128 research outputs found

    Strong Randomness Fixed Point in the Dissipative Random Transverse Field Ising Model

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    The interplay between disorder, quantum fluctuations and dissipation is studied in the random transverse Ising chain coupled to a dissipative Ohmic bath with a real space renormalization group. A typically very large length scale, L*, is identified above which the physics of frozen clusters dominates. Below L* a strong disorder fixed point determines scaling at a pseudo-critical point. In a Griffiths-McCoy region frozen clusters produce already a finite magnetization resulting in a classical low temperature behavior of the susceptibility and specific heat. These override the confluent singularities that are characterized by a continuously varying exponent z and are visible above a temperature T* ~ L*^{-z}.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, figures include

    The density of eigenvalues seen from the soft edge of random matrices in the Gaussian beta-ensembles

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    We characterize the phenomenon of "crowding" near the largest eigenvalue λmax\lambda_{\max} of random N×NN \times N matrices belonging to the Gaussian β\beta-ensemble of random matrix theory, including in particular the Gaussian orthogonal (β=1\beta=1), unitary (β=2\beta=2) and symplectic (β=4\beta = 4) ensembles. We focus on two distinct quantities: (i) the density of states (DOS) near λmax\lambda_{\max}, ρDOS(r,N)\rho_{\rm DOS}(r,N), which is the average density of eigenvalues located at a distance rr from λmax\lambda_{\max} (or the density of eigenvalues seen from λmax\lambda_{\max}) and (ii) the probability density function of the gap between the first two largest eigenvalues, pGAP(r,N)p_{\rm GAP}(r,N). Using heuristic arguments as well as well numerical simulations, we generalize our recent exact analytical study of the Hermitian case (corresponding to β=2\beta = 2). We also discuss some applications of these two quantities to statistical physics models.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, contribution to the proceedings of the Workshop "Random Matrix Theory: Foundations and Applications" in Cracow, July 1-6 201

    Large deviations

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    This is a brief pedagogical introduction to the theory of large deviations. It appeared in the ICTS Newsletter 2017 (Volume 3, Issue 2), goo.gl/pZWA6X.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Super-Aging in two-dimensional random ferromagnets

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    We study the aging properties, in particular the two-time autocorrelations, of the two-dimensional randomly diluted Ising ferromagnet below the critical temperature via Monte-Carlo simulations. We find that the autocorrelation function displays additive aging C(t,tw)=Cst(t)+Cag(t,tw)C(t,t_w)=C_{st}(t)+C_{ag}(t,t_w), where the stationary part CstC_{st} decays algebraically. The aging part shows anomalous scaling Cag(t,tw)=C(h(t)/h(tw))C_{ag}(t,t_w)={\cal C}(h(t)/h(t_w)), where h(u)h(u) is a non-homogeneous function excluding a t/twt/t_w scaling.Comment: 4 page

    Dynamic crossover in the persistence probability of manifolds at criticality

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    We investigate the persistence properties of critical d-dimensional systems relaxing from an initial state with non-vanishing order parameter (e.g., the magnetization in the Ising model), focusing on the dynamics of the global order parameter of a d'-dimensional manifold. The persistence probability P(t) shows three distinct long-time decays depending on the value of the parameter \zeta = (D-2+\eta)/z which also controls the relaxation of the persistence probability in the case of a disordered initial state (vanishing order parameter) as a function of the codimension D = d-d' and of the critical exponents z and \eta. We find that the asymptotic behavior of P(t) is exponential for \zeta > 1, stretched exponential for 0 <= \zeta <= 1, and algebraic for \zeta < 0. Whereas the exponential and stretched exponential relaxations are not affected by the initial value of the order parameter, we predict and observe a crossover between two different power-law decays when the algebraic relaxation occurs, as in the case d'=d of the global order parameter. We confirm via Monte Carlo simulations our analytical predictions by studying the magnetization of a line and of a plane of the two- and three-dimensional Ising model, respectively, with Glauber dynamics. The measured exponents of the ultimate algebraic decays are in a rather good agreement with our analytical predictions for the Ising universality class. In spite of this agreement, the expected scaling behavior of the persistence probability as a function of time and of the initial value of the order parameter remains problematic. In this context, the non-equilibrium dynamics of the O(n) model in the limit n->\infty and its subtle connection with the spherical model is also discussed in detail.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures; minor changes, added one figure, (old) fig.4 replaced by the correct fig.