13,568 research outputs found

    The blue compact dwarf galaxy I Zw 18: a comparative study of its low-surface-brightness component

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    (abridged): Using HST and ground-based optical and NIR imaging data, we investigate whether the blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxy I Zw 18 possesses an extended low-surface-brightness (LSB) old stellar population underlying its star-forming (SF) regions. We show that the exponential intensity decrease observed in the filamentary LSB envelope of the BCD out to 18 arcsec (1.3 kpc at a distance of 15 Mpc) is not due to an evolved stellar disc, but rather due to extended ionized gas emission. Broad-band images reveal, after subtraction of nebular line emission, a compact stellar LSB component extending slightly beyond the SF regions. This stellar host, being blue over a radius range of 5 exponential scale lengths and showing little colour contrast to the SF component, differs strikingly from the red LSB host of standard BCDs. This fact, in connection with the blue colors of component I Zw 18 C, suggests that most of the stellar mass in I Zw 18 has formed within the last 0.5 Gyr. Furthermore, we show that the exponential intensity fall-off in the filamentary ionized envelope of I Zw 18 is not particular to this system but a common property of the ionized halo of many SF dwarf galaxies on galactocentric distances of several kpc. In the absence of an appreciable underlying stellar background, extended ionized gas emission dominates in the periphery of I Zw 18, mimicking an exponential stellar disc on optical surface brightness profiles.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics; higher resolution images available at http://alpha.uni-sw.gwdg.de/~papade/IZw18

    A Field Range Bound for General Single-Field Inflation

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    We explore the consequences of a detection of primordial tensor fluctuations for general single-field models of inflation. Using the effective theory of inflation, we propose a generalization of the Lyth bound. Our bound applies to all single-field models with two-derivative kinetic terms for the scalar fluctuations and is always stronger than the corresponding bound for slow-roll models. This shows that non-trivial dynamics can't evade the Lyth bound. We also present a weaker, but completely universal bound that holds whenever the Null Energy Condition (NEC) is satisfied at horizon crossing.Comment: 16 page

    Andreev reflection in the fractional quantum Hall effect

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    We study the reflection of electrons and quasiparticles on point-contact interfaces between fractional quantum Hall (FQH) states and normal metals (leads), as well as interfaces between two FQH states with mismatched filling fractions. We classify the processes taking place at the interface in the strong coupling limit. In this regime a set of quasiparticles can decay into quasiholes on the FQH side and charge excitations on the other side of the junction. This process is analogous to an Andreev reflection in normal-metal/superconductor (N-S) interfaces.Comment: 10 pages, 5 embedded EPS figures. Final version as published in Phys. Rev. B 56, 2012 (1997

    On the plane-wave cubic vertex

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    The exact bosonic Neumann matrices of the cubic vertex in plane-wave light-cone string field theory are derived using the contour integration techniques developed in our earlier paper. This simplifies the original derivation of the vertex. In particular, the Neumann matrices are written in terms of \mu-deformed Gamma-functions, thus casting them into a form that elegantly generalizes the well-known flat-space solution. The asymptotics of the \mu-deformed Gamma-functions allow one to determine the large-\mu behaviour of the Neumann matrices including exponential corrections. We provide an explicit expression for the first exponential correction and make a conjecture for the subsequent exponential correction terms.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure; harvmac (b); v4: minor corrections in appendix

