41 research outputs found

    Ultrafast All-Polymer Paper-Based Batteries

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    Conducting polymers for battery applications have been subject to numerous investigations during the last two decades. However, the functional charging rates and the cycling stabilities have so far been found to be insufficient for practical applications. These shortcomings can, at least partially, be explained by the fact that thick layers of the conducting polymers have been used to obtain sufficient capacities of the batteries. In the present letter, we introduce a novel nanostructured high-surface area electrode material for energy storage applications composed of cellulose fibers of algal origin individually coated with a 50 nm thin layer of polypyrrole. Our results show the hitherto highest reported charge capacities and charging rates for an all polymer paper-based battery. The composite conductive paper material is shown to have a specific surface area of 80 m2 g-1 and batteries based on this material can be charged with currents as high as 600 mA cm-2 with only 6 % loss in capacity over 100 subsequent charge and discharge cycles. The aqueous-based batteries, which are entirely based on cellulose and polypyrrole and exhibit charge capacities between 25 and 33 mAh g-1 or 38-50 mAh g-1 per weight of the active material, open up new possibilities for the production of environmentally friendly, cost efficient, up-scalable and lightweight energy storage systems. There is currently a great interest in the development of thin, flexible, lightweight, and environmentally friendly batteries and supercapacitors.1 In this process, the preparation of novel redox polymer and electronically conducting polymer-base

    Electrodeposition and characterization of Fe–Mo alloys as cathodes for hydrogen evolution in the process of chlorate

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    Fe–Mo alloys were electrodeposited from a pyrophosphate bath using a single diode rectified AC current. Their composition and morphology were investigated by SEM, optical microscopy and EDS, in order to determine the influence of the deposition conditions on the morphology and composition of these alloys. It was shown that the electrodeposition parameters, such as: chemical bath composition and current density, influenced both the composition of the Fe–Mo alloys and the current efficiency for their deposition, while the micro and macro-morphology did not change significantly with changing conditions of alloy electrodeposition. It was found that the electrodeposited Fe–Mo alloys possessed a 0.15 V to 0.30 V lower overvoltage than mild steel for hydrogen evolution in an electrolyte commonly used in commercial chlorate production, depending on the alloy composition, i.e., the conditions of alloy electrodeposition

    Electrodeposition and characterization of Fe–Mo alloys as cathodes

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    for hydrogen evolution in the process of chlorate productio

    Recent Advances in the Direct Synthesis of H 2

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    Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a highly effective, green oxidant that has found application in sectors ranging from the synthesis of fine chemicals and waste stream treatment to the extraction of precious metals and the bleaching of paper pulp and textiles. The growing demand for H2O2 has seen it become one of the 100 most important chemicals in the world. The direct synthesis of H2O2 from H2 and O2 has been a challenge for the scientific community for over 100 years and represents an attractive alternative to the current means of production. Herein we discuss the historical perspective of the direct synthesis process, the recent literature regarding catalyst design and the role of additives as well as the application of H2O2 as an in situ oxidant. We discuss the key problems that remain and conclude that although there has been progress with respect to the selectivity of hydrogen utilisation, there is a need to now concentrate on catalyst activity as the key remaining problem requiring a solution is the concentration of H2O2 that can be achieved especially in flow reactors

    High activity of Pt4Mo alloy for the electrochemical oxidation of formic acid

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    Surface processes on Pt4Mo alloy well-defined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were studied in acid solution by cyclic voltammetry. It was established that Mo in the alloy is much more resistant toward electrochemical dissolution than pure Mo. During the potential cycling of Pt4Mo surfaces in completely quiescent electrolyte, hydrous Mo-oxide could be generated on Mo sites. Investigation of the formic acid oxidation revealed that this type of Mo-oxide enhances the reaction rate by more than I order of magnitude with respect to pure Pt. Surface poisoning by COads is significantly lower on Pt4Mo alloy than on pure Pt. The effect of hydrous Mo-oxide on the HCOOH oxidation rate was explained through the facilitated removal of the poisoning species and through its possible influence on the intrinsic rate of the direct reaction path

    X-ray absorption spectroscopy of low temperature fuel cell catalysts

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    1.Introduction 2.X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy 2.1. XANES 2.2. EXAFS 3.Data Collection and In Situ Cells 4.XAS as a Characterization Method: Pt/C 4.1. Particle Size 4.2. Potential Dependence 4.3. Adsorbates 5.Pt Containing Alloy Catalysts 5.1. PtRu Alloys 5.1.1. Compositional Analysis 5.1.2. Potential Dependence 5.1.3. Adsorbates 5.2. Other Pt Containing Alloy Anode Catalysts 5.3. Pt Containing Alloy Cathode Catalysts 6.Non-Pt Catalysts 7.Conclusion 8.Reference