19 research outputs found

    Effects of two treatments for aprosodia secondary to acquired brain injury

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    Expressive aprosodia is an impaired ability to change one's voice to express common emotions such as joy, anger, and sadness. Individuals with aprosodia speak in a flat, unemotional voice that often results in miscommunicated emotional messages. This study investigated two conceptually based treatments for expressive aprosodia: imitative treatment and cognitive-linguistic treatment. Five women and nine men with expressive aprosodia following right-hemisphere brain damage received the treatments in two phases 1 month apart in random order. Treatment was received 3 to 4 days a week for a total of 20 sessions each phase. As the outcome measure, sentences that elicited treated (happy, angry, sad, neutral) and untreated (fear) emotional tones of voice were administered during baseline, prior to treatment sessions, following treatment termination, and at 1- and 3-month followups. Effect sizes indicated that treatment effects were modest to substantial and that 12 participants responded to at least one treatment. Four responsive participants who were available for follow-up showed benefit at 1 and 3 months posttreatment. Most visual and statistical analyses were congruent

    Active treatments for aprosodia secondary to right hemisphere stroke

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    This study investigates the effects of two mechanism-based treatments for expressive aprosodia. Three participants, two women and one man, had a right hemisphere cerebral infarction resulting in affective aprosodia with greater expressive than receptive deficits. Trained raters determined presence of aprosodia by judging participants' performance on two emotional communication batteries. A single-subject design with replication across three participants was employed. Sentence production with the use of treated and nontreated emotions was measured during baseline and treatment phases. Sentences were scored for accuracy by a trained rater blind to time of testing and analyzed visually and statistically. Effect sizes calculated on the resulting data for each participant and treatment confirmed modest to substantial treatment effects for both treatments in all three participants. Because of a relative paucity of treatment studies investigating expressive aprosodia, these data are among the first to suggest that aprosodia may be amenable to behavioral treatments