113 research outputs found

    The Crystal Structure of Di-pyridino-mercuric Chloride

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    Di-pyridino-mercuric chloride HgCl2 . 2CsHsN crystallizes in the space group C 5/2h - P2 1/a with the cell dimensions: a = 17.70A b = 8.62A c = 3.90A B = 93 with two formula units in the cell. The structure was solved by means of the two-dimensional [001] Fourier-Bragg projection. Each mercury atom is surrounded by two nearer chlorine atoms at a distance of 2.34 A, two farther chlorine atoms at a distance of 3.25 A and two nitrogen atoms at a distance of 2.60 A in a deformed octahedral coordination

    The Crystal Structure of Mercuric Oxychloride: 2HgCl2 ∙ HgO

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    The single crystals of the compound 2HgCl2 . HgO were studied by the use of the X-ray methods. The dimensions of the unit cell quoted in the literature were confirmed. The crystals are cubic, the space group being T4-P213. The twodimensional Patterson synthesis allowed the preliminary x, y coordinates of mercury atoms to be determined. The complete X-ray analysis of this compound as well as of the other mercury oxyhalides is in progress

    The Crystal and Molecular Structure of Phthalyl-Urea

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    Using the methods of X-ray analysis we have shown that phthalyl-urea has the structure given by the formula (I). Thus we have confirmed the result previously obtained by V. Hah

    Another Way for the Laboratory Preparation ofAnhydrous Chromium(III) Chloride

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    Two methods for the laboratory preparation of anhydrous chromium(III) chloride are described in the standard handbooks of inorganic syntheses, i. e. (i) the chromium metal is heated in a porcelain tube in a stream of chlorine at high temperature, (ii) the green aqua-chloride [CrCl2 (H2 0)4 ]Cl · 2H20 is heated and the resulting mass of oxide and basic chloride is then chlorinated with carbon tetrachloride

    The Crystal Structure of Thorium (IV) Acetylacetonate (A Preliminary x-Ray Examination)

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    Little is known about the stereochemistry of metal complexes having the coordination number of eight. There are only a few structures of eight coordinated metal complexes hitherto determined with the use of x-ray methods. The square Archimedean antiprism and trigonal dodecahedron were established as the coordination polihedra for (TaF8) 3- and [Mo(CN) 8 ] 4- respectively

    On the Tris-methylmercury-oxonium Compounds

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    The preparation and properties of tris-methylmercury-oxonium fluoborate (CH3Hg)3OBF4 are described. A method for the preparation of methylmercury oxide (CH3Hg)2O by dehydration of methylmercury hydroxide is given. The crystals of tris-methylmercury-oxonium fluoborite have a trigonal symmetry, the hexagonal cell being a = 23.85 A, c = 10.72 A, z = 18. The Patterson synthesis along the c-axis was computed