23 research outputs found

    Array comparative genomic hybridisation-based identification of two imbalances of chromosome 1p in a 9-year-old girl with a monosomy 1p36 related phenotype and a family history of learning difficulties: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Monosomy 1p36 is one of the most common terminal deletion syndromes, with an approximate incidence of 1 in every 5000 live births. This syndrome is associated with several pronounced clinical features including characteristic facial features, cardiac abnormalities, seizures and mental retardation, all of which are believed to be due to haploinsufficiency of genes within the 1p36 region. The deletion size varies from approximately 1.5 Mb to 10 Mb with the most common breakpoints located at 1p36.13 to 1p36.33. Over 70% of 1p36 deletion patients have a true terminal deletion. A further 7% have interstitial deletions and a proportion have a derivative chromosome 1 where the 1p telomere is replaced by material from another chromosome, either as a result of a de-novo rearrangement or as a consequence of malsegregation of a balanced parental translocation at meiosis.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>Array comparative genomic hybridisation analysis of a 9-year-old Caucasian girl presenting with dysmorphic facial features and learning difficulties, for whom previous routine karyotyping had been normal, identified two submicroscopic rearrangements within chromosome 1p. Detection of both an insertional duplication of a region of 1p32.3 into the subtelomeric region of the short arm of a chromosome 1 homologue and a deletion within 1p36.32 of the same chromosome instigated a search for candidate genes within these regions which could be responsible for the clinical phenotype of the patient. Several genes were identified by computer-based annotation, some of which have implications in neurological and physical development.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Array comparative genomic hybridisation is providing a robust method for pinpointing regions of candidate genes associated with clinical phenotypes that extend beyond the resolution of the light microscope. This case report provides an example of how this method of analysis and the subsequent reporting of findings have proven useful in collaborative efforts to elucidate multiple gene functions from a clinical perspective.</p

    Genetic Analysis of the TOR Pathway in Aspergillus nidulans

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    We identified five genes encoding components of the TOR signaling pathway within Aspergillus nidulans. Unlike the situation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, there is only a single Tor kinase, as in plant and animal systems, and mutant phenotypes suggest that the TOR pathway plays only a minor role in regulating nitrogen metabolism

    The influence of flesh ingredients format and krill meal on growth and feeding behaviour of juvenile tropical spiny lobster Panulirus ornatus

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    One of the main challenges for spiny lobster aquaculture is the successful development of formulated feeds that are attractive, readily consumed by lobsters and promote optimal growth and survival. In a 54-day growth trial, we investigated the performance of four moist formulated feeds containing A) non-homogenised flesh ingredients; B) fish meal only; C) 10% krill meal; or D) homogenised flesh ingredients; and a reference diet of shucked blue mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) flesh, on growth, nutritional condition and feeding behaviour of juvenile tropical spiny lobster (Panulirus ornatus) reared either communally or individually. Growth and survival achieved by lobsters fed mussel were significantly higher than all other treatments. However, lobsters fed the formulated feed containing 10% krill meal (treatment C) and reared communally had a significantly higher growth, survival and feeding performance when compared to the formulated feeds with inclusion of non-homogenised and homogenised flesh ingredients (treatments A and D). The highest levels of feed interaction and pellet consumption among the formulated feeds were also recorded for treatment C. We demonstrated that the inclusion of krill meal in formulated feeds provides a benefit when compared to the inclusion of the flesh ingredients. Flesh ingredient format (homogenised or non-homogenised) had no effect on growth performance of lobsters, suggesting that the process of homogenisation of flesh ingredients does not provide any benefit in promoting feed consumption. Furthermore, time-series photography analysis trials showed that all the formulated feeds only promoted a feeding response within the first 2-3 h post-feeding, whereas mussel retained its attractiveness throughout the feeding period. These results suggest that the prolonged attractiveness remains an impediment for formulated feed performance in lobster culture. The present study also showed that growth performance and feeding response were higher in lobsters reared communally than individually. As observed in other spiny lobster species, it is likely that social interactions in communal housing may have provided cues that stimulated feeding responses and promoted higher growth rates

    Essentiality of dietary cholesterol and its interactions with phospholipid in juvenile slipper lobster (Thenus australiensis)

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    Abstract This study was conducted to verify the essentiality of dietary cholesterol for early juvenile slipper lobster, Thenus australiensis (initial weight 4.50 ± 0.72 g, mean ± SD, CV = 0.16), and to explore the potential for interactions between dietary cholesterol and phospholipid. An 8-week experiment was conducted using six experimental feeds containing three supplemental cholesterol concentrations (0, 0.2 and 0.4% dry matter) at two supplemental phospholipid concentrations (0% and 1.0% dry matter). Dietary cholesterol concentrations of ≥ 0.2% resulted in up to threefold greater weight gain compared to 0% dietary cholesterol, but without any significant main or interactive dietary phospholipid effect. An interaction was observed for lobster survival with lowest survival (46%) recorded for combined 0% cholesterol and 0% phospholipid compared to every other treatment (71–100%). However, all surviving lobsters at 0% dietary cholesterol, regardless of dietary phospholipid level, were in poor nutritional condition. Apparent feed intake (AFI) was significantly higher at dietary cholesterol ≥ 0.2% but was lower for each corresponding dietary cholesterol level at 1% dietary phospholipid. This implied that the feed conversion ratio was improved with supplemental phospholipid. In conclusion, this study confirms the essential nature of dietary cholesterol and that dietary phospholipid can provide additional benefits

    Effect of Feed Texture and Dimensions, on Feed Waste Type and Feeding Efficiency in Juvenile <i>Sagmariasus verreauxi</i>

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    The “messy” feeding behaviour of spiny lobsters remains an obstacle for formulated feed development. This study examined the relationship between feeding efficiency and feed waste by juvenile spiny lobster, Sagmariasus verreauxi, fed different formulated pellet diameters or lengths across two separate experiments. Feed texture (hard and dry pellet, HDP; soft and moist pellet, SMP) was also examined. Juvenile lobsters were fed experimental feeds at 0.5% BW daily over a 6 h duration. The resulting feed waste was categorised as either feeding-related waste (FRW) or non-feeding-related waste (NFRW). For all feed types, the FRW increased with increasing pellet diameter and pellet length. The increase in FRW corresponded with a decrease in NFRW, particularly for HDP, resulting in no difference in total feed waste in any treatment investigated. Thus, even with improved feeding efficiency with small feed dimensions, feed intake was not improved. Feed leaching rate decreased with increasing pellet size, suggesting a more rapid decline in feed attractiveness for smaller pellets. This finding indicates that currently a counteractive interaction exists between pellet size and feed attractiveness and suggests improving attractiveness would further enhance feeding. Future research should aim at optimising feed dimensions simultaneously to support efficient feeding whilst enhancing attraction/gustatory stimulations