48 research outputs found

    Quaternion-Octonion SU(3) Flavor Symmetry

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    Starting with the quaternionic formulation of isospin SU(2) group, we have derived the relations for different components of isospin with quark states. Extending this formalism to the case of SU(3) group we have considered the theory of octonion variables. Accordingly, the octonion splitting of SU(3) group have been reconsidered and various commutation relations for SU(3) group and its shift operators are also derived and verified for different iso-spin multiplets i.e. I, U and V- spins. Keywords: SU(3), Quaternions, Octonions and Gell Mann matrices PACS NO: 11.30.Hv: Flavor symmetries; 12.10-Dm: Unified field theories and models of strong and electroweak interaction

    Quaternion Octonion Reformulation of Quantum Chromodynamics

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    We have made an attempt to develop the quaternionic formulation of Yang - Mill's field equations and octonion reformulation of quantum chromo dynamics (QCD). Starting with the Lagrangian density, we have discussed the field equations of SU(2) and SU(3) gauge fields for both cases of global and local gauge symmetries. It has been shown that the three quaternion units explain the structure of Yang- Mill's field while the seven octonion units provide the consistent structure of SU(3)_{C} gauge symmetry of quantum chromo dynamics

    Octonion Quantum Chromodynamics

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    Starting with the usual definitions of octonions, an attempt has been made to establish the relations between octonion basis elements and Gell-Mann \lambda matrices of SU(3)symmetry on comparing the multiplication tables for Gell-Mann \lambda matrices of SU(3)symmetry and octonion basis elements. Consequently, the quantum chromo dynamics (QCD) has been reformulated and it is shown that the theory of strong interactions could be explained better in terms of non-associative octonion algebra. Further, the octonion automorphism group SU(3) has been suitably handled with split basis of octonion algebra showing that the SU(3)_{C}gauge theory of colored quarks carries two real gauge fields which are responsible for the existence of two gauge potentials respectively associated with electric charge and magnetic monopole and supports well the idea that the colored quarks are dyons

    Quaternion-Octonion Unitary Symmetries and Analogous Casimir Operators

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    An attempt has been made to investigate the global SU(2) and SU(3) unitary flavor symmetries systematically in terms of quaternion and octonion respectively. It is shown that these symmetries are suitably handled with quaternions and octonions in order to obtain their generators, commutation rules and symmetry properties. Accordingly, Casimir operators for SU(2)and SU(3) flavor symmetries are also constructed for the proper testing of these symmetries in terms of quaternions and octonions

    Registered Replication Report: Dijksterhuis and van Knippenberg (1998)

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    Dijksterhuis and van Knippenberg (1998) reported that participants primed with a category associated with intelligence ("professor") subsequently performed 13% better on a trivia test than participants primed with a category associated with a lack of intelligence ("soccer hooligans"). In two unpublished replications of this study designed to verify the appropriate testing procedures, Dijksterhuis, van Knippenberg, and Holland observed a smaller difference between conditions (2%-3%) as well as a gender difference: Men showed the effect (9.3% and 7.6%), but women did not (0.3% and -0.3%). The procedure used in those replications served as the basis for this multilab Registered Replication Report. A total of 40 laboratories collected data for this project, and 23 of these laboratories met all inclusion criteria. Here we report the meta-analytic results for those 23 direct replications (total N = 4,493), which tested whether performance on a 30-item general-knowledge trivia task differed between these two priming conditions (results of supplementary analyses of the data from all 40 labs, N = 6,454, are also reported). We observed no overall difference in trivia performance between participants primed with the "professor" category and those primed with the "hooligan" category (0.14%) and no moderation by gender

    UBVRI Light curves of 44 Type Ia supernovae

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    We present UBVRI photometry of 44 Type la supernovae (SNe la) observed from 1997 to 2001 as part of a continuing monitoring campaign at the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. The data set comprises 2190 observations and is the largest homogeneously observed and reduced sample of SNe la to date, nearly doubling the number of well-observed, nearby SNe la with published multicolor CCD light curves. The large sample of [U-band photometry is a unique addition, with important connections to SNe la observed at high redshift. The decline rate of SN la U-band light curves correlates well with the decline rate in other bands, as does the U - B color at maximum light. However, the U-band peak magnitudes show an increased dispersion relative to other bands even after accounting for extinction and decline rate, amounting to an additional ∌40% intrinsic scatter compared to the B band