6 research outputs found

    Additional file 3: of Ticks are more suitable than red foxes for monitoring zoonotic tick-borne pathogens in northeastern Italy

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    Figure S2. Pattern of tick-borne pathogens found in Ixodes ricinus in the five permanent sites according to year of sampling. Abbreviations: Apha, Anaplasma pagocytophilum; Bbs.l., Borrelia burgdorferi (sensu lato) complex; Bafz, Borrelia afzelii; Bbs.s., Borrelia burgdorferi (sensu stricto); Bval, Borrelia valaisiana; CNmi, “Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis”; Rhel, Richettsia helvetica; Rmon, Rickettsia monacensis. (TIFF 161 kb

    Phylogeographic analysis of 77 European WNV-2 isolates forming a single monophyletic group.

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    <p>The branches of the maximum clade credibility (MCC) tree are coloured on the basis of the most probable location of the descendent nodes (AT = Austria; CZ = Czech Republic; GR = Greece; HU = Hungary; IT = Italy; SR = Serbia). The numbers on the internal nodes indicate significant posterior probabilities (pp >0.7), and the scale at the bottom of the tree represents calendar years. The main geographical clades are highlighted.</p