9 research outputs found

    Key Components of Successful Sexuality Education for High Functioning Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    To date, there is very little existing research on the sexuality education of high functioning adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) even though current research suggests that 1 in 68 children are diagnosed with ASD (CDC, 2014). Through group consensus of experts in ASD representing families, school-based professionals, and researchers, this study aimed to reach an agreed upon understanding of the essential components necessary in teaching high functioning students with ASD about sexuality. Using the Delphi method, expert participants responded to three iterative questionnaires and provided their opinions and recommendations on the content, delivery, and responsibilities of schools and families regarding sexuality education curricula designed specifically for high functioning adolescents with ASD. Based on participant responses, the Guidelines for Developing Sexuality Education Curricula for High Functioning Adolescent Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder were developed. These guidelines are intended to be used as a tool to guide future sexuality education curriculum development that address the specific needs of high functioning students with ASD and to provide suggestions to modify existing curricula so that the needs of high functioning adolescents students are met. Additionally, families, school psychologists, and researchers are advised to utilize these Guidelines as an advocacy tool to increase awareness of the unique needs of high functioning students with ASD regarding their sexuality education and to initiate conversations and action

    Anthropologischer Messianismus : zum Marx-Bild Walter Benjamins

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    Mit der Einsicht in eine Gespensthaftigkeit von Marx präsentiert Jacques Derrida eine treffende Metapher für das bis heute übliche Muster, Marx als Projektionsfläche in politisch hochaufgeladenen Diskursen zu instrumentalisieren. Auch eine Auseinandersetzung mit Walter Benjamins Marx-Verständnis muss kritisch auf diese Tendenzen reflektieren. Um dieser Problematik gerecht zu werden, erfolgt in der vorliegenden Untersuchung eine strikte Konzentration auf das Bild, das Benjamin sich von Marx gemacht hat. Die in der Forschung etablierte Auffassung, nach der Benjamin Marx verfehlt oder missverstanden habe, erscheint bei dieser Vorgehensweise nicht relevant. Anstatt Benjamins Marx-Verständnis an objektivierten (oder dogmatisierten) Forschungsstandards zu messen, wird nur die Frage behandelt, was Benjamin an und bei Marx verstanden hat

    "Schamlosigkeit der Sumpfwelt" : über ein Motiv bei Walter Benjamin

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    Ende Mai 1935 übersendet Walter Benjamin ein Exposé zur "Passagenarbeit" an Theodor W. Adorno. Dieser reagiert Anfang August mit seinem großen "Hornberger Brief", in dem er regelrecht Gericht über Benjamins Exposé hält und unter anderem scharf gegen das Fehlen des ihm aus früheren Stadien der Arbeit bekannten Motivs der Moderne als Hölle protestiert. [...] Benjamins hier spekulativ elaborierte Antwort auf Adornos Vorwurf verdeutlicht, dass das Fehlen des Motivs der Hölle im Exposé von 1935 nicht zu einem theoretischen Plausibilitätsverlust des Paradies-Topos führt und die Darstellung auch nicht insgesamt in archaische Muster zurückfallen lässt. Mit der Bestimmung der Moderne als schamlose Sumpfwelt erfolgt kein Rekurs auf ein politisch indifferentes kollektives Unbewusstes. Vielmehr wird das praktische Nicht-Wiedereintreten des technisch möglich gewordenen Paradieses als ökonomische Klassenfrage erkennbar

    Forming behaviour of tailored rolled blanks

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    Forming behaviour of tailored rolled blanks

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    Changes of spruce stands in the lower mountain forest belt subjected to active protection in the Tatra National Park

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    One of the most important objective of the active nature protection in national parks situated in Polish mountains is the restoration of mixed stands replaced by Norway spruce monocultures. Seven spruce stands situated in the Tatra National Park were measured in 1983−1986 and in 2001. The density of all stands decreased whereas the basal area and volume increased. In some of them the changes were considerable. The contribution of Fagus sylvatica and Abies alba, two most important tree species in natural mountain forests, changed only slightly and even decreased in three stands. Intensity of elimination of trees was related to their thickness – thin trees were removed from stands more often. Due to this way of thinning the variation of tree thickness diminished in all spruce stands. The densities of Fagus sylvatica and Acer pseudoplatanus saplings increased in all stands as a result of former planting. However, they are still to low for effective restoration of mixed stands. It can be concluded that mainly sanitary cuttings have been used recently in all stands. This line of management is not deliberately focused on the restoration of mixed stands and the diversification of their structure. It results in aging of dense spruce stands and increases the risk of future large−area disturbances due to strong winds and insect outbreaks