5 research outputs found

    Scuola, diritti umani e cittadinanza europea. Percorsi di formazione e ricerca-azione nelle scuole del Piemonte

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    Educare nella scuola ai diritti e ai doveri dei futuri cittadini, alla ricerca di un senso civico e della cosa pubblica di cui oggi abbiamo molto bisogno: temi importanti e difficili, che ricadono fra le tante responsabilità della scuola italiana e dei suoi insegnanti e su cui la Fondazione Agnelli ha avviato un percorso di collaborazione con l’Ufficio Scolastico Regionale del Piemonte che il volume documenta.- Indice #5- Prefazione, Anna Maria Dominici #9- Prefazione, Marco Demarie #13- Introduzione al progetto Educazione alla cittadinanza e alla solidarietà: cultura dei diritti umani, Luigi Catalano #15- Il progetto nazionale, Simonetta Fichelli #17- Il progetto regionale, Carla Fiore #23- Guida alla lettura #29- Saggi #31- La protezione internazionale dei diritti umani, Edoardo Greppi #33- La protezione europea dei diritti umani nella Carta di Nizza, Jörg Luther #45- Scuola e società multietnica, Lorenzo Fischer #57- Scuola, islam e il dibattito sui diritti dell’uomo, Andrea Pacini #65- I progetti delle scuole piemontesi #75- Appendici #157- Appendice A Scheda progetto nazionale 2003 Educazione alla cittadinanza e alla solidarietà: cultura dei diritti umani #159- Appendice B Diritti in mostra, Gemma Re #171Appendice C L’Osservatorio sulla Convenzione Europea, Stefano Milia #17

    Experimental induction of mycotic plaques in the guttural pouches of horses

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    Guttural pouch mycosis (GPM) is a rare but potentially life-threatening condition in horses. GPM is caused by a fungal invasion into the mucosal lining of the guttural pouches and, frequently, the associated neurovascular structures. Although several species of fungi have been associated with this disease, Aspergillus spp. appear to be the most common isolated from the guttural pouches. However, it remains unclear which are the predisposing factors leading to the development of the infection. The objectives of the present study were to experimentally reproduce an infection by Aspergillus fumigatus and to follow the natural evolution of the mycosis. Eight guttural pouches from four horses were experimentally infected by endoscopy-guided intrapouch inoculation of A. fumigatus culture. Horses were monitored for clinical signs and development of fungal plaques through endoscopic examination. Mycotic lesions were observed in all the horses and a spontaneous regression was observed within 15-28 days. No development of clinical signs was noticed. In conclusion, we were able to induce the development of mycotic lesions and to observe a natural regression of these lesions without clinical signs

    La traducción del teatro áureo en Italia, desde el siglo XIX hasta nuestros días. Constantes y variables en la formación de un canon

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    This essay aims to provide an over view of the Italian translations of Spanish Golden Age theatre from the 19th centur y to the present, identifying above all the differ-ences in the approach to Spanish texts compared to previous centuries and the distinc-tive features of each historical-cultural period within this long span of time. Romantic translations (a period marked by the great collections of theatrical texts by Monti and La Cecilia) were characterised by their marked preference for religious and honour-based dramas and for the works of Calderón; while the 20th centur y saw a general reworking of the corpus of translated texts, with a stable presence of Calderón and the recover y of the dramas on peasant honour by Lope de Vega. The emergence and affirmation of the poetic translation is highlighted, from the early experiments of the 1920s to the general acceptance of our days, and the role hispanists and writers played in this choice. An analysis of the corpus of translation collections in the 20th and 21st centuries, as well as of the many individual translations, also shows how the canon of the Spanish Golden Age theatre has changed both on the academic and editorial side