5,958 research outputs found

    Lower-dimensional pure-spinor superstrings

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    We study to what extent it is possible to generalise Berkovits' pure-spinor construction in d=10 to lower dimensions. Using a suitable definition of a ``pure'' spinor in d=4,6, we propose models analogous to the d=10 pure-spinor superstring in these dimensions. Similar models in d=2,3 are also briefly discussed.Comment: 17 page

    BFT embedding of the Green-Schwarz superstring and the pure spinor formalism

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    We worked out the Batalin-Fradkin-Tyutin (BFT) conversion program of second class constraints to first class constraints in the GS superstring using light cone coordinates. By applying this systematic procedure we were able to obtain a gauge system that is equivalent to the recent model proposed by Berkovits and Marchioro to relate the GS superstring to the pure spinor formalism.Comment: 12 pages latex2e, v2 typos fixed, v3 published in JHE

    Towards Pure Spinor Type Covariant Description of Supermembrane -- An Approach from the Double Spinor Formalism --

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    In a previous work, we have constructed a reparametrization invariant worldsheet action from which one can derive the super-Poincare covariant pure spinor formalism for the superstring at the fully quantum level. The main idea was the doubling of the spinor degrees of freedom in the Green-Schwarz formulation together with the introduction of a new compensating local fermionic symmetry. In this paper, we extend this "double spinor" formalism to the case of the supermembrane in 11 dimensions at the classical level. The basic scheme works in parallel with the string case and we are able to construct the closed algebra of first class constraints which governs the entire dynamics of the system. A notable difference from the string case is that this algebra is first order reducible and the associated BRST operator must be constructed accordingly. The remaining problems which need to be solved for the quantization will also be discussed.Comment: 40 pages, no figure, uses wick.sty; v2: a reference added, published versio

    Pure-spinor superstrings in d=2,4,6

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    We continue the study of the d=2,4,6 pure-spinor superstring models introduced in [1]. By explicitly solving the pure-spinor constraint we show that these theories have vanishing central charge and work out the (covariant) current algebra for the Lorentz currents. We argue that these super-Poincare covariant models may be thought of as compactifications of the superstring on CY_{4,3,2}, and take some steps toward making this precise by constructing a map to the RNS superstring variables. We also discuss the relation to the so called hybrid superstrings, which describe the same type of compactifications.Comment: 27 page

    Relating Green-Schwarz and Extended Pure Spinor Formalisms by Similarity Transformation

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    In order to gain deeper understanding of pure-spinor-based formalisms of superstring, an explicit similarity transformation is constructed which provides operator mapping between the light-cone Green-Schwarz (LCGS) formalism and the extended pure spinor (EPS) formalism, a recently proposed generalization of the Berkovits' formalism in an enlarged space. By applying a systematic procedure developed in our previous work, we first construct an analogous mapping in the bosonic string relating the BRST and the light-cone formulations. This provides sufficient insights and allows us to construct the desired mapping in the more intricate case of superstring as well. The success of the construction owes much to the enlarged field space where pure spinor constraints are removed and to the existence of the ``B-ghost'' in the EPS formalism.Comment: 37pages, no figur

    Origin of Pure Spinor Superstring

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    The pure spinor formalism for the superstring, initiated by N. Berkovits, is derived at the fully quantum level starting from a fundamental reparametrization invariant and super-Poincare invariant worldsheet action. It is a simple extension of the Green-Schwarz action with doubled spinor degrees of freedom with a compensating local supersymmetry on top of the conventional kappa-symmetry. Equivalence to the Green-Schwarz formalism is manifest from the outset. The use of free fields in the pure spinor formalism is justified from the first principle. The basic idea works also for the superparticle in 11 dimensions.Comment: 21 pages, no figure; v2: refs. adde

    Ghost constraints and the covariant quantization of the superparticle in ten dimensions

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    We present a modification of the Berkovits superparticle. This is firstly in order to covariantly quantize the pure spinor ghosts, and secondly to covariantly calculate matrix elements of a generic operator between two states. We proceed by lifting the pure spinor ghost constraints and regaining them through a BRST cohomology. We are then able to perform a BRST quantization of the system in the usual way, except for some interesting subtleties. Since the pure spinor constraints are reducible, ghosts for ghosts terms are needed, which have so far been calculated up to level 4. Even without a completion of these terms, we are still able to calculate arbitrary matrix elements of a physical operator between two physical states.Comment: 38 pages, Latex, no figures. Published versio

    An Introduction to the Covariant Quantization of Superstrings

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    We give an introduction to a new approach to the covariant quantization of superstrings. After a brief review of the classical Green--Schwarz superstring and Berkovits' approach to its quantization based on pure spinors, we discuss our covariant formulation without pure spinor constraints. We discuss the relation between the concept of grading, which we introduced to define vertex operators, and homological perturbation theory, and we compare our work with recent work by others. In the appendices, we include some background material for the Green-Schwarz and Berkovits formulations, in order that this presentation be self contained.Comment: LaTex, 23 pp. Contribution to the Proceedings of the Workshop in String Theory, Leuven 2002, some references added and a comment on ref. [16

    Non-BPS D-Branes in Light-Cone Green-Schwarz Formalism

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    Non-BPS D-branes are difficult to describe covariantly in a manifestly supersymmetric formalism. For definiteness we concentrate on type IIB string theory in flat background in light-cone Green-Schwarz formalism. We study both the boundary state and the boundary conformal field theory descriptions of these D-branes with manifest SO(8) covariance and go through various consistency checks. We analyze Sen's original construction of non-BPS D-branes given in terms of an orbifold boundary conformal field theory. We also directly study the relevant world-sheet theory by deriving the open string boundary condition from the covariant boundary state. Both these methods give the same open string spectrum which is consistent with the boundary state, as required by the world-sheet duality. The boundary condition found in the second method is given in terms of bi-local fields that are quadratic in Green-Schwarz fermions. We design a special ``doubling trick'' suitable to handle such boundary conditions and prescribe rules for computing all possible correlation functions without boundary insertions. This prescription has been tested by computing disk one-point functions of several classes of closed string states and comparing the results with the boundary state computation.Comment: 47 pages, 1 figure. Typos corrected, references added and slight modification of certain explanation made. Version accepted for publication in JHE

    Non-Critical Pure Spinor Superstrings

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    We construct non-critical pure spinor superstrings in two, four and six dimensions. We find explicitly the map between the RNS variables and the pure spinor ones in the linear dilaton background. The RNS variables map onto a patch of the pure spinor space and the holomorphic top form on the pure spinor space is an essential ingredient of the mapping. A basic feature of the map is the requirement of doubling the superspace, which we analyze in detail. We study the structure of the non-critical pure spinor space, which is different from the ten-dimensional one, and its quantum anomalies. We compute the pure spinor lowest lying BRST cohomology and find an agreement with the RNS spectra. The analysis is generalized to curved backgrounds and we construct as an example the non-critical pure spinor type IIA superstring on AdS_4 with RR 4-form flux.Comment: LaTeX2e, 76 pages, no figures, JHEP style; v2: references and acknowledgments added, typos corrected; v3: typos corrected and minor changes to match published versio
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