    A spectroscopic study of component C and the extended emission around I Zw 18

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    Long-slit Keck II, 4m Kitt Peak, and 4.5m MMT spectrophotometric data are used to investigate the stellar population and the evolutionary status of I Zw 18C, the faint C component of the nearby blue compact dwarf galaxy I Zw 18. Hydrogen Hα\alpha and HÎČ\beta emission lines are detected in the spectra of I Zw 18C, implying that ionizing massive stars are present. High signal-to-noise Keck II spectra of different regions in I Zw 18C reveal HÎł\gamma, HÎŽ\delta and higher order hydrogen lines in absorption. Several techniques are used to constrain the age of the stellar population in I Zw 18C. Ages derived from two different methods, one based on the equivalent widths of the Hα\alpha, HÎČ\beta emission lines and the other on HÎł\gamma, HÎŽ\delta absorption lines are consistent with a 15 Myr instantaneous burst model. We find that a small extinction in the range AVA_V = 0.20 -- 0.65 mag is needed to fit the observed spectral energy distribution of I Zw 18C with that model. In the case of constant star formation, all observed properties are consistent with stars forming continuously between ~ 10 Myr and < 100 Myr ago. We use all available observational constraints for I Zw 18C, including those obtained from Hubble Space Telescope color-magnitude diagrams, to argue that the distance to I Zw 18 should be as high as ~ 15 Mpc. The deep spectra also reveal extended ionized gas emission around I Zw 18. Hα\alpha emission is detected as far as 30" from it. To a B surface brightness limit of ~ 27 mag arcsec−2^{-2} we find no observational evidence for extended stellar emission in the outermost regions, at distances > 15" from I Zw 18.Comment: 38 pages, 11 Postscript figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Dipolar Excitons, Spontaneous Phase Coherence, and Superfluid-Insulator Transition in Bi-layer Quantum Hall Systems at Μ=1\nu=1

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    The spontaneous interlayer phase coherent (111) state of bi-layer Quantum Hall system at filling factor Μ=1\nu=1 may be viewed as a condensate of interlayer particle-hole pairs or excitons. We show in this paper that when the layers are biased in such a way that these excitons are very dilute, they may be viewed as point-like bosons. We calculate the exciton dispersion relation, and show that the exciton-exciton interaction is dominated by the dipole moment they carry. In addition to the phase coherent state, we also find a Wigner Crystal/Glass phase in the presence/absence of disorder which is an insulating state for the excitons. The position of the phase boundary is estimated and the properties of the superfluid-insulator type transition between these two phases is discussed. We also discuss the relation between these "dipolar" excitons and the "dipolar" composite fermions studied in the context of half-filled Landau level.Comment: 4 pages with one embedded eps figur

    Heterotic String Compactifications on Half-flat Manifolds II

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    In this paper, we continue the analysis of heterotic string compactifications on half-flat mirror manifolds by including the 10-dimensional gauge fields. It is argued, that the heterotic Bianchi identity is solved by a variant of the standard embedding. Then, the resulting gauge group in four dimensions is still E6 despite the fact that the Levi-Civita connection has SO(6) holonomy. We derive the associated four-dimensional effective theories including matter field terms for such compactifications. The results are also extended to more general manifolds with SU(3) structure.Comment: 31 page

    Quantum Gravity Constraints on Inflation

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    We study quantum gravity constraints on inflationary model building. Our approach is based on requiring the entropy associated to a given inflationary model to be less than that of the de Sitter entropy. We give two prescriptions for determining the inflationary entropy, based on either `bits per unit area' or entanglement entropy. The existence of transPlanckian flat directions, necessary for large tensor modes in the CMB, correlates with an inflationary entropy greater than that allowed by de Sitter space. Independently these techniques also constrain or exclude de Sitter models with large-rank gauge groups and high UV cutoffs, such as racetrack inflation or the KKLT construction.Comment: 22 pages; v2 references adde

    Closed cosmologies with a perfect fluid and a scalar field

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    Closed, spatially homogeneous cosmological models with a perfect fluid and a scalar field with exponential potential are investigated, using dynamical systems methods. First, we consider the closed Friedmann-Robertson-Walker models, discussing the global dynamics in detail. Next, we investigate Kantowski-Sachs models, for which the future and past attractors are determined. The global asymptotic behaviour of both the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker and the Kantowski-Sachs models is that they either expand from an initial singularity, reach a maximum expansion and thereafter recollapse to a final singularity (for all values of the potential parameter kappa), or else they expand forever towards a flat power-law inflationary solution (when kappa^2<2). As an illustration of the intermediate dynamical behaviour of the Kantowski-Sachs models, we examine the cases of no barotropic fluid, and of a massless scalar field in detail. We also briefly discuss Bianchi type IX models.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure

    Shocked Molecular Gas in the Supernova Remnant HB 21

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    We report the discovery of the shocked molecular gas in the supernova remnant HB 21. We derive the physical parameters of the shocked gas from CO J=1-0 and J=2-1 line observations. We discuss the correlation of the shocked molecular gas with the previously detected, shocked atomic gas and the associated infrared emission.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, To appear in the ApJ, scheduled for the April 10, 2001 issue (v551
