14 research outputs found

    Espace de modules de G2-fibrés principaux sur une courbe algébrique

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    This thesis studies the moduli space of principal G2-bundles over a smooth connected projective curve, where G2 is the exceptional Lie group of smallest rank. The group G2 is introduced through three different ways, the first of them is the definition of G2 as the group of automorphisms of the complex algebra of the Cayley numbers. We study reductions and extensions that a principal G2-bundle can admit, as well as the link between a principal G2-bundle and its associated vector bundle in relation to the notion of (semi)-stability. The moduli space of semistable principal G2-bundles is analysed. We notably obtain a characterisation of its smooth locus, with an explicit decomposition of its singular locus into three connected components. We also give an analysis of the Verlinde space of G2 at level 1.L'objet de cette thĂšse est l'Ă©tude de l'espace de modules des G2-fibrĂ©s principaux sur une courbe complexe projective connexe lisse, oĂč G2 dĂ©signe le groupe de Lie exceptionnel de plus petit rang. Le groupe G2 est caractĂ©risĂ© via trois approches diffĂ©rentes, la premiĂšre Ă©tant celle oĂč G2 est dĂ©fini comme le groupe des automorphismes de l'algĂšbre complexe des octaves de Cayley. Les diffĂ©rentes rĂ©ductions et extensions que peut admettre un G2-fibrĂ© principal sont Ă©tudiĂ©es ainsi que la relation entre la stabilitĂ© d'un G2-fibrĂ© principal et celle du fibrĂ© vectoriel qui lui est associĂ©. L'espace de modules des G2-fibrĂ©s principaux semi-stables est analysĂ©. Nous obtenons notamment une caractĂ©risation de son lieu lisse, une dĂ©composition explicite de son lieu singulier en trois composantes connexes et une analyse de l'espace de Verlinde de niveau 1 pour le groupe G2

    Espace de modules des G2-fibrés principaux sur une courbe algébrique

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    L'objet de cette thĂšse est l'Ă©tude de l'espace de modules des G_2-fibrĂ©s principaux sur une courbe complexe projective connexe lisse, oĂč G_2 dĂ©signe le groupe de Lie exceptionnel de plus petit rang. Le groupe G_2 est tout d'abord prĂ©sentĂ© comme le groupe des automorphismes de l'algĂšbre complexe des octaves de Cayley. D'autres dĂ©finitions sont ensuite proposĂ©es. Les diffĂ©rentes rĂ©ductions et extensions que peut admettre un G_2-fibrĂ© principal sont Ă©tudiĂ©es ainsi que la relation entre la stabilitĂ© d'un G_2-fibrĂ© principal et celle de son fibrĂ© vectoriel associĂ©. L'espace de modules des G_2-fibrĂ©s principaux semistables est analysĂ©. Nous obtenons notamment une caractĂ©risation de son lieu lisse, une dĂ©composition explicite de son lieu singulier en trois composantes connexes et une analyse de l'espace de Verlinde de niveau 1 pour le groupe G_2.This thesis studies the moduli space of principal G_2-bundles over a smooth connected projective curve, where G_2 is the exceptional Lie group of smallest rank. The group G_2 is first introduced as the group of automorphisms of the complex algebra of the Cayley numbers. Other equivalent definitions are also proposed. We study the reductions and extensions that a principal G_2_bundle can admit, as well as the link between a principal G_2-bundle and its associated vector bundle in relation to the notion of (semi)stability. The moduli space of semistable principal G_2-bundles is analysed. We notably obtain a characterisation of its smooth locus, with an explicit decomposition of its singular locus into three connected componants. We also give an analysis of the Verlinde space of G_2 at level 1.MONTPELLIER-BU Sciences (341722106) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Protocole IRM pour la planification RT : résultats préliminaires pour la distorsion, le contraste et l'assignation de densité

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    International audienceThe excellent contrast between soft tissues in MRI is of great interest for head and neck radiotherapy planning. This work presents an in vivo study aiming to evaluate a multimodal acquisition protocol for tumors and organs at risks delineation and synthetic CT reconstruction based on a density assignment method. Our results showed better contrast between the tumor and healthy tissues with injected T1 MRI compared to injected CT (44,7 +/-30,5 vs 29,9 +/-27,2) and acceptable geometric distortions (less than 2mm). Fat content mean absolute error between CT and synthetic CT is about 0,27

