125 research outputs found

    Proposed Revision to the Taxonomy of the Genus Pestivirus; Family Flaviviridae

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    We propose the creation of seven new species in the genus Pestivirus (family Flaviviridae) in addition to the four existing species, and naming species in a host-independent manner using the format Pestivirus X. Only the virus species names would change; virus isolates would still be referred to by their original names. The original species would be re-designated as Pestivirus A (original designation Bovine viral diarrhea virus 1), Pestivirus B (Bovine viral diarrhea virus 2), Pestivirus C (Classical swine fever virus) and Pestivirus D (Border disease virus). The seven new species (and example isolates) would be Pestivirus E (pronghorn pestivirus), Pestivirus F (Bungowannah virus), Pestivirus G (giraffe pestivirus), Pestivirus H (Hobi-like pestivirus), Pestivirus I (Aydin-like pestivirus), Pestivirus J (rat pestivirus) and Pestivirus K (atypical porcine pestivirus). A bat-derived virus and pestiviruses identified from sheep and goat (Tunisian sheep pestiviruses), which lack complete coding region sequences, may represent two additional species

    Proposed update to the taxonomy of the genera Hepacivirus and Pegivirus within the Flaviviridae family

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    Proposals are described for the assignment of recently reported viruses, infecting rodents, bats and other mammalian species, to new species within the Hepacivirus and Pegivirus genera (Family Flaviviridae). Assignments into 14 Hepacivirus species (Hepacivirus A to N) and 11 Pegivirus species (Pegivirus A to K) are based on phylogenetic relationships and sequence distances between conserved regions extracted from complete coding sequences of each proposed taxon. We propose that the species hepatitis C virus is renamed Hepacivirus C in order to acknowledge its unique historical position and so as to minimise confusion. Despite the newly documented genetic diversity of hepaciviruses and pegiviruses, members of these genera remain phylogenetically distinct, and differ in hepatotropism and the possession of a basic core protein; pegiviruses in general lack these features. However, other characteristics that were originally used to support their division into separate genera are no longer definitive; there is overlap between the two genera in the type of internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) and the presence of miR-122 sites in the 5'untranslated region (UTR), the predicted number of N-linked glycosylation sites in the envelope E1 and E2 proteins, the presence of poly U tracts in the 3' UTR and the propensity of viruses to establish a persistent infection. While all classified hepaciviruses and pegiviruses have mammalian hosts, the recent description of a hepaci-/pegi-like virus from a shark and the likely existence of further homologues in other non-mammalian species indicates that further species or genera remain to be defined in the future

    Characterization of the Sequence Element Directing Translation Reinitiation in RNA of the Calicivirus Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus▿

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    The calicivirus minor capsid protein VP2 is expressed via reinitiation of protein synthesis after termination of translation of the preceding VP1 gene. A sequence element of about 80 nucleotides denoted “termination upstream ribosomal binding site” (TURBS) (25) is crucial for reinitiation. Deletion mapping in the TURBS of a rabbit calicivirus identified two short sequence motifs that were crucial for VP2 expression. Motif 1 is conserved among caliciviruses and is complementary to a sequence in the 18S rRNA. Single-residue exchanges in this motif severely impaired reinitiation when they affected the putative rRNA binding, whereas an exchange preserving complementarity had only a minor effect. Single exchanges in motif 2 were rather well tolerated, but the introduction of double exchanges almost blocked VP2 expression. In contrast, the deletion analyses showed that the RNA between the two motifs is of minor importance. The distance between motif 2 and the start site was found to be important, since deletions of increasing length in this sequence or upstream positioning of the start codon reduced VP2 expression stepwise to low levels, whereas multiple-nucleotide exchanges in this region were tolerated. The low flexibility of the arrangement of TURBS motif 2 and the start codon stand in marked contrast to the requirements with regard to the location of the stop codon of the preceding VP1 gene, which could be moved far downstream with continuous reduction, but without loss, of VP2 translation. The sequence mapping resulted in a refined model of the reinitiation mechanism leading to VP2 expression

    The Molecular Basis for Erns Dimerization in Classical Swine Fever Virus

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    The pestivirus classical swine fever virus (CSFV) represents one of the most important pathogens of swine. Its virulence is dependent on the RNase activity of the essential structural glycoprotein Erns that uses an amphipathic helix as a membrane anchor and forms homodimers via disulfide bonds employing cysteine 171. Dimerization is not necessary for CSFV viability but for its virulence. Mutant Erns proteins lacking cysteine 171 are still able to interact transiently as shown in crosslink experiments. Deletion analysis did not reveal the presence of a primary sequence-defined contact surface essential for dimerization, but indicated a general importance of an intact ectodomain for efficient establishment of dimers. Pseudoreverted viruses reisolated in earlier experiments from pigs with mutations Cys171Ser/Ser209Cys exhibited partially restored virulence and restoration of the ability to form Erns homodimers. Dimer formation was also observed for experimentally mutated proteins, in which other amino acids at different positions of the membrane anchor region of Erns were replaced by cysteine. However, with one exception of two very closely located residues, the formation of disulfide-linked dimers was only observed for cysteine residues located at the same position of the helix

    The Molecular Basis for E<sup>rns</sup> Dimerization in Classical Swine Fever Virus

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    The pestivirus classical swine fever virus (CSFV) represents one of the most important pathogens of swine. Its virulence is dependent on the RNase activity of the essential structural glycoprotein Erns that uses an amphipathic helix as a membrane anchor and forms homodimers via disulfide bonds employing cysteine 171. Dimerization is not necessary for CSFV viability but for its virulence. Mutant Erns proteins lacking cysteine 171 are still able to interact transiently as shown in crosslink experiments. Deletion analysis did not reveal the presence of a primary sequence-defined contact surface essential for dimerization, but indicated a general importance of an intact ectodomain for efficient establishment of dimers. Pseudoreverted viruses reisolated in earlier experiments from pigs with mutations Cys171Ser/Ser209Cys exhibited partially restored virulence and restoration of the ability to form Erns homodimers. Dimer formation was also observed for experimentally mutated proteins, in which other amino acids at different positions of the membrane anchor region of Erns were replaced by cysteine. However, with one exception of two very closely located residues, the formation of disulfide-linked dimers was only observed for cysteine residues located at the same position of the helix