6 research outputs found

    Une rĂ©gion, plusieurs mondes, impressions d’une Ă©tude de terrain dans la rĂ©gion du JarĂ­, Amazonie brĂ©silienne, aoĂ»t 2009

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    This article is based on a prolonged fieldwork carried out in the Brazilian Amazon region between January and August 2009 for a PhD in geography about the rise and development of the JarĂ­ river region, a trans-border territory between the AmapĂĄ and the ParĂĄ state. The recent history of this area inextricably connected with the installation in 1967 of an agro-industrial company, the Jari Cellulose S.A., by the American businessman D.K. Ludwig. He had set up a large-scale production of paper pulp on the basis of extensive tree plantations. However, the area was already populated by small communities making a living by gathering forest products and through small-scale subsistence agriculture. With the arrival of the company, the area took a new turn, characterized by new and dynamic economy, but also by considerable social and ecological impacts. Its contradictory effects on the region suspended between development and conservation in the context of the Amazon forest are still notable today. The journey documented in this text is about the last and most remote excursion endeavoured during the fieldwork in the region. It takes us to the communities of the Estrada Nova, a territory at the south-west end of the JarĂ­ Cellulose domain. Here, the majority of the families in the communities live isolated from the company, either in absolute independence or in quiet cooperation with the latter. The following article includes several testimonies of some of the key-characters encountered during the expedition to and across the Estrada Nova

    Une rĂ©gion, plusieurs mondes, impressions d’une Ă©tude de terrain dans la rĂ©gion du JarĂ­, Amazonie brĂ©silienne, aoĂ»t 2009

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    Cette synthĂšse de terrain retrace quelques journĂ©es clefs d’un travail de recherche rĂ©alisĂ© en Amazonie brĂ©silienne entre janvier et aoĂ»t 2009 dans le cadre d’une thĂšse de doctorat en gĂ©ographie sur la naissance et le dĂ©veloppement de la rĂ©gion du JarĂ­, un territoire transfrontalier entre l’AmapĂĄ et le ParĂĄ. L’histoire rĂ©cente de cette rĂ©gion est indissociablement liĂ©e Ă  l’installation en 1967, par l’entrepreneur AmĂ©ricain D.K. Ludwig, d’une entreprise agro-industrielle, la Jari Cellulose S.A., pour la production de pĂąte Ă  papier Ă  grande Ă©chelle, reposant sur des plantations extensives, alors que la rĂ©gion Ă©tait dĂ©jĂ  peuplĂ©e de petites communautĂ©s vivant de cueillette et d’agriculture de subsistance. Avec l’arrivĂ©e de l’entreprise, la rĂ©gion a connu un important changement de cap, caractĂ©risĂ© par une nouvelle dynamique Ă©conomique, mais aussi par des impacts sociaux et Ă©cologiques considĂ©rables, dont les effets contradictoires entre dĂ©veloppement et conservation en contexte de l’Amazonie forestiĂšre n’ont pas encore Ă©tĂ© rĂ©solus dans la rĂ©gion aujourd’hui. Le voyage racontĂ© ici est la derniĂšre et plus lointaine excursion entamĂ©e pendant le travail de terrain. Il nous amĂšne aux communautĂ©s de l’Estrada Nova, territoire situĂ© au sud-ouest du domaine de l’entreprise JarĂ­ Cellulose. Ici, la plupart des familles des communautĂ©s vivent dans un isolement prononcĂ©, en indĂ©pendance absolue de l’entreprise oĂč en coopĂ©ration silencieuse avec celle-ci. L’article suivant inclut plusieurs tĂ©moignages de quelques-uns des personnages clefs rencontrĂ©s au cours de l’expĂ©dition au et Ă  travers de l’Estrada Nova.<br>This article is based on a prolonged fieldwork carried out in the Brazilian Amazon region between January and August 2009 for a PhD in geography about the rise and development of the JarĂ­ river region, a trans-border territory between the AmapĂĄ and the ParĂĄ state. The recent history of this area inextricably connected with the installation in 1967 of an agro-industrial company, the Jari Cellulose S.A., by the American businessman D.K. Ludwig. He had set up a large-scale production of paper pulp on the basis of extensive tree plantations. However, the area was already populated by small communities making a living by gathering forest products and through small-scale subsistence agriculture. With the arrival of the company, the area took a new turn, characterized by new and dynamic economy, but also by considerable social and ecological impacts. Its contradictory effects on the region suspended between development and conservation in the context of the Amazon forest are still notable today. The journey documented in this text is about the last and most remote excursion endeavoured during the fieldwork in the region. It takes us to the communities of the Estrada Nova, a territory at the south-west end of the JarĂ­ Cellulose domain. Here, the majority of the families in the communities live isolated from the company, either in absolute independence or in quiet cooperation with the latter. The following article includes several testimonies of some of the key-characters encountered during the expedition to and across the Estrada Nova.<br>Esta sĂ­ntese nara alguns dias de trabalho de campo realizado na AmazĂŽnia brasileira entre janeiro e agosto de 2009, como parte de uma tese de doutorado em geografia sobre o nascimento e desenvolvimento da regiĂŁo do Jari, um territĂłrio de fronteira entre AmapĂĄ e ParĂĄ. A histĂłria recente desta regiĂŁo estĂĄ indissoluvelmente ligada Ă  implantação, em 1967, pelo americano DK Ludwig, de uma empresa do agronegĂłcio, a Jari Celulose SA, que produzia celulose em larga escala, com base em plantaçÔes extensivas, enquanto que a ĂĄrea jĂĄ era habitada por pequenas comunidades que viviam de coleta e de agricultura de subsistĂȘncia. Com a chegada da empresa, a regiĂŁo tem assistido a uma mudança significativa, caracterizada por uma nova dinĂąmica econĂłmica, mas tambĂ©m pelos impactos sociais e impactos ambientais, incluindo os efeitos contraditĂłrios entre desenvolvimento e conservação no contexto da AmazĂŽnia Floresta, que ainda nĂŁo foram resolvidos na regiĂŁo hoje. A jornada contada aqui Ă© a Ășltima viagem, e a mais distante, feita durante o trabalho de campo. Ela nos levou para as comunidades da Estrada Nova, ĂĄrea ao sudoeste da empresa Jari Celulose. Aqui, a maioria das famĂ­lias vivem em comunidades isoladas em absoluta independĂȘncia da empresa ou em cooperação silĂȘnciosa com ela. O artigo inclui vĂĄrios depoimentos de alguns dos principais personagens encontrados durante a viagem na Estrada Nova.Expedição nos confins, populaçÔes tradicionais, agronegĂłcio e de agricultura de subsistĂȘnci