    Penser à partir de l'architecture : poétique, technique, éthique

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    Cet ouvrage interdisciplinaire s'ouvre sur une question philosophique : quels modes de rĂ©flexivitĂ© pour penser – ou repenser ? – l’architecture, ce vaste et complexe domaine, tendu entre hier et demain. Cet ouvrage interdisciplinaire s'ouvre sur une question philosophique : quels modes de rĂ©flexivitĂ© pour penser – ou repenser ? – l’architecture, ce vaste et complexe domaine, tendu entre hier et demain. Les chapitres qui suivent abordent les rapports de l’architecture avec la poĂ©tique, la technique et enfin l’éthique. En effet, si l’architecture aujourd’hui n’a de sens qu’en partant des prĂ©occupations des architectes eux-mĂȘmes, les questions qu’elle soulĂšve doivent faire l’objet d’un dĂ©bat avec d’autres praticiens et thĂ©oriciens, dans le double but de garantir le recul critique et d’ouvrir l’imagination crĂ©atrice

    The −KTS splice variant of WT1 is essential for ovarian determination in mice

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    IMPORTANT , l'article est en accĂšs libre, le lien est sur le site http://ibv.unice.fr/research-team/chaboissier/ , il est surlignĂ© si on utilise Google Chrome http://ibv.unice.fr/research-team/chaboissier/#:~:text=https%3A//www.science.org/stoken/author%2Dtokens/ST%2D1527/fullInternational audienceSex determination in mammals depends on the differentiation of the supporting lineage of the gonads into Sertoli or pregranulosa cells that govern testis and ovary development, respectively. Although the Y-linked testis-determining gene Sry has been identified, the ovarian-determining factor remains unknown. In this study, we identified −KTS, a major, alternatively spliced isoform of the Wilms tumor suppressor WT1, as a key determinant of female sex determination. Loss of − KTS variants blocked gonadal differentiation in mice, whereas increased expression, as found in Frasier syndrome, induced precocious differentiation of ovaries independently of their genetic sex. In XY embryos, this antagonized Sry expression, resulting in male-to-female sex reversal. Our results identify −KTS as an ovarian-determining factor and demonstrate that its time of activation is critical in gonadal sex differentiation

    Penetrance estimation of Alzheimer disease in SORL1 loss-of-function variant carriers using a family-based strategy and stratification by APOE genotypes

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    International audienceAbstract Background Alzheimer disease (AD) is a common complex disorder with a high genetic component. Loss-of-function (LoF) SORL1 variants are one of the strongest AD genetic risk factors. Estimating their age-related penetrance is essential before putative use for genetic counseling or preventive trials. However, relative rarity and co-occurrence with the main AD risk factor, APOE -Δ4, make such estimations difficult. Methods We proposed to estimate the age-related penetrance of SORL1 -LoF variants through a survival framework by estimating the conditional instantaneous risk combining (i) a baseline for non-carriers of SORL1- LoF variants, stratified by APOE-Δ4 , derived from the Rotterdam study ( N = 12,255), and (ii) an age-dependent proportional hazard effect for SORL1- LoF variants estimated from 27 extended pedigrees (including 307 relatives ≄ 40 years old, 45 of them having genotyping information) recruited from the French reference center for young Alzheimer patients. We embedded this model into an expectation-maximization algorithm to accommodate for missing genotypes. To correct for ascertainment bias, proband phenotypes were omitted. Then, we assessed if our penetrance curves were concordant with age distributions of APOE -Δ4-stratified SORL1- LoF variant carriers detected among sequencing data of 13,007 cases and 10,182 controls from European and American case-control study consortia. Results SORL1- LoF variants penetrance curves reached 100% (95% confidence interval [99–100%]) by age 70 among APOE -Δ4Δ4 carriers only, compared with 56% [40–72%] and 37% [26–51%] in Δ4 heterozygous carriers and Δ4 non-carriers, respectively. These estimates were fully consistent with observed age distributions of SORL1- LoF variant carriers in case-control study data. Conclusions We conclude that SORL1- LoF variants should be interpreted in light of APOE genotypes for future clinical applications