bas, lai pētÄ«tu tās savstarpējās saistÄ«bas, kā arÄ« saistÄ«bu starp kritiskās domāŔanas dispozÄ«ciju un ticÄ«bu paranormālajam. PētÄ«jumā piedalÄ«jās 145 studenti no visām RSU fakultātēm, kas tika anketēti elektroniskā veidā. Rezultāti tika analizēti SPSS programmā. No darba rezultātiem tika secināts, ka 59,3% RSU studentu tic vismaz vienam paranormālajam fenomenam un 40,7% netic nevienam. Visvairāk studentu tic tradicionālai reliÄ£ijai (35,9%) un spiritismam (34,5%), vismazāk māņticÄ«bai (3,4%). 77,9% studentu ir augsta kritiskās domāŔanas dispozÄ«cijas izteiktÄ«bas pakāpe. Statistiski nozÄ«mÄ«ga atŔķirÄ«ba kritiskās domāŔanas dispozÄ«cijas lÄ«meņos starp medicÄ«nas, veselÄ«bas aprÅ«pes un sociālo zinātņu studentiem netika konstatēta. No rezultātiem tiek secināts arÄ« tas, ka studiju gadu laikā ne kritiskās domāŔanas dispozÄ«cija, ne ticÄ«ba paranormālajam visām studiju grupām bÅ«tiski nemainās. Netika konstatēta arÄ« korelācija starp Å”iem domāŔanas veidiem un respondentu dzimumiem. PētÄ«jumā tika konstatēta negatÄ«va korelācija starp kritiskās domāŔanas dispozÄ«ciju un ticÄ«bas paranormālajam kopējo skalu un katru tās apakÅ”skalu, izņemot ticÄ«bu tradicionālai reliÄ£ijai. PētÄ«juma hipotēze tika apstiprināta.Critical thinking is recognized as one of the core values and aims in education as well as in professional career. A perfect critical thinker was described as someone who has both critical thinking skills and critical thinking disposition, which is rather inner motivation and habitual characteristic of a person. If one has developed critical thinking skills but refuses and has no motivation to use them, he is not a good critical thinker. Many studies show, that critical thinking disposition has a positive association with academic performance and is found at higher levels in students of scientific education, for example, medical students. As paranormal beliefs are considered phenomena which go against the laws of science. Belief in the paranormal is found in about half of the population, in every culture, and representatives of every profession even scientists. As ā€œparanormalā€ usually are classified broad spectrum of phenomena, for example, astrology, UFO, telepathy, superstitions, ghosts, etc. Many researchers believe that these are two opposite ways of thinking and have a negative association. In this research were used two instruments: Revised Paranormal Belief Scale, and Critical Thinking Disposition Scale. Acquired data were divided in groups based on individualā€™s study programm ā€“ medical students, health care students, and social studies students. Mean values were for the paranormal scale and the sum of points for critical disposition were calculated and analysed based on gender, year of study, and mutual associations. As a result of this research 145 RSU students from all faculties have participated by filling survey electronically. It was found that 59,3% of all RSU students have at least one paranormal belief and 40,7% deny belief in any. Most of the students share traditional religious beliefs (35,9%) and spiritualism beliefs (34,5%) and the least amount of students believe in superstition (3,4%). 77,9% of all students have a high disposition and there is no significant difference between different groups based on their faculty. Both paranormal beliefs and critical thinking disposition showed no significant change based on the year of study. A significant negative association was found between critical thinking disposition and paranormal belief scale, as well as with all its subscales except traditional religious belief. The hypothesis of this work was approved ā€“ a negative correlation is evident between critical thinking disposition and belief in paranormal

    Clinical and neurophysiological spectrum of polyneuropathies in children

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    PediatrijaVeselÄ«bas aprÅ«pePediatricsHealth CarePerifēra neiropātija ir perifēro nervu darbÄ«bas traucējumi, ko izraisa izmaiņas perifēro sensoro, motoro un/vai autonomo neironu struktÅ«rā vai funkcijā. Perifēro neiropātiju etioloÄ£ija ir daudzveidÄ«ga, taču bērnu vecumā dominē perifēro nervu iekaisÄ«gās un iedzimtās saslimÅ”anas. Å Ä« pētÄ«juma mērÄ·is bija noskaidrot rupjo nervu Ŕķiedru neiropātijas klÄ«nisko un elektrofizioloÄ£isko profilu bērniem, kas 10 gadu laikā tika neirogrāfiski izmeklēti Bērnu klÄ«niskajā universitātes slimnÄ«cā. Pamatojoties uz neirogrāfiju datiem 165 bērniem laika posmā no 2008. un 2018. gadā tika diagnosticēta polineiropātija. MÅ«su pētÄ«jumā lielākajai daļai bērnu neiropātijas cēloņi bija iegÅ«ti, galvenokārt cukura diabēta dēļ, savukārt aptuveni 1 no 5 bērniem neiropātija bija iedzimta. GandrÄ«z pusei pacientu tika novērots motors deficÄ«ts, kas vairāk izpaudās toksisko un iekaisÄ«go neiropātiju gadÄ«jumā. Nedaudz mazāk kā treÅ”daļa pacientu sÅ«dzējās par sāpēm, kā arÄ« autonomās disfunkcijas simptomiem. Neirogrāfijā tika pierādÄ«ta demielinizējoÅ”a neiropātija 52 gadÄ«jumos (31%), aksiāla neiropātija 34 gadÄ«jumos (21%) un jaukta polineiropātija 79 gadÄ«jumos (48%). MÅ«su pētÄ«jumā tika analizētas arÄ« neirogrāfiski diagnosticēto polineiropātiju klÄ«niskās un elektrofizioloÄ£iskās Ä«paŔības. Lielākā daļa pētÄ«juma polineiropātiju bija iedzimtas un diabētiskas etioloÄ£ijas ar kombinētiem (mielÄ«na un aksona) nervu Ŕķiedru bojājumiem. Visās etioloÄ£iskajās grupas tika novēroti gandrÄ«z visi klÄ«niskie simptomi.Peripheral neuropathy is a disorder of the peripheral nerves and results from a disturbance of structure and/or function of the peripheral sensory, motor and/or autonomic neurons. The possible aetiology of peripheral neuropathies is diverse, but inflammatory and hereditary diseases of the peripheral nerves predominate in childhood. The aim of this study was to determine the clinical and electrophysiological profile of large nerve fibre neuropathy detected by nerve conduction studies (NCS) in children over a 10-year period at the Childrenā€™s Clinical University Hospital in Latvia. Based on NCS findings, 165 children between 2008 and 2018 were diagnosed with polyneuropathy. In our study, the majority of children had peripheral neuropathy due to acquired causes, mostly due to diabetes mellitus; roughly one in five of the patients had hereditary neuropathy. Almost half of the patients had motor deficits, which were more prevalent in toxic and inflammatory neuropathies. A little less than a third of patients complained of pain as well as presenting with autonomic dysfunction symptoms. The NCS demonstrated a demyelinating neuropathy in 52 cases (31%), an axonal neuropathy in 34 cases (21%), and mixed polyneuropathy in 79 cases (48%). Our study investigated the clinical and electrophysiological characteristics of polyneuropathies diagnosed with NCS in children. Most of the polyneuropathies in our study were hereditary and diabetic neuropathies with combined (myelin and axon) damage to nerve fibres. Almost all clinical symptoms of polyneuropathy were present in all aetiological groups