13 research outputs found

    Commissioning of the ALTO 50 MeV electron linac

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    online : http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/e06/PAPERS/MOPLS113.pdfThe ALTO 50 MeV electron linac is dedicated to the production of neutron-rich radioactive nuclei using the photo-fission process and the optimisation of the targetion source system for SPIRAL 2 and EURISOL projects. The accelerator consists of a 3 MeV injector (old test station of LAL, Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire d'Orsay), LIL (Linac Injector of LEP) accelerating structure, RF power plant, beam line, control system and diagnostics. Specified and measured beam parameters will be compared to show the performances of the photofission process and eventually other applications

    Technical and scientific report of the Alto project

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    The Alto project means the installation of an electron linear accelerator inside the experimental area of the tandem accelerator of the nuclear physics institute of Orsay (IPNO, France). This linear accelerator comes from CERN where it was operating as a pre-injector for LEP. This equipment will allow IPNO'teams to perform fast kinetics studies in a domain different from that of ELYSE accelerator. The time resolution will not be as high as that of ELYSE (picosecond) but will be sufficient (microsecond) to produce free radicals in aqueous and gaseous media. The main expectations of this installation can be classified according 3 axis: 1) basic research (mainly the study of nuclear matter through photo-fission, 2) research and development of accelerators (by providing a test bench for new high frequency systems and superconducting components), and 3) applied research for industry concerning: biochemistry under irradiation, radiation sensibility, DNA breaking, food and drug sterilization and behaviour of electronic components under irradiation. This rapport details the research program that could be achieved with this equipment, describes its contributions in terms of economic development, cooperation with industry, student training, and specifies the needed investment and the operating and maintenance costs. (A.C.

    The study of a new PARRNe experimental area using an electron linac close to the Orsay tandem

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    The Production of neutron-rich radioactive nuclei through fission is currently prime of research interest for the future radioactive beam facilities. For example in the EURISOL[1] project, photo-fission and fast neutron induced fission are proposed. The photo-fission cross-section for 238U is about 0.16 barn (against 1.6 barn for fast neutrons of 40 MeV) but the conversion electrons/gammas is much more efficient than that of deuterons/neutrons. It was necessary, to test this new method of production, to carry out, in equivalent conditions, an experiment of the type PARRNe-1 using a 50 MeV electron beam. In April 2001, production of fission fragments induced by gammas proved to be successful. Bremsstrahlung gamma rays were produced by the few nA-50 MeV electron beam delivered by the CERN LEP Injector Linac (LIL). This promising alternative has stimulated the study of a new experimental area at IPNO based on an electron Linac close to the Tandem, through a collaboration with LAL and CERN PS groups