21 research outputs found

    Survey of self-assessed preparedness for clinical practice in one Croatian medical school

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Croatian higher education system is in the process of reforming its medical curricula to comply with European Union standards. We conducted a survey of students enrolled at the University of Zagreb (Croatia) asking them to rate their perception of preparedness for clinical practice prior to initiation of the reform process. The purpose of the survey was to identify self-perceived deficiencies in education and to establish a reference point for the later assessment of ongoing educational reform.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>One-hundred and forty seven (N = 147) graduates reported the levels of perceived preparedness on 30 items grouped into 8 educational domains. Main domains were: understanding science, practical skills/patient management, holistic care, prevention, interpersonal skills, confidence/coping skills, collaboration, and self-directed learning. For each item, graduates self assessed their preparedness on a scale ranging from 1 to 4, with 1 = "Very inadequate", 2 = "Somewhat inadequate", 3 = "Somewhat adequate", and 4 = "Very adequate". In 7 out of 8 domains the achieved median score was ≥ 3. Students expressed low confidence (defined when ≥ 25% of respondents supplied a rating for the survey question as: "very inadequate" or "somewhat inadequate") with interpersonal skills (discussing terminal disease, counseling distraught patients, balancing professional and personal life), and in performing certain basic semi-invasive or invasive procedures.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Zagreb medical graduates identified several deficiencies within educational domains required for standard clinical practice. Ongoing educational efforts need to be directed towards the correction of these deficiencies in order to achieve standards required by the European Union.</p

    Anticoagulation Management during First Five Days of Infant-Pediatric Extracorporeal Life Support

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    Anticoagulation during infant-pediatric extracorporeal life support (ECLS) has been a topic of study for many years, but management of anticoagulation is still only partially understood. Adequate anticoagulation during ECLS is imperative for successful outcomes and understanding the individual variables that play part is crucial for properly implementing anticoagulation management strategies. The purpose of our study was to compare the relationships between the variables of activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), activated clotting time, international normalized ratio, bleeding, thrombus formation, kaolin + heparinase thromboelastograph alpha angle, kaolin thromboelastograph reaction time (KTEG R-time), heparin dose rates (HDR), antithrombin (AT), anti-Xa, bivalirudin dose rate, argatroban dose rate, interventions, and transfusions. We hypothesized that the relationship between measures of anticoagulation would be influenced by the AT levels, and a therapeutic aPTT (60–80 seconds) could be achieved by increasing, or maintaining, the overall AT above a specific threshold for infant-pediatric patients on ECLS. Thirty-five infant-pediatric patients underwent ECLS between January 2013 and January 2016. The median age was 39 days with an average weight of 3.9 ± 4.3 kg. ECLS parameters collected at least every 24 hours for the first five ECLS days. Parameters recorded by retrospective chart review were analyzed using linear regression and receiver operator characteristic (ROC) analysis. We were unable to report a significant correlation between optimal aPTT and HDR at various AT levels. However, ROC analysis suggested that to maintain an aPTT above 60 seconds, an AT threshold of 42% or higher was observed when the HDR was >12 U/kg/h ROC analysis also determined that no thrombus was associated with an aPTT >64 seconds and decreased bleeding was associated with a KTEG R-time below 30 minutes. Based on these findings, we report multiple correlations that may help develop future standardized infant-pediatric ECLS anticoagulation protocols

    Using a Modified CPD Blood Bag to Store Blood from either ECMO or RRT Circuit Blood in Pediatric Patients

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    By adapting a citrate phosphate dextrose (CPD) whole blood storage bag, residual blood from a renal replacement therapy (RRT) circuit can be saved in pediatric patients, decreasing in donor exposure later. The techniques used for autologous preoperative blood storage are the basis of storing the RRT circuit blood. The CPD anticoagulant has a benefit of having a commonly used reversal agent for its anticoagulant properties, i.e., calcium. Also, unlike the traditional anticoagulants used in extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), i.e., heparin, and direct thrombin inhibitors, i.e., bivalirudin, there is no increase in anticoagulation laboratory parameters after administration. The CPD volume in the bag is reduced but keeps the original ratio the same between CPD and blood. This is accomplished by removing all CPD from the bag, adding back only the exact amount of CPD needed for the smaller amount of blood being transferred from the circuit. The RRT circuit managed at our institution uses 23 mL of CPD for 165 mL of circuit blood when stored with this technique. This calculation assumes a normal patient calcium level. This technique has been used successfully multiple times in more than 30 pediatric patients without incident for 7 years at our center. The CPD bag can also be used to store the residual blood from ECMO circuits after removal of ECMO to allow the blood to be given back to the patient at a later time by keeping the same citrate-to-blood ratio

