431 research outputs found

    Faithful Estimation of Dynamics Parameters from CPMG Relaxation Dispersion Measurements

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    This work examines the robustness of fitting of parameters describing conformational exchange (kex, pa/b, and Δω) processes from CPMG relaxation dispersion data. We have analyzed the equations describing conformational exchange processes for the intrinsic inter-dependence of their parameters that leads to the existence of multiple equivalent solutions, which equally satisfy the experimental data. We have used Monte-Carlo simulations and fitting to the synthetic data sets as well as the direct 3-D mapping of the parameter space of kex, pa/b, and Δω to quantitatively assess the degree of the parameter inter-dependence. The demonstrated high correlation between parameters can preclude accurate dynamics parameter estimation from NMR spin-relaxation data obtained at a single static magnetic field. The strong parameter inter-dependence can readily be overcome through acquisition of spin-relaxation data at more than one static magnetic field thereby allowing accurate assessment of conformational exchange properties

    Anatomy and Physiology of Knee Stability

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    Knee instability has been the focus of large number of studies over the last decade; however, a high incidence rate of injury still exists. The aim of this short report is to examine knee joint anatomy and physiology with respect to knee stability. Knee joint stability requires the integration of a complex set of anatomical structures and physiological mechanism. Compromising any of these structures leads to destabilisation and increased risk of injuries. This review highlights the structure and soft tissue of the knee that contribute to its stability and function. This introduction is part of the Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology’s Special Issue “The Knee: Structure, Function and Rehabilitation”

    False positives associated with responder/non-responder analyses based on motor evoked potentials

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    Background: A trend in the non-invasive brain stimulation literature is to assess the outcome of an intervention using a responder analysis whereby participants are di- or trichotomised in order that they may be classified as either responders or non-responders. Objective: Examine the extent of the Type I error in motor evoked potential (MEP) data subjected to responder analyses. Methods: Seven sets of 30 MEPs were recorded from the first dorsal interosseous muscle in 52 healthy volunteers. Four classification techniques were used to classify the participants as responders or non-responders: (1) the two-step cluster analysis, (2) dichotomised thresholding, (3) relative method and (4) baseline variance method. Results: Despite the lack of any intervention, a significant number of participants were classified as responders (21–71%). Conclusion: This study highlights the very large Type I error associated with dichotomising continuous variables such as the TMS MEP

    Interindividual Variability in Use-Dependent Plasticity Following Visuomotor Learning: The Effect of Handedness and Muscle Trained

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    Motor learning has been linked with increases in corticospinal excitability (CSE). However, the robustness of this link is unclear. In this study, changes in CSE associated with learning a visuomotor tracking task were mapped using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). TMS maps were obtained before and after training with the first dorsal interosseous (FDI) of the dominant and nondominant hand, and for a distal (FDI) and proximal (biceps brachii) muscle. Tracking performance improved following 20 min of visuomotor training, while map area was unaffected. Large individual differences were observed with 18%–36% of the participants revealing an increase in TMS map area. This result highlights the complex relationship between motor learning and use-dependent plasticity of the motor cortex

    Modifications in lower leg muscle activation when walking barefoot or in minimalist shoes across different age-groups

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    Ageing is associated with a decline in muscle strength and impaired sensory mechanisms which contribute to an increased risk of falls. Walking barefooted has been suggested to promote increased muscle strength and improved proprioceptive sensibility through better activation of foot and ankle musculature. Minimalist footwear has been marketed as a method of reaping the suggested benefits of barefoot walking whilst still providing a protective surface. The aim of this study was to investigate if walking barefoot or in minimalist footwear provokes increased muscle activation compared to walking in conventional footwear. Seventy healthy adults (age range 20-87) volunteered for this study. All participants walked along a 7 m walking lane five times in four different footwear conditions (barefoot (BF), minimalist shoes (MSH), their own shoes (SH) and control shoes (CON)). Muscle activity of their tibialis anterior (TA), gastrocnemius medialis (GCM) and peroneus longus (PL) were recorded simultaneously and normalised to the BF condition. MSH are intermediate in terms of ankle kinematics and muscle activation patterns. Walking BF or in MSH results in a decrease in TA activity at initial stance due to a flatter foot at contact in comparison to conventional footwear. Walking BF reduces PL activity at initial stance in the young and middle age but not the old. Walking in supportive footwear appears to reduce the balance modulation role of the GCM in the young and middle age but not the old, possibly as a result of slower walking speed when BF

    Short-range ordering in a battery electrode, the 'cation-disordered' rocksalt Li1.25Nb0.25Mn0.5O2.

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    Cation order, with a local structure related to Îł-LiFeO2, is observed in the nominally cation-disordered Li-excess rocksalt Li1.25Nb0.25Mn0.5O2via X-ray diffraction, neutron pair distribution function analysis, magnetic susceptibility and NMR spectroscopy. The correlation length of ordering depends on synthesis conditions and has implications for the electrochemistry of these phases.EPSRC: EP/L015978/1 Basic Energy Science, US Department of Energy: DE-SC001258

    Evolution and function of the epithelial cell-specific ER stress sensor IRE1β

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    Barrier epithelial cells lining the mucosal surfaces of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts interface directly with the environment. As such, these tissues are continuously challenged to maintain a healthy equilibrium between immunity and tolerance against environmental toxins, food components, and microbes. An extracellular mucus barrier, produced and secreted by the underlying epithelium plays a central role in this host defense response. Several dedicated molecules with a unique tissue-specific expression in mucosal epithelia govern mucosal homeostasis. Here, we review the biology of Inositol-requiring enzyme 1β (IRE1β), an ER-resident endonuclease and paralogue of the most evolutionarily conserved ER stress sensor IRE1α. IRE1β arose through gene duplication in early vertebrates and adopted functions unique from IRE1α which appear to underlie the basic development and physiology of mucosal tissues
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