5 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional shear in granular flow

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    The evolution of granular shear flow is investigated as a function of height in a split-bottom Couette cell. Using particle tracking, magnetic-resonance imaging, and large-scale simulations we find a transition in the nature of the shear as a characteristic height H∗H^* is exceeded. Below H∗H^* there is a central stationary core; above H∗H^* we observe the onset of additional axial shear associated with torsional failure. Radial and axial shear profiles are qualitatively different: the radial extent is wide and increases with height while the axial width remains narrow and fixed.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    The Effect of Air on Granular Size Separation in a Vibrated Granular Bed

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    Using high-speed video and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) we study the motion of a large sphere in a vertically vibrated bed of smaller grains. As previously reported we find a non-monotonic density dependence of the rise and sink time of the large sphere. We find that this density dependence is solely due to air drag. We investigate in detail how the motion of the intruder sphere is influenced by size of the background particles, initial vertical position in the bed, ambient pressure and convection. We explain our results in the framework of a simple model and find quantitative agreement in key aspects with numerical simulations to the model equations.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures, submitted to PRE, corrected typos, slight change

    Signatures of granular microstructure in dense shear flows

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    Granular materials react to shear stresses differently than do ordinary fluids. Rather than deforming uniformly, materials such as dry sand or cohesionless powders develop shear bands: narrow zones containing large relative particle motion leaving adjacent regions essentially rigid[1,2,3,4,5]. Since shear bands mark areas of flow, material failure and energy dissipation, they play a crucial role for many industrial, civil engineering and geophysical processes[6]. They also appear in related contexts, such as in lubricating fluids confined to ultra-thin molecular layers[7]. Detailed information on motion within a shear band in a three-dimensional geometry, including the degree of particle rotation and inter-particle slip, is lacking. Similarly, only little is known about how properties of the individual grains - their microstructure - affect movement in densely packed material[5]. Combining magnetic resonance imaging, x-ray tomography, and high-speed video particle tracking, we obtain the local steady-state particle velocity, rotation and packing density for shear flow in a three-dimensional Couette geometry. We find that key characteristics of the granular microstructure determine the shape of the velocity profile.Comment: 5 pages, incl. 4 figure