2 research outputs found
Techno-economic and structural correlates of organizational culture: An integrative framework.
- Author
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
Organizational Ambidexterity: Antecedents, Outcomes, and Moderators
- Author
- Abernathy W.
- Abernathy W.J.
- Adler P.S.
- Adler P.S.
- Ahuja G.
- Amburgey T.L.
- Ancona D.G.
- Argyris C.
- Atuahene-Gima K.
- Auh S.
- Baden-Fuller C.
- Barkema H.
- Bartlett C.A.
- Beckman C.M.
- Benner M.J.
- Birkinshaw J.
- Bradach J.
- Brown J.S.
- Brown S.L.
- Brown S.L.
- Burgelman R.A.
- Burns T.
- Bushe G.R.
- Christensen C.M.
- Christensen C.M.
- Colbert B.A.
- Cottrell T.
- Danneels E.
- Denison D.
- Dewar R.D.
- Doty H.D.
- Dougherty D.
- Drazin R.
- Dubin R.
- Dutton J.E.
- Ebben J.J.
- Eisenhardt K.M.
- Eisenhardt K.M.
- Floyd S.
- Floyd S.
- Ford J.D.
- Fry L.W.
- Gatignon H.
- Ghemawat P.
- Ghoshal S.
- Gibson C.B.
- Gilbert C.G.
- Gioia D.A.
- Golden B.R.
- Goldstein S.G.
- Gresov C.
- Gupta A.K.
- Hamel G.
- Hannan M.T.
- Hansen M.T.
- He Z.L.
- Helfat C.E.
- Hill C.W.L.
- Hitt M.A.
- Holmqvist M.
- Jansen J.J.P.
- Jansen J.J.P.
- Jansen J.J.P.
- Julian Birkinshaw
- Katila R.
- Knott A.M.
- Kohli A.K.
- Kostova T.
- Kuhn T.S.
- Kyriakopoulos K.
- Laamanen T.
- Lavie D.
- Lawrence P.R.
- Leana C.
- Leonard-Barton D.
- Leonard-Barton D.
- Levinthal D.
- Levinthal D.
- Levitt B.
- Lewin A.Y.
- Lewis M.W.
- March J.G.
- Markides C.C.
- Markides C.C.
- McDonough E.F.
- McGill M.E.
- McKee D.
- Meyer A.D.
- Meyer C.B.
- Miles R.E.
- Miller D.
- Miller D.
- Mintzberg H.
- Mom T.J.M.
- Nadler D.
- Narver J.C.
- Nickerson J.A.
- Nonaka I.H.
- Nonaka I.H.
- O'Reilly C.A.
- O'Reilly C.A.
- Parnell J.A.
- Parnell J.A.
- Parnell J.A.
- Peretti F.
- Porter M.E.
- Probst G.
- Raisch S.
- Rosenkopf L.
- Rothaermel F.T.
- Sanchez R.
- Sastry M.A.
- Schreyoegg G.
- Sebastian Raisch
- Senge P.M.
- Sheremata W.
- Siggelkow N.
- Siggelkow N.
- Smith W.K.
- Smith W.K.
- Teece D.J.
- Thompson J.D.
- Thornhill S.
- Thornhill S.
- Tushman M.L.
- Tushman M.L.
- Tushman M.L.
- Van Looy B.
- Vassolo R.S.
- Venkatraman N.
- Vermeulen F.
- Volberda H.
- Volberda H.
- Volberda H.
- Volberda H.
- Webb D.
- Weick K.E.
- Wernerfelt B.
- Westerman G.
- Wright P.
- Zahra S.A.
- Zahra S.A.
- Zook C.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study