4 research outputs found

    Evidence of a Cloud-Cloud Collision from Overshooting Gas in the Galactic Center

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    The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy with "bar lanes" that bring gas towards the Galactic Center. Gas flowing along these bar lanes often overshoots, and instead of accreting onto the Central Molecular Zone, it collides with the bar lane on the opposite side of the Galaxy. We observed G5, a cloud which we believe is the site of one such collision, near the Galactic Center at (l,b) = (+5.4, -0.4) with the ALMA/ACA. We took measurements of the spectral lines 12^{12}CO J=2-1, 13^{13}CO J=2-1, C18^{18}O J=2-1, H2_2CO J=303_{03}-202_{02}, H2_{2}CO J=322_{22}-221_{21}, CH3_{3}OH J=422_{22}-312_{12}, OCS J=18-17 and SiO J=5-4. We observed a velocity bridge between two clouds at \sim50 km/s and \sim150 km/sin our position-velocity diagram, which is direct evidence of a cloud-cloud collision. We measured an average gas temperature of \sim60 K in G5 using H2_2CO integrated intensity line ratios. We observed that the 12^{12}C/13^{13}C ratio in G5 is consistent with optically thin, or at most marginally optically thick 12^{12}CO. We measured 1.5 x 109^9 cm2^{-2}(K km/s)1^{-1} for the local XCO_{CO}, 10-20x less than the average Galactic value. G5 is strong direct observational evidence of gas overshooting the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) and colliding with a bar lane on the opposite side of the Galactic center.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. 27 pages, 19 figure

    Evidence of a Cloud–Cloud Collision from Overshooting Gas in the Galactic Center

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    The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy with bar lanes that bring gas toward the Galactic center. Gas flowing along these bar lanes often overshoots, and instead of accreting onto the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ), it collides with the bar lane on the opposite side of the Galaxy. We observed G5, a cloud that we believe is the site of one such collision, near the Galactic center at ( ℓ , b ) = ( +5.4, −0.4) with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array/Atacama Compact Array. We took measurements of the spectral lines ^12 CO J = 2 → 1, ^13 CO J = 2 → 1, C ^18 O J = 2 → 1, H _2 CO J = 3 _03 → 2 _02 , H _2 CO J = 3 _22 → 2 _21 , CH _3 OH J = 4 _22 → 3 _12 , OCS J = 18 → 17, and SiO J = 5 → 4. We observed a velocity bridge between two clouds at ∼50 and ∼150 km s ^−1 in our position–velocity diagram, which is direct evidence of a cloud–cloud collision. We measured an average gas temperature of ∼60 K in G5 using H _2 CO integrated-intensity line ratios. We observed that the ^12 C/ ^13 C ratio in G5 is consistent with optically thin, or at most marginally optically thick ^12 CO. We measured 1.5×1019cm2(Kkms1)11.5\times {10}^{19}\,{\mathrm{cm}}^{-2}\,{({\rm{K}}\,\mathrm{km}\,{{\rm{s}}}^{-1})}^{-1} for the local X _CO , 10–20× less than the average Galactic value. G5 is strong direct observational evidence of gas overshooting the CMZ and colliding with a bar lane on the opposite side of the Galactic center

    A Broad Line-width, Compact, Millimeter-bright Molecular Emission Line Source near the Galactic Center

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    A compact source, G0.02467–0.0727, was detected in Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array 3 mm observations in continuum and very broad line emission. The continuum emission has a spectral index α ≈ 3.3, suggesting that the emission is from dust. The line emission is detected in several transitions of CS, SO, and SO _2 and exhibits a line width FWHM ≈ 160 km s ^−1 . The line profile appears Gaussian. The emission is weakly spatially resolved, coming from an area on the sky ≲1″ in diameter (≲10 ^4 au at the distance of the Galactic center, GC). The centroid velocity is v _LSR ≈ 40–50 km s ^−1 , which is consistent with a location in the GC. With multiple SO lines detected, and assuming local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) conditions, the gas temperature is T _LTE = 13 K, which is colder than seen in typical GC clouds, though we cannot rule out low-density, subthermally excited, warmer gas. Despite the high velocity dispersion, no emission is observed from SiO, suggesting that there are no strong (≳10 km s ^−1 ) shocks in the molecular gas. There are no detections at other wavelengths, including X-ray, infrared, and radio. We consider several explanations for the millimeter ultra-broad-line object (MUBLO), including protostellar outflow, explosive outflow, a collapsing cloud, an evolved star, a stellar merger, a high-velocity compact cloud, an intermediate-mass black hole, and a background galaxy. Most of these conceptual models are either inconsistent with the data or do not fully explain them. The MUBLO is, at present, an observationally unique object