176 research outputs found

    A Lower Bound on the Growth Exponent for Loop-Erased Random Walk in Two Dimensions

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    The growth exponent α\alpha for loop-erased or Laplacian random walk on the integer lattice is defined by saying that the expected time to reach the sphere of radius nn is of order nαn^\alpha. We prove that in two dimensions, the growth exponent is strictly greater than one. The proof uses a known estimate on the third moment of the escape probability and an improvement on the discrete Beurling projection theorem

    Defining SLE in multiply connected domains with the Brownian loop measure

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    We define the Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE) in multiply connected domains for kappa \leq 4 using the Brownian loop measure. We show that in the case of the annulus, this is the same measure obtained recently by Dapeng Zhan. We use the loop formulation to give a different derivation of the partial differential equation for the partition function for the annulus