6 research outputs found

    Las oportunidades de acceso al mercado académico en Brasil, México y Venezuela

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    Ce travail veut partager avec la communauté de chercheurs sur l’éducation supérieure comparée la stratégie analytique, les résultats et les conclusions obtenues sur le changement dans l’égalité des opportunités d’accès des hommes et des femmes au marché du travail académique au Brésil, au Mexique et au Venezuela. Les informations de l’enquête appliquée aux membres de la profession académique des trois pays s’étudient en contrôlant analytiquement et de façon parallèle l’impact de leur période d’initiation sur les trajectoires académiques, selon leur affiliation à différents types institutionnels et disciplinaires.El artículo busca compartir con los interesados en el estudio de la educación superior comparada la estrategia de análisis planteada, los resultados y conclusiones sobre lo ocurrido en cuanto a la igualdad de oportunidades de acceso de los hombres y mujeres al mercado de trabajo académico en Brasil, México y Venezuela. La información de la encuesta común aplicada en los tres países se analiza controlando los efectos del momento de primer contrato o periodo de inicio de su trayectoria académica, así como la variabilidad que presentan según su adscripción a distintos tipos de instituciones y afiliaciones disciplinarias.This paper wants to share the comparative analytical strategy and some results and conclusions of analyzing the equality of the opportunities of men and women to become academic in Brazil, Mexico and Venezuela. The information provided by the shared questionnaire applied to members of the academic profession in the three countries is analyzed controlling in parallel the influence of the moment when they arrived to the academic profession, the type of institution where they are working for and the disciplinary affiliation

    Las oportunidades de acceso al mercado académico en Brasil, México y Venezuela

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    This paper wants to share the comparative analytical strategy and some results and conclusions of analyzing the equality of the opportunities of men and women to become academic in Brazil, Mexico and Venezuela. The information provided by the shared questionnaire applied to members of the academic profession in the three countries is analyzed controlling in parallel the influence of the moment when they arrived to the academic profession, the type of institution where they are working for and the disciplinary affiliation

    Entre brèches et héritages : Mobilité académique des élèves ingénieurs mexicains dans la seconde moitié du vingtième siècle

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    This paper proposes to examine the legacy of scientific traditions in Mexican engineering by analyzing fluxes between Mexico and the international centers of engineering education. We show that, like other disciplines, training in engineering is somehow increasingly endogenous in Mexico: the engineer researchers trained abroad decline from generation to generation. However, the historical ties between Western countries (USA, France, England) and Mexico remain, as do the close relations between Mexican and foreign training institutions. These relationships have traits of "knowledge chains", maintained through successive exchanges of students from different generations of Mexican engineers. Thus, mobility for studies in this field are more "institutionalized" or historicized to European countries than to the United States. Of course differences prevail from one sub-discipline of engineering to another. With the statistical data analysis, extracted from the database of the National System of Researchers (SNI), supported by in-depth interviews, we cannot speak of simple reproduction patterns of training trajectories, but of an increasing complexity of training circuits. The comparison of these two data sets lead us to comprehend how individual trajectories are "embedded" in social and political logics of mobility and training or the international division of scientific work. The analysis between generations shows that individual trajectories are increasingly associated with social and political mobility and training logics, or even more so, to the scientific international division of labor. These trajectories challenge, in certain areas of specialization, the tradition of scientific heritage following the paths of previous generations

    Navel gazing: Academic inbreeding and scientific productivity

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    The practice of having PhDs employed by the university that trained them, commonly called "academic inbreeding" has long been assumed to have a damaging effect on scholarly practices and achievement. Despite this perception, existing work on academic inbreeding is scarce and mostly descriptive or speculative. In this research we show, first, that academic inbreeding can be damaging to scholarly output. Our estimates suggest that academically inbred faculty generate on average 15% less peer reviewed publications than their non-inbred counterparts. Second, academically inbred faculty are more centered in their own institution and less open to the rest of the scientific world. In particular, we estimate that they are about 40% less likely to exchange information of critical relevance to their scholarly work with external colleagues. Third, academic inbreeding appears to be detrimental to scientific output even in leading research universities. Overall, our analysis implies that administrators and policy makers aiming to develop a thriving research environment in universities should seriously consider mechanisms to limit this practice. It also explores the role, importance and mechanisms by which outsiders contribute to create a dynamic and creative environment in knowledge intensive settings

    Migrer dans les Amériques

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    Numéro coordonné par Virginie Baby Collin, Françoise Lestage, Paul Schor et Isabelle Vagnoux Ont également contribué à l’élaboration de ce numéro pour le comité de rédaction : Hélène Aji, Christian Azaïs, Mokhtar Ben Barka, Laurence Cros, Alvar de La LIosa, Vincent Dubreuil, Jean Kempf, Donna Kesselman, Frédéric Leriche, Delphine Mercier, Claire Parfait, Modesta Suárez Secrétariat de rédaction : Claire Bouffar