11 research outputs found

    Teoria del progetto / Teoria del 110: etnografia di una pratica contemporanea

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    Il contributo illustra i presupposti didattici e gli esiti pedagogici del corso "Teoria del progetto architettonico. Professioni e strategie per gli architetti," aperto agli studenti iscritti al Corso di Laurea Magistrale “Architettura Costruzioni Città” del Politecnico di Torino. L’obiettivo generale è quello di discutere una posizione ontologica che definisca cosa sia il progetto di architettura attraverso la presentazione di una pratica pedagogica fortemente improntata sull’osservazione diretta del mestiere degli architetti. Il corso, infatti, indaga la pratica contemporanea della progettazione architettonica, e, allo stesso tempo, esplora e discute contributi teorici. Al fine di condividere un posizionamento disciplinare specifico, il contributo è così strutturato: la prima parte spiega il progetto di architettonico inteso come il risultato di un processo complesso cui partecipano diverse entità coinvolte, riferendosi per lo più agli studi del sociologo francese Bruno Latour e all’applicazione di questi allo studio delle pratiche architettoniche sviluppato dalla teorica dell’architettura Albena Yaneva. In seguito, l’articolo spiega cosa si intenda per “teoria del progetto architettonico” e la relazione con la “teoria della documentalità” proposta dal filosofo Maurizio Ferraris. Per concludere sono presentate e discusse le specificità del corso, con l’obiettivo di mettere in relazione tali considerazioni teoriche e pratica

    Il progetto è un sogno

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    Seeking the just city

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    Starting from the acknowledgment of cities as the spontaneous and obvious theatre for civic and politics, aim of this research is to understand how and if is there a way to work, as policy makers towards a just city. Based on Fainstein definition, the term justice is the one “encompassing equity, democracy, and diversity”. Said that, is it possible to pinpoint a frame of preconditions that are essential to any urban area development in order to be considered just? Is it just a Utopia or is it an ideal worth to strive for? In order to answer those questions, an ethical definition of such concepts needs to be researched and stated. The role of management in the built environment, urban planning, and design need to be defined as well, particularly with a transdisciplair approach. How does urban planning development affect the different actors that are going to use the area? What does it mean, considering the shaping of the urban in the future? The filer of the gap created by urban planning theory and reality becomes even more direct when talking about such a concrete base concept as justice (Young, 1990). Therefore, aim of this research is not to look-analyse but to listen-understand the specific Urban Area Development Project in order to understand the reasons behind the decisions making process, to unpack the aspirations of both policy makers and designers. Looking at HavanStad as a specific case study this graduation research will make clear how these actors have been dealing with accessibility and the right to the city.City of the FutureArchitecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences | Management in the Built Environmen

    Superbonus competenze

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    Aim of the paper is to situate the meaning of competence by outlining the relation between the architectural practice and the “Super Ecobonus”. This policy framework, introduced by the Italian government in 2020 and revised a number of times, provides fiscal incentives for buildings renovation aimed to energy-efficient adaptation and sustainability goals. Within such framework, a huge amount of efforts and job opportunities for many firms are converging on a national scale. The paper approaches Super Ecobonus as an indirect experiment for operationally defining competence: such peculiar contingency offers a frame of what competences are according to the actions done by architects confronted in their everyday practice with performing the tasks the norm requires.Through a series of semi-structured interviews and their graphical organisation is presented a scenario of rather complex consequences brought by the regulatory constraints, diverging or integrating previous know-hows. Finally, it concludes that, despite a context of high bureaucratic density and logistical and timing pressures, each of the practices defines its action along original paths