7 research outputs found

    Content of Phosphorus in Arable Land on the Teritory of the City Of Nis

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    Phosphorus has the status of an essential element for plant growth and development because it is contained in numerous compounds which are of the crucial significance for the physiological ā€“biochemical processes. The aim of this paper was to examine the saturation of the soil with easily available phosphorus forms on the territory of the city of Nis in 2015. The total of 284 samples from 110 farms were collected. The analysis showed that that the soil of this area is well provided with easily available phosphorus. 40.8% samples belong to the class of supplied or even well-supplied soil, with the phosphorus content from 7% to 15% whereas only 5% of the samples belong to the class of the soil low in phosphorus

    Uticaj navodnjavanja na intenzitet pojave Venturia Inaequalis kod jabuke

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    The highest intensity of V. Inaequalis attack on apple leaf was noted in the control variant without application of fungicide. In the variant with pre-irrigation soil moisture, 80% of PVK was 26% and gradually decreased to control irrigation without irrigation (20%). The lowest infestation intensity was on the control variant without irrigation (0.6%), where treatment with the fungicide Score was performed. The largest percentage of the intensity of attack by V. Inaequalis on apple fruit was on the variant without chemical protection (6.2%), where pre-irrigation soil moisture was maintained at 80% of PVK. In all variants with chemical protection in irrigation conditions there was a low intensity of attack by V. Inaequalis (0.1-0.5%).Najveći intenzitet napada V. Inaequalis na liŔću jabuke zabeležen je na kontrolnoj varijanti bez primene fungicida. Na kontrolnoj varijanti sa predzalivnom vlažnoŔću zemljiÅ”ta 80% od PVK procenat zaraze bio je 26% i postepeno opadao ka kontrolnoj varijanti bez navodnjavanja (20%). Najmanji intenzitet zaraze je bio na kontrolnoj varijanti bez navodnjavanja (0,6%), gde je obavljen tretman sa fungicidom Score. Najveći procenat intenziteta napada V. Inaequalis na plodu jabuke bio je na varijanti bez hemijske zaÅ”tite (6,2%), gde je održavana predzalivna vlažnost zemljiÅ”ta 80% od PVK. Na svim varijantama sa hemijskom zaÅ”titom u uslovima navodnjavanja ostvaren je nizak intenzitet napada V. Inaequalis (0,1-0,5%)

    Varijabilnost prinosa različitih sorti ozimog ječma

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    This paper presents the results of winter barley cultivars (Rekord, Grand, NS 565 and Nonijus). Varieties were grown in the experimental field of Agro-chemical school "Dr. Djordje Radic"-Kraljevo during two growing seasons. By examining the physical properties of grain, Nonijus was achieved the highest average yield in both growing seasons (4.140 t ha-1, 5.706 t ha-1). The significant difference in the significance between the impact of the year on grain quality in the examined barley varieties was significant for grain yield. The established differences in significance from the point of view of the genotype to the average values of grain yield were statistically not significant.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja ozimih sorti ječma (Rekord, Grand, NS 565 i Nonijus). Sorte su gajene na oglednom polju Poljoprivredno-hemijske Å”kole ā€žDr Đorđe Radićā€œ-Kraljevo, tokom dve vegetacione sezone. Ispitivanjem fizičkih osobina zrna, sorta Nonijus je ostvarila najveći prosečan prinos zrna u obe vegetacijske sezone (4,140 t ha-1; 5,706 t ha-1). Utvrđena razlika značajnosti između uticaja godine na kvalitet zrna kod ispitivanih sorti ječma, bila je značajna za prinos zrna. Ustanovljene razlike značajnosti sa stanoviÅ”ta uticaja genotipa na prosečne vrednosti prinosa zrna statistički nisu bile signifikantne

    Influence of insecticides on total canal lenght in the corn stem formed by feeding Ostrinia nubilalis larvae

