2 research outputs found

    Aggressive Youthful Action. The Role of the School in Youth Deviance

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    In Italy, as in many countries, it is difficult to measure the phenomenon of youthful deviance and associate it with the role of educational institutions in growth and training. It is a silent, hidden, overbearing bond, which is not measurable by the indicators represented in the social, psychological and economic systems and which often hides one or many truths (misunderstandings, personal, family and socio-economic distress, baby crime, gang initiation). We will try to highlight the elements of this link.What can be done to reduce the discomfort of young people that very often results in aggressive behavior towards themselves and towards others

    Education and the Determinants of Early School Leaving in Campania

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    Skills gaps between people and socio-economic groups persist over time and affect the future of generations.Social change sees the relationship between education as a dynamic process, linked to “life long learning” and equity (Lisbon Commision, 2020) and the concept of human capital.The analysis of such a correlation will be the subject of the study to highlight the reasons for early school leaving and the repercussions on the labour market in some disadvantaged territorial units of reference in Campania (Italy).This regional context is characterized by a higher incidence of poverty, poor school performance and a less favourable condition of young people in the labour market.The examination will focus on the northern suburbs of Naples