776 research outputs found

    Beaufort/Bering 1979 microwave remote sensing data catalog report, 14-24 March 1979

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    The airborne microwave remote sending measurements obtained by the Langley Research Center in support of the 1979 Sea-Ice Radar Experiment (SIRE) in the Beaufort and Bering Seas are discussed. The remote sensing objective of SIRE was to define correlations between both active and passive microwave signatures and ice phenomena assocated with practical applications in the Arctic. The instruments used by Langley during SIRE include the stepped frequency microwave radiometer (SFMR), the airborne microwave scatterometer (AMSCAT), the precision radiation thermometer (PRT-5), and metric aerial photography. Remote sensing data are inventoried and cataloged in a user-friendly format. The data catalog is presented as time-history plots when and where data were obtained as well as the sensor configuration

    Active and passive microwave measurements in Hurricane Allen

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    The NASA Langley Research Center analysis of the airborne microwave remote sensing measurements of Hurricane Allen obtained on August 5 and 8, 1980 is summarized. The instruments were the C-band stepped frequency microwave radiometer and the Ku-band airborne microwave scatterometer. They were carried aboard a NOAA aircraft making storm penetrations at an altitude of 3000 m and are sensitive to rain rate, surface wind speed, and surface wind vector. The wind speed is calculated from the increase in antenna brightness temperature above the estimated calm sea value. The rain rate is obtained from the difference between antenna temperature increases measured at two frequencies, and wind vector is determined from the sea surface normalized radar cross section measured at several azimuths. Comparison wind data were provided from the inertial navigation systems aboard both the C-130 aircraft at 3000 m and a second NOAA aircraft (a P-3) operating between 500 and 1500 m. Comparison rain rate data were obtained with a rain radar aboard the P-3. Evaluation of the surface winds obtained with the two microwave instruments was limited to comparisons with each other and with the flight level winds. Two important conclusions are drawn from these comparisons: (1) the radiometer is accurate when predicting flight level wind speeds and rain; and (2) the scatterometer produces well behaved and consistent wind vectors for the rain free periods

    Greenland 1979 microwave remote sensing data catalog report, 14-15 October 1979

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    Microwave remote sensing measurements were cataloged for active and passive instruments in support of the 1979 Greenland Remote Sensing Experiment. Instruments used in this field experiment include the stepped frequency microwave radiometer (4 to 8 GHz) and the airborne microwave scatterometer (14.6 GHz). The microwave signature data are inventoried and cataloged in a user friendly format and are available on 9 track computer compatible tapes upon request

    Neoproterozoic to Cambrian granitoids of northern Mozambique and Dronning Maud Land Antarctica.

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    第2回極域科学シンポジウム/第31回極域地学シンポジウム 11月17日(木) 国立極地研究所 2階大会議

    Terrane correlation between Antarctica, Mozambique and Sri Lanka; comparisons of geochronology, lithology, structure and metamorphism and possible implications for the geology of southern Africa and Antarctica

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    Analysis of new lithological, structural, metamorphic and geochronological data from extensive mapping in Mozambique permits recognition of two distinct crustal blocks separated by the Lurio Belt shear zone. Extrapolation of the Mozambique data to adjacent areas in Sri Lanka and Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica permits the recognition of similar crustal blocks and allows the interpretation that the various blocks in Mozambique, Sri Lanka and Antarctica were once part of a mega-nappe, forming part of northern Gondwana, which was thrust-faulted c. 600 km over southern Gondwana during amalgamation of Gondwana at c. 590-550 Ma. The data suggest a deeper level of erosion in southern Africa compared with Antarctica. It is possible that this thrust domain extends, through the Zambezi Belt or Valley, as far west as the Damara Orogen in Namibia with the Naukluft nappes in Namibia, the Makuti Group, the Masoso Suite in the Rushinga area and the Urungwe klippen in northern Zimbabwe, fitting the mega-nappe pattern. Erosional products of the mountain belt are now represented by 700-400 Ma age detrital zircons present in the various sandstone formations of the Transantarctic Mountains, their correlatives in Australia, as well as the Urfjell Group (western Dronning Maud Land) and probably the Natal Group in South Africa

    Comparative statistical analysis of bacteria genomes in "word" context

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    Statistical analysis of bacteria genomes texts has been performed on the basis of 20 complete genomes origin from Genebank. It has been revealed that the word ranked distributions are quite well approximated by logarithmic law. Results obtained in the absent words investigation show the considerably nonrandom character of DNA texts. In character of autocorrelation function behavior in several genomes period 3 oscillations were found. Short range autocorrelations are present in short (n=3n=3) words and practically absent in longer words.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physica