13 research outputs found
Captura de Desmodus rotundus em regiões de mata e manguezais do Estado do Maranhão: um estudo longitudinal
O presente trabalho teve por objetivos investigar o número de capturas e o controle do morcego hematófago Desmodus rotundus, em pequenas propriedades localizadas no município de Cedral no estado do Maranhão, que foi escolhido por ter sido efetuado o maior número de capturas do estado, sendo todas ao redor de currais. O controle oficial é realizado pela aplicação de pasta vampiricida de uso tópico a base de warfarina a 2%. Para o estudo foram utilizadas fichas de controle de morcegos hematófagos capturados em currais, como também, foi aplicado um questionário a campo para identificação dos locais com maior número de capturas. No período de 2005 a 2010 foram estudados os resultados de 223 buscas ativas por D. rotundus, em 101 propriedades. Foi capturado um total de 408 morcegos hematófagos, distribuídos em 190 das 223 buscas. Em todos os espécimes de D. rotundus capturados foi realizado o tratamento, que consistiu na aplicação da pasta vampiricida, no dorso do animal. Nas propriedades estudadas, verificou-se que dos 754 animais expostos, 344 foram agredidos. Destes, os bovinos foram a maior oferta de alimento aos Desmodus (49%), seguidos dos equídeos (18%), aves (15%), suínos (9%) e caprinos (8%). Apesar dos bovinos terem sido os mais atacados, em função do efetivo disponível, verificou-se uma preferência dos morcegos hematófagos por eqüídeos. As falhas nas capturas ocorreram onde havia poucos animais agredidos. Após análise de seis anos de realização do programa de controle com pasta vampiricida, verificou-se que a proporção de macho e fêmeas de D. rotundus capturados foi 1,08 machos para cada fêmea, o que demonstra que o tratamento foi mais efetivo nas fêmeas, uma vez que no primeiro ano do estudo, a proporção era de 1,21 fêmeas para cada macho. Verificou-se ainda que o controle foi realizado com sucesso em 95% das propriedades trabalhadas, com uma média de tempo de três anos de trabalho com até seis capturas por propriedade. Ao exame dos animais agredidos verificou-se que a área do pescoço dos grandes animais e dos caprinos são as mais atingidas, sugerindo o pouso direto dos morcegos sobre o animal. Uma representação pequena dos proprietários entrevistados vacinavam seus animais (57%), e destes apenas um fazia o reforço de vacinação. Concluiu-se que nas regiões de mangue e/ou matas, o controle foi efetivo nas capturas em currais, sendo prudente verificar a ocorrência de novas agressões, dentro de 15 dias e nos primeiros três meses. No planejamento de controle de D. rotundus em curral, deve ser considerado que o número de morcegos capturados é semelhante ao número de mordidas recentes. Em relação às criações domésticas de subsistências, D. rotundus se alimenta de fontes distintas, com uma menor predileção pelas aves
Morcegos cavernícolas da região do Distrito Federal, centro-oeste do Brasil (Mammalia, Chiroptera) Cave bats from the Distrito Federal area in Mid-Western Brazil (Mammalia, Chiroptera)
<abstract language="eng">Between 1989 and 1995, twenty caves in the Distrito Federal area in mid-western Brazil were assessed for bat species richness, frequency, spatial distribution, behavior, reproduction and inter-specific cohabitation. The general state of conservation of the caves was also assessed. Of the 20 caves studied, 12 were less than 100 m long, five between 100 m and 300 m, and three were longerthan 300 m. Twenty-two species of six different families were observed: 16 species belonged to Phyllostomidae, two to Vespertilionidae and Mormoopidae and one to Furipteridae and Emballonuridae. In this study, 17 species were characterized as Distrito Federal cave dwellers. The most prevalent were Desmodus rotundus, Glossophaga soricina and Carollia perspicillata. The least prevalent were Lonchorhina aurita, Pteronotus gymnonotus and Phylloderma stenops. Since some Anoura caudifer, Platyrrhinus lineatus, Myotis nigricans, Micronycteris minuta, and Eptesicus brasiliensis individuals were captured only while going into the caves early in the night, they were not considered cave dwellers. Even though, they probably use the caves as a daytime roosting place. Surprisingly, Lonchophylla dekeyseri, considered to be the only endemic bat species in the Cerrado ecosystem, was observed in three of the surveyed caves. Further biological studies are necessary to determine the biology of L. dekeyseri and the necessity of its conservation. The bat colonies observed were usually of a small size. Few colonies of D. rotundus and Anoura geoffroyi contained more than 300 individuals of both sexes. Only a inale