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of insecticides on the total length of canals in corn stems formed by the feeding of larvae of Ostrinia nubilalis. The research was carried out in the experimental field of the Zemun Polje Maize Institute in 2018. Two maize hybrids of different FAO ripening groups (ZP 427 and ZP 666) were tested. Two insecticides were compared on the total canal length in corn stalks in order to determine if there is a statistically significant difference in the effect of the applied insecticides. The preparations Coragen SC with the active substance chlorantraniliprole and Phobos EC with the active substance bifenthrin were used. At the end of the corn harvest, the plants were dissected, where, in addition to other measurements, the length of the canals formed by the feeding of the larvae of the corn borer was measured. The results showed that there is a significant difference between treated and untreated plants. The best results were achieved with the insecticide with the active substance chlorantraniliprole in hybrid ZP 427, where the total length of all channels formed by feeding O. nubilalis larvae was 166.67 cm, while the worst results were found in the control variant of hybrid ZP 666 with 278.33 cm

    Uticaj različitih pesticida i napada kukuruznog plamenca na sadržaj fitinskog fosfora u zrnu kukuruza

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    This work aimed to evaluate changes in phytic phosphorus content as the response of three maize hybrids (ZP 457, ZP 5601, and ZP 606) to different pesticide treatments for European Corn Borer (ECB) attacks and, as well as the correlation between damage caused by ECB attack and Pphy content. In the experimental field, maize ears were sampled and dried at a moisture content of 14% for the determination of changes in phytic phosphorus content in the grain. The content of phytic phosphorus was determined using UV / VIS spectrophotometry. Observed results showed the highest content of phytic phosphorus for untreated control for all tested hybrids, compared to pesticide treatments. The content of Pphy in the tested maize kernel samples ranged from 2.12 to 3.40 mg g -1. A significant positive correlation between attacks of larvae and Pphy content could indicate activation of its antioxidative function as a response to damage caused by ECB attack.Cilj ovog rada je procena promene u sadržaju fitinskog fosfora kao odgovora tri hibrida kukuruza (ZP 457, ZP 5601 i ZP 606) na različite tretmane pesticidima protiv napada kukuruznog plamenca, kao i određivanje korelacije između oÅ”tećenja biljke izazvane napadom larvi i sadržaja fitinskog fosfora. U oglednom polju uzorkovani su klipovi kukuruza radi određivanja promene sadržaja fitinskog fosfora u zrnu UV/VIS spektrofotometrijom. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali najveći sadržaj fitinskog fosfora za netretiranu kontrolu kod svih ispitivanih hibrida u poređenju sa tretmanima pesticidima. Sadržaj fitinskog fosfora u ispitivanim uzorcima zrna kukuruza kretao se od 2,12 do 3,40 mg g-1. Uočena značajna pozitivna korelacija između napada larvi i sadržaja fitinskog P može ukazivati na aktivaciju njegove antioksidativne funkcije kao odgovor na oÅ”tećenja izazvana napadom kukuruznog plamenca

    Influence of insecticides application on channel lenght in stem of maize plants caused by feeding of larvae of European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn.)

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    In maize plants the attack of European corn borer can cause significant damages, which can lessen by insecticide application in crop protection. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of insecticides on the total length of channels in maize plant stem formed by the feeding of larvae Ostrinia nubilalis. The research was carried out in Maize Research Institute different FAO ripening groups (ZP 434, ZP 600 and ZP 666) and three insecticides chlorantraniliprole (200 g l-1), bifenthrin (100 g l-1) and lufenuron (50 g l-1)+(cypermethrin (50 g l-1) + chlorpyrifos (500 g l-1)), which were applied only after the maximum flight of the first generation to protect plants from attack of European corn borer. The result showed significantly different total length of channels in the stem of plants, caused by feeding of the larvae of European corn borer, which varied from the lowest on treatment with insecticide chlorantraniliprole in maize genotype ZP 600 (170.00 cm) to the highest in maize genotype ZP 666 (278.33 cm) on the control variant (without insecticide application). For all treatments, the average value of total length of channels in stem, was the lowest 192.92 cm in ZP 434, slightly higher 195.42 cm in ZP 600, while the highest average value of total length of channels was 233.34 cm in maize genotype ZP 606. The established differences for total length of channels depended on genotype and type of insecticide applie