7 research outputs found

    High-pressure Debye-Waller and Grueneisen parameters of Au and Cu

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    The lattice vibrations are determined in the quasi-harmonic approximation for elemental Au and Cu to twice their normal density by first-principles electronic band-structure calculations. It is found for these materials that the important moments of the phonon density of states can be obtained to high accuracy from short-ranged force constant models. We discuss the implications for the Grueneisen parameters on the basis of calculated phonon moments and their approximations by using bulk moduli and Debye-Waller factors.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures to appear in the proceedings of the 13th APS Topical Conference on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter (scheduled for April 2004

    Lattice Dynamics and the High Pressure Equation of State of Au

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    Elastic constants and zone-boundary phonon frequencies of gold are calculated by total energy electronic structure methods to twofold compression. A generalized force constant model is used to interpolate throughout the Brillouin zone and evaluate moments of the phonon distribution. The moments are used to calculate the volume dependence of the Gruneisen parameter in the fcc solid. Using these results with ultrasonic and shock data, we formulate the complete free energy for solid Au. This free energy is given as a set of closed form expressions, which are valid to compressions of at least V/V_0 = 0.65 and temperatures up to melting. Beyond this density, the Hugoniot enters the solid-liquid mixed phase region. Effects of shock melting on the Hugoniot are discussed within an approximate model. We compare with proposed standards for the equation of state to pressures of ~200 GPa. Our result for the room temperature isotherm is in very good agreement with an earlier standard of Heinz and Jeanloz.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures. Accepted by Phys. Rev.


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