group of L. aurita was observed in the Distrito Federal area. Twelve of the surveyed caves were hard to access and therefore well protected. Four of the caves received some public visitation, two were located near limestone mines, one was located near an urban area. and one had both public visitation and deforestation near its entrance. In this latter cave, no bats were observed after november 1994, probably due to the urbanization process. Special attention should be given to eight of the surveyed caves in any plan made for the conservation of cave bats in the Distrito Federal area. These caves host a high bat diversity (six or more species) and also shelter two rare and one endemic bat species
Dados ecológicos dos quirópteros da Reserva Volta Velha, Itapoá, Santa Catarina, Brasil Ecological data of Chiroptera from Reserva Volta Velha, Itapoá, Santa Cantarina, Brazil
<abstract language="eng">A study on the ecology of Chiroptera was made at the Reserve of Volta Velha on the Northern coast of Santa Catarina. This study aimed at knowing the frequency of the individuals colleeted in each season, part of their feeding diet and their time of activity as well as their breeding activity. The investigation was carried out from March, 1990 to February, 1991 by means of periodical captures which ocurred during four days each month totalizing 144 hours of net use. One hundred and thirty-five individuals belonging to 15 different species were caught. Sturnira lilium (Geoffroy, 1810), Artibeus lituratus (Olfers, 1818) and Myotis nigricans (Schinz, 1821) were captured in the highest number throughout the seasons of the year. Fruit-eating bats confirm their feeding preference for Cecropiaceae, Solanaceae. Myrtaceae and Piperaceae. The births occurred mostly in seasons other than the dry. Around 1:15 hours after sunset was the time when the highest numher of individuals were collected in the nets
Morcegos (Chiroptera) da área urbana de Londrina, Paraná, Brasil Bats (Chiroptera) of the urban area of Londrina, Paraná, Brazil
<abstract language="eng">Study carried out within the urban perimeter of Londrina, which is located in the North of the state of Paraná. The objectives were the identification of urban species of bats and diurnal roosts used by them and the verification of the problems they can cause to the population. The fire brigade, the Autarquia Municipal do Ambiente de Londrina (Municipal Environment Autarchy of Londrina), the Biology Department of the Universidade Estadual de Londrina (State University of Londrina) and local residents helped spot the roosts. The collections were carried out in regular intervals between April 1998 and March 1999. By the end of them, 815 bats of 23 different species had been captured. Among these, 12 were found near or inside human constructions: Noctilio albiventris Desmarest, 1818; Artibeits lituratus (Olfers, 1818); Platyrrhinus lineatus (E. Geoffroy, 1810); Eptesicus brasiliensis Desmarest 1819; Lasiurus bore-alls (Muller 1776); Lasiurus ega (Gervais, 1856); Eumops glaucinus (Wagner, 1843); Molossus rufus (E. Geoffroy, 1805); Molossus molossus (Pallas, 1766); Nyctinomops laticaudatus (E. Geoffroy, 1805); Nyctinomops macrotis (Gray, 1840) e Tadarida brasiliensis (i. Geoffroy, 1824). Roost sites comprised expansion joints, roofs, attics and parks, among others. It can be concluded that bats are treated as undesirable animals by the population due to the lack of knowledge about the subject
Diversidade de morcegos (Chiroptera, Mammalia) em fragmentos florestais no estado do Paraná, Brasil Diversity of bats (Chiroptera, Mammalia) in forest fragments
<abstract language="eng">The bay of the Tibagi river, a place which goes through quick environmental alterations, has three forest fragments: the "Floresta Nacional do Irati" (3.572 ha), the "Reserva Biológica da Klabin" (11.116 ha) and the "Parque Estadual Mata dos Godoy" (680 ha). Here, Myotis ruber (E. Geoffroy, 1806) and Chiroderma doriae Thomas, 1891 can be found, these are threatened bats, and three species, Pygoderma bilabiatum (Wagner, 1843), Myotis levis (I. Geoffroy, 1824) and Rogheessa tumida H. Allen, 1866, which are presumably threatened. Using the same effort of capture in the three places, it was stated that the "Floresta Nacional do Irati" with low vegetation diversity, showed nine species of bats. The "Parque Estadual Mata dos Godoy", although it's five times smaller, fifteen species. We came to the conclusion that a big reserve, without good conditions would house a lower number of species. A small reserve with adequate resources and great vegetation diversity presents a higher number of niches, housing a higher number of species