2,489 research outputs found

    SU(2) Symmetry and Degeneracy From SUSY QM of a Neutron in the Magnetic Field of a Linear Current

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    From SUSY ladder operators in momentum space of a neutron in the magnetic field of a linear current, we construct 2×22\times 2 matrix operators that together with the z-component of the angular momentum satisfy the su(2) Lie algebra. We use this fact to explain the degeneracy of the energy spectrum

    The SU(1,1) Perelomov number coherent states and the non-degenerate parametric amplifier

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    We construct the Perelomov number coherent states for any three su(1,1)su(1,1) Lie algebra generators and study some of their properties. We introduce three operators which act on Perelomov number coherent states and close the su(1,1)su(1,1) Lie algebra. We show that the most general SU(1,1)SU(1,1) coherence-preserving Hamiltonian has the Perelomov number coherent states as eigenfunctions, and we obtain their time evolution. We apply our results to obtain the non-degenerate parametric amplifier eigenfunctions, which are shown to be the Perelomov number coherent states of the two-dimensional harmonic oscillator

    SU(1,1)SU(1,1) coherent states for Dirac-Kepler-Coulomb problem in D+1D+1 dimensions with scalar and vector potentials

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    We decouple the Dirac's radial equations in D+1D+1 dimensions with Coulomb-type scalar and vector potentials through appropriate transformations. We study each of these uncoupled second-order equations in an algebraic way by using an su(1,1)su(1,1) algebra realization. Based on the theory of irreducible representations, we find the energy spectrum and the radial eigenfunctions. We construct the Perelomov coherent states for the Sturmian basis, which is the basis for the unitary irreducible representation of the su(1,1)su(1,1) Lie algebra. The physical radial coherent states for our problem are obtained by applying the inverse original transformations to the Sturmian coherent states

    A generalized Jaynes-Cummings model: The relativistic parametric amplifier and a single trapped ion

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    We introduce a generalization of the Jaynes-Cummings model and study some of its properties. We obtain the energy spectrum and eigenfunctions of this model by using the tilting transformation and the squeezed number states of the one-dimensional har- monic oscillator. As physical applications, we connect this new model to two important and novelty problems: the relativistic parametric amplifier and the quantum simulation of a single trapped ion.Comment: This paper was published onder the title "A generalized Jaynes-Cummings model: The relativistic parametric amplifier and a single trapped ion

    The su(1,1) Dynamical Algebra for the Generalized MICZ-Kepler Problem from the Schr\"odinger Factorization

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    We apply the Schr\"odinger factorization to construct the generators of the dynamical algebra su(1,1)su(1,1) for the radial equation of the generalized MICZ-Kepler problem.Comment: 11 page

    On the supersymmetry of the Dirac-Kepler problem plus a Coulomb-type scalar potential in D+1 dimensions and the generalized Lippmann-Johnson operator

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    We study the Dirac-Kepler problem plus a Coulomb-type scalar potential by generalizing the Lippmann-Johnson operator to D spatial dimensions. From this operator, we construct the supersymmetric generators to obtain the energy spectrum for discrete excited eigenstates and the radial spinor for the SUSY ground stat

    SU(1,1)SU(1,1) solution for the Dunkl oscillator in two dimensions and its coherent states

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    We study the Dunkl oscillator in two dimensions by the su(1,1)su(1,1) algebraic method. We apply the Schr\"odinger factorization to the radial Hamiltonian of the Dunkl oscillator to find the su(1,1)su(1,1) Lie algebra generators. The energy spectrum is found by using the theory of unitary irreducible representations. By solving analytically the Schr\"odinger equation, we construct the Sturmian basis for the unitary irreducible representations of the su(1,1)su(1,1) Lie algebra. We construct the SU(1,1)SU(1,1) Perelomov radial coherent states for this problem and compute their time evolution.Comment: 14 page

    SU(1,1)SU(1,1) Approach to Stokes Parameters and the Theory of Light Polarization

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    We introduce an alternative approach to the polarization theory of light. This is based on a set of quantum operators, constructed from two independent bosons, being three of them the su(1,1)su(1,1) Lie algebra generators, and the other one, the Casimir operator of this algebra. By taking the expectation value of these generators in a two-mode coherent state, their classical limit is obtained. We use these classical quantities to define the new Stokes-like parameters. We show that the light polarization ellipse can be written in terms of the Stokes-like parameters. Also, we write these parameters in terms of other two quantities, and show that they define a one-sheet (Poincar\'e hyperboloid) of a two-sheet hyperboloid. Our study is restricted to the case of a monochromatic plane electromagnetic wave which propagates along the zz axis

    Non-Hermitian inverted Harmonic Oscillator-Type Hamiltonians Generated from Supersymmetry with Reflections

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    By modifying and generalizing known supersymmetric models we are able to find four different sets of one-dimensional Hamiltonians for the inverted harmonic oscillator. The first set of Hamiltonians is derived by extending the supersymmetric quantum mechanics with reflections to non-Hermitian supercharges. The second set is obtained by generalizing the supersymmetric quantum mechanics valid for non-Hermitian supercharges with the Dunkl derivative instead of ddx\frac{d}{dx}. Also, by changing the derivative ddx\frac{d}{dx} by the Dunkl derivative in the creation and annihilation-type operators of the standard inverted Harmonic oscillator HSIO=−12d2dx2−12x2H_{SIO}=-\frac{1}{2}\frac{d^2}{dx^2}-\frac{1}{2}x^2, we generate the third set of Hamiltonians. The fourth set of Hamiltonians emerges by allowing a parameter of the supersymmetric two-body Calogero-type model to take imaginary values. The eigensolutions of definite parity for each set of Hamiltonians are given

    An algebraic approach to a charged particle in an uniform magnetic field

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    We study the problem of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field with two different gauges, known as Landau and symmetric gauges. By using a similarity transformation in terms of the displacement operator we show that, for the Landau gauge, the eigenfunctions for this problem are the harmonic oscillator number coherent states. In the symmetric gauge, we calculate the SU(1,1)SU(1,1) Perelomov number coherent states for this problem in cylindrical coordinates in a closed form. Finally, we show that these Perelomov number coherent states are related to the harmonic oscillator number coherent states by the contraction of the SU(1,1)SU(1,1) group to the Heisenberg-Weyl group.Comment: 11 page