    Plasma-Free Hemoglobin Levels in Advanced vs. Conventional Infant and Pediatric Extracorporeal Life Support Circuits

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    Extracorporeal life support (ECLS) is a reliable method to support pediatric patients with reversible cardiorespiratory failure associated with congenital heart disease, respiratory insufficiency, or after cardiac surgery. In 2010, our institution adopted an infant/pediatric extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) circuit that contains a magnetically levitated centrifugal pump, polymethylpentene oxygenator, and shorter tubing length (ECMO II circuit). Our prior circuit contained a nonocclusive roller pump, polypropylene oxygenator, venous compliance chamber, and hemoconcentrator (ECMO I circuit). A retrospective chart review comparing ECMO I and ECMO II daily plasma-free hemoglobin (PFH) values was conducted. We hypothesized that the PFH is similar between the two ECMO circuit groups. We reviewed medical records of children 3 years of age or younger weighing less than 13 kg who required ECLS between January 2008 and February 2012. PFH levels from 18 ECMO II patients were compared with levels in a retrospective group of an equal number of well-matched ECMO I circuit patients. There was no significant difference between ECMO I and ECMO II circuit groups regarding mean time on ECMO, age in days, and weight. There was also no significant difference in the group mean levels of PFH between ECMO I and ECMO II circuits. There was a significant increase in PFH with hours on ECMO (p < .01) within and between both circuit groups (p < .01) and a significantly greater increase in PFH with ECMO hours (p = .0091) in the ECMO I circuit group. Although there was no significant difference in average PFH with the change in ECMO II circuit technology, advancements such as the magnetically levitated blood pump and polymethylpentene gas exchange device has been associated with significantly fewer mechanical component change-outs (p = .0156) and less clots and fibrin build-up in the circuits (p = .0548)

    Coagulation Parameter Thresholds Associated with Non-Bleeding in the Eighth Hour of Adult Cardiac Surgical Post-Cardiotomy Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation

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    Excessive bleeding and allogeneic transfusion during adult post-cardiotomy venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) are potentially harmful and expensive. Balancing the inhibition of clotting and distinguishing surgical from non-surgical bleeding in post-operative period is difficult. The sensitivity of coagulation tests including Thromboelastography® (TEG) to predict chest tube drainage in the early hours of ECMO was examined with the use of receiver-operating characteristics (ROC). The results are useful to incorporate in clinical evidence-based algorithms to guide management decisions. In the eighth hour of ECMO, 26 of the 53 adult patients (49%) studied were identified as non-bleeders (less than 2.0 mL/kg/h). All had experienced various types of cardiac surgical procedures. Fifty-two percent were female and the group was 54 ± 19 (mean ± 1 SD) years old. The coagulation parameter threshold with the maximum sensitivity and specificity to predict non-bleeding at 8 hours on ECMO was the kaolin plus heparinase TEG maximum amplitude (KH-TEG MA) at a significant ROC threshold (t) > 50 mm. The activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) t 51°, and the kaolin activated clotting time (ACT) t < 148 seconds were sensitive predictors of non-bleeders. The whole-blood KH-TEG MA was superior to the plasma-based aPTT or International Normalization Ratio (INR) to predict bleeding in the eighth hour of ECMO. Using coagulation laboratory thresholds that predict non-bleeding can begin a process of identifying patients earlier that are likely to bleed. Awareness of these parameter thresholds may improve care through patient protection from unnecessary transfusion and prolonging the life of the ECMO circuit. An algorithm incorporating the ROC thresholds was created to help recognize surgical bleeding to minimize unnecessary